- Experimental investigation of the impact of mechanical deformation on aging, safety and electrical behavior of 18650 lithium-ion battery cells. Journal of Energy Storage 55, 2022, 105564 more…
- Experimental investigation of the failure mechanism of 18650 lithium-ion batteries due to shock and drop. Journal of Energy Storage 43, 2021, 103213 more…
- Experimental study of the impedance behavior of 18650 lithium-ion battery cells under deforming mechanical abuse. Journal of Energy Storage 26, 2019, 101039 more…
- Structural dynamics of lithium-ion cells – Part I: Method, test bench validation and investigation of lithium-ion pouch cells. Journal of Energy Storage, 2019 more…
- The Impact of Automotive Random Vibrations on 18650 Lithium-Ion Cells. Kraftwerk Batterie, 2019 more…
- Sustainable Transport - Technology and Status. Symposium to Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the German JSPS Alumni Association, 2015 more…
- Integration of batteries into aeronautic applications -challenges and opportunities. electric & hybrid aerospace Technology, 2015 more…
- Trend of Lithium-ion cells-to-cell variation during Battery Electric Vehicle operation. EEVC , 2015 more…
- Lithium-ion cell-to-cell variation during battery electric vehicle operation. J. Power Sources 297, 2015, 242-251 more…