The Paris climate targets are pushing research, industry and politics to develop sustainable solutions for the energy supply of the future. Hydrogen is seen as an important element to reach this goal due to the possibility of carbon-free production and long-time storage option. Many industrialized countries have therefore already published hydrogen strategies promoting the expansion of electrolysis plants and the associated infrastructure. According to its national hydrogen strategy, Germany wants to increase its installed electrolysis capacity to 5 GW by 2030.
Parallel to the increasing importance of hydrogen as energy carrier, there is still a large number of isolated regions in the world without access to electrical energy. Since a grid connection is associated with very high costs due to the remote location, self-sufficient energy systems are usually utilized. The double challenge of a climate-friendly and self-sufficient energy system can be solved with the help of hydrogen.

Within the scope of this project, concepts for self-sufficient energy systems with hydrogen are developed and evaluated. Taking into account relevant requirements, the process as well as the energy consumption are modeled for selected configurations. In addition, a comparison is made with conventional self-sufficient energy systems in terms of power sizes, storage capacity and economic efficiency.