High demands are set upon the optical purity of building blocks for the production of many fine chemicals. Due to the high natural selectivity of biocatalysts, biotransformations appear as favourable methods for the purpose of chiral syntheses. Major research interests are the development of new biocatalytic systems and reaction engineering methods to intensify whole cell biotransformations of hydrophobic, unstable and/or toxic substrates up to the technical scale.
Finished research projects
- Reaction engineering analysis of D-galacturonic acid reduction to L-galactonate with recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- One-pot multi-enzyme syntheses: New strategies beyond whole cells and isolated enzymes
- Design of cosubstrate binding behavior of ene reductases for asymmetric syntheses
- Biphasic whole-cell production of geranyl glucoside by recombinant Escherichia coli
- Whole-cell biocatalysis with recombinant Gluconobacter oxydans strains
- Membrane functionalization of nano-scale enzyme membrane reactors for asymmetric syntheses
- Surface functionalization of nano-scale membrane reactors for multienzyme syntheses
- Scalable process for the production of nano-compartments made of ABA-triblock copolymers
- One-step expression and enzyme immobilisation in cellular envelopes of Escherichia coli
- Stereoselective multi-step reduction of dehydrocholic acid with hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases
- Asymmetric reductions using novel ene-reductases from cyanobacteria
- Biocatalytic production of cholic acid derivatives with hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases
- Biphasic whole-cell synthesis of R-2-octanol with recycling of the ionic liquid
- Asymmetric syntheses with new oxidoreductases from cyanobacteria
- Whole-cell biocatalysis in ionic liquids with recombinant Escherichia coli
- Supply of coenzymes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for whole-cell biocatalysis
- Asymmetric syntheses with phototrophic microorganisms
- Whole-cell biocatalysis in the presence of ionic liquids
- Reaction engineering analysis of the asymmetric synthesis of chiral alcohols with Lactobacillus kefir
- Reaction engineering analysis of the asymmetric reduction of ß-ketoesters with recombinant yeasts