Research topics

Current research topics

The Institute of Plant and Process Technology focusses on three areas of research: "Process Design and Optimization", "Equipment Design and Design Methods" as well as "Modelling and Thermophysical Data". The specific topics are associated to the research areas below.

"Process Design and Optimization"


ALRIGH2T - Airport-level demonstration of ground refuelling of liquid hydrogen for aviation

BioH2Log – Biogenic hydrogen production with innovative distribution logistics


H2Reallabor – Development of a Power-to-MeOH process

HyNEAT - Hydrogen supply networks' evolution for air transport

HyPAC – Ammonia as hydrogen carrier for intercontinental transport

KI-BAYOPT - AI-assisted online optimization for highly efficient process control in Bavarian plant engineering

P2X Kopernikus - Electrolysis for the prodcution of hydrogen and synthesis gas

PRETACA - Production of ethylene and acetic acid by oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane

ProcessRLC  - AI for industrial process control


"Equipment Design and Design Methods"


Additive manufacturing of structured mass transfer packings

ColTray - Design of high-performance trays

CryoTRUCK - Development of a cryogenic hydrogen gas storage for application in long-distance commercial vehicles

Experimental investigation of liquid maldistribution in packed columns

Fluiddynamics in bubble columns

InnovA4Mix - Energy-efficient innovative heat exchangers

ReProvAP - CFD simulation of fluiddynamics and mass transfer in packed columns

SAMARA - Crystallization fouling in separation columns

Thermal drying of water-based inkjet printing

Cell model for design of packed columns and liquid distributors


"Modelling and Thermophysical Data"

Membrane humidification for PEM fuel cells

Completed research topics


COGNIPLANT - Digitalization of the process industry

  • Ladislaus Schönfeld, M.Sc.
  • Michael Kreitmeir, M.Sc.

Self-sufficient energy systems with hydrogen as energy carrier

  • Tin Jurisic, M.Sc.

DMEEXCO2 - Integrated synthesis of dimethylether from methane and CO2

  • Dr.-Ing. Johannes Sundberg

Experimental and theoretical investigation of fluid properties during phyisical absorption

  • Dr.-Ing. Fabian Höhler

FlexASU - Dynamic plant simulation (digital twin)

  • Philipp Fritsch, M.Sc.
  • Patrick Haider, M.Sc.
  • Robert Kender, M.Sc.

FlexASU - Dynamic operation of heat exchangers

  • Philipp Fritsch, M.Sc.
  • Patrick Haider, M.Sc.
  • Robert Kender, M.Sc.

!nnovA2 - Innovative equipment and system concepts to increase the efficiency of production processes

  • Dr.-Ing. Alexander Büchner
  • Dr.-Ing. Anna Reif

Simulation and optimization of open algae ponds

  • Dr.-Ing. Andreas Rarrek