Philipp Jocher, Franz Roehrer, Mathias Rehm, Totilo Idrizi, Adrian Himmelreich, Andreas Jossen: Scaling from cell to system: Comparing Lithium-ion and Sodium-ion technologies regarding inhomogeneous resistance and temperature in parallel configuration by sensitivity factors. Journal of Energy Storage 98, 2024, 112931 mehr…
Julius Schmitt, Mathias Rehm, Alexander Karger, Andreas Jossen: Capacity and degradation mode estimation for lithium-ion batteries based on partial charging curves at different current rates. Journal of Energy Storage 59, 2023, 106517 mehr…
Mathias Rehm, Jakob Eberl, Hannah Bosch, Andreas Jossen: Determining the silicon content in silicon-graphite blend electrodes of lithium-ion batteries by applying the differential voltage analysis. Advanced Battery Power 2023 2023Aachenmehr…
Sebastian Ludwig, Ilya Zilberman, Andreas Oberbauer, Marcel Rogge, Marco Fischer, Mathias Rehm, Andreas Jossen: Adaptive method for sensorless temperature estimation over the lifetime of lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 521, 2022, 230864 mehr…