- Mechanistic cycle aging model for the open-circuit voltage curve of lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 593, 2024, 233947 mehr…
- Modeling Particle Versus SEI Cracking in Lithium-Ion Battery Degradation: Why Calendar and Cycle Aging Cannot Simply be Added. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 171 (9), 2024, 090512 mehr…
- Non-destructive electrode potential and open-circuit voltage aging estimation for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 602, 2024, 234341 mehr…
- Empirical modeling of degradation mode evolution during calendar aging of lithium-ion batteries. Advanced Battery Power 2023 2023Aachen mehr…
- Mechanistic calendar aging model for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 578, 2023, 233208 mehr…
- Capacity and degradation mode estimation for lithium-ion batteries based on partial charging curves at different current rates. Journal of Energy Storage 59, 2023, 106517 mehr…
- Experimental degradation study of a commercial lithium-ion battery. Journal of Power Sources 560, 2023, 232498 mehr…
- Using degradation modes for large-scale capacity and power fade diagnostics. Kraftwerk Batterie 2022 mehr…
- Modeling capacity fade of lithium-ion batteries during dynamic cycling considering path dependence. Journal of Energy Storage 52, 2022, 104718 mehr…
- Teardown analysis and characterization of a commercial lithium-ion battery for advanced algorithms in battery electric vehicles. Journal of Energy Storage 48, 2022, 103909 mehr…