Chair of Biochemical Engineering
The Chair of Biochemical Engineering is dealing with all aspects of the technical use of biochemical reactions. The focus is on bioreactors and biocatalysis, as well as fermentation and bioprocess integration.
Laboratories and technical facilities (“Biotechnikum”, left photo) with complete infrastructure for the cultivation of microorganisms and cells on a 1 mL - 200 L scale enable the Chair of Biochemical Engineering to analyse bioreactions on a laboratory as well as on a semi-technical scale. Phototrophic processes with micro-algea can be studied on a pilot-scale making use of the micro-algae pilot plant facilities with LED illumination in Ottobrunn (photo on the right). An interdisciplinary team of scientists (biotechnologists and chemical engineers) works on better understanding of bioprocesses and the development of new biotechnological products and processes in close cooperation with scientific and industrial partners from chemicals industry, pharmaceutical industry, and process industry, respectively.