M.Sc. Lukas Bromig
Graduate research assistant
Technical University of Munich
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Department of Energy and Process Engineering
Chair of Biochemical Engineering
Boltzmannstr. 15
85748 Garching
phone: | + |
fax: | + |
room: | 3429 |
e-mail: | lukas.bromig(at)tum.de |
Studies | 2011 - 2015 | Chemical Engineering (Bachelor), TUM |
Bachelor’s Thesis | 2015 | Chair of Medical Engineering, Clinic for Ortho- und Sportorthopaedics at the University Hospital r. d.Isar, TUM „Composition of a cell culture medium for a coculture of HOS and HUVEC by proliferation and differentiation analysis“ |
Research assistant | 2014 - 2015 | Chair of Organic Chemistry I, TUM |
Student trainee | 2015 | Infineon Technologies AG, Regensburg |
Studies | 2015 - 2018 | Chemical Engineering (Master), TUM |
Research assistant | 2015 | Chair of Biochemical Engineering, TUM |
Research internship | 2015 | Bommarius Research Group, Georgia Institute of Technology „Deactivation kinetics of a beta-lactam synthesizing enzyme (PGA) in a continuous enzyme membrane reactor” |
Internship | 2017 - 2018 | Evonik Industries AG |
Master's Thesis | 2018 | Speciality Division of Systems Biology, TUM: „Ensemble modeling and design principles for prospective modeling of biochemical networks – Towards a dynamic model of Halomonas elongata“ |
Research assistant | 2018 - 2019 | Speciality Division of Systems Biology, TUM |
Graduate research assistant | since 2019 | Chair of Biochemical Engineering, TUM (Digitalization of bioprocess development) |