Picture of Alexander Jurevic Alekseev

Alexander Jurevic Alekseev, Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Technical University of Munich

Chair of Plant and Process Technology (Prof. Klein)

Postal address

Boltzmannstr. 15
85748 Garching b. München



  • Fritsch, P.; Hölzl, M.; Alekseev, A.; Rehfeldt, S.; Klein, H.: Simulation of a Cryogenic 13C Isotope Distillation Process Applying Different Cooling Concepts. 12th international conference on Distillation & Absorption (D&A), 2022 more…
  • Wu, C.; Wolf, C.; Alekseev, A.; Weber, R.; Rehfeldt, S.; Klein, H.: Modellierung von Umfüllprozessen in der Flüssigwasserstoff-Transportkette. Deutsche Kälte‐ und Klimatagung 2022, 2022 more…


  • Münch, B.; Alekseev, A.; Miguel Petraglia, J.; Fritsch, P.; Klein, H.: Method for prediction of vapor pressure for isotopes and isotope-containing gases. Cryogenics 112, 2020, 103149 more…