- Practical feasibility of Kalman filters for the state estimation of lithium-ion batteries. Dissertation, 2018 mehr…
- Influence of change in open circuit voltage on the state of charge estimation with an extended Kalman filter. Journal of Energy Storage 12, 2017, 149-156 mehr…
- Validation and benchmark methods for battery managment system functionalities: State of charge estimation algorithms. Journal of Energy Storage (7), 2016, 38-51 mehr…
- Ageing of lithium-ion battery modules with dissipative balancing compared with single-cell ageing. Journal of Energy Storage 6, 2016, 142-152 mehr…
- A comparative study and review of different Kalman filters by applying an enhanced validation method. Journal of Energy Storage 8, 2016, 142 - 159 mehr…
- Correlation between capacity and impedance of lithium-ion cells during calendar and cycle life. Journal of Power Sources 305, 2016, 191-199 mehr…
- Module ageing of Li-ion cells with active balancing compared to the ageing behaviour on cell level. 22. DESIGN&ELEKTRONIK, 2015 mehr…
- Vergleich der Alterung von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien auf Zell- und Modulebene. 22. DESIGN&ELEKTRONIK, 2015 mehr…
- Module ageing of Li-ion cells with active balancing compared to the ageing behaviour on cell level. EVS 28, 2015 mehr…
- Evaluation of the Aging Behaviour of Stationary Lithium-Ion Battery Storage Systems for different Photovoltaic-Driven Applications in Low Voltage Grids. PVSec, 2015 mehr…
- Correlation between capacity and impedance of lithium-ion cells during calendar and cycle life. World Electric Vehicle Association , 2015 mehr…
- Functionality and Behaviour of an Dual Kalman Filter implemented on a Modular Battery-Management-System. Conference on Future Automotive Technology: Focus Electromobility, 2013 mehr…