Sabrina Styblova, M.Sc.
Ph.D. Student
Technical University of Munich
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Chair of Bioseparation Engineering
Boltzmannstr. 15
85748 Garching
Phone: | + |
Fax: | + |
Room: | 2437 |
E-Mail: | s.styblova@tum.de |
Development of a downstream process for the extraction, fractionation, and quantification of high-quality flavor compounds and mycoproteins.
In cooperation with our project partner, the University of Hohenheim, edible Basidiomycota are fermented in side streams of the food industry, leading to the synthesis or concentration of high-quality aroma compounds. The aim of this project is to extract and fractionate these aroma compounds.
Furthermore, it is intended to produce a nutrient-rich meat substitute product based on mycelium.