M.Sc. Anna Stock

Graduate research assistant

Technical University of Munich
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Department of Energy and Process Engineering
Chair of Biochemical Engineering
Boltzmannstr. 15
85748 Garching

phone: +
fax: +
room: 3434
e-mail: anna.stock@tum.de


Studies 2016 - 2020 Food Science and Biotechnology  (Bachelor of Science), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria
Research assistant 2018 - 2020 Institute of Bioprocess Science and Engineering, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria
Academic Exchange 2019 KU Leuven, Belgium
Bachelor’s Thesis 2020 Institute of Bioprocess Science and Engineering, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria: „Influence of different fermentation strategies on growth and Fab production kinetics in Escherichia coli lab-scale bioreactor cultivations“
Studies 2020 - 2022 Industrial Biotechnology (Master of Science), TUM
Master's Thesis 2022 Institute of Biochemical Engineering, TUM: „Parameter studies on the phototrophic production of omega-3-fatty acids with Microchloropsis salina and Tysochrysis lutea in flat-plate-bioreactors“
Graduate research assistant since 2022 Chair of Biochemical Engineering, TUM
(Hexanoate production from carbon dioxide with synthetic co-cultures)