- Modeling of lithium plating and lithium stripping in lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources (414), 2019, 41-47 more…
- Physicochemical modeling of nonlinear aging of lithium-ion cells. IMLB 2018. The 19th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries 2018 more…
- ExZellTUM II – Exzellenzzentrum für Batteriezellen an der Technischen Universität München. Kompetenznetzwerk Lithium-Ionen-Batterien e. V. (Hg.) 2017 – Batterieforum Deutschland 2017 2017 more…
- Lithium plating in lithium-ion batteries investigated by voltage relaxation and in situ neutron diffraction. Journal of Power Sources, 2017, 17-23 more…
- Inhomogeneity and relaxation phenomena in the graphite anode of a lithium-ion battery probed by in situ neutron diffraction. Journal of Power Sources, 2017, 54-60 more…
- Lifetime Optimized Charging Method of Lithim-Ion Batteries. Electric & Electronic Systems in Hybrid and Electric Vehicles and Electrical Energy Management, 2016 more…
- Optimization of the gravimetric energy density of a lithium-ion cell by altering the electrode thickness. Batterieforum Deutschland 2016 more…
- Battery Safety Modeling and Simulation at TUM. Institute for Electrical Energy Storage 2015 more…
- Physikochemische Modellierung zum Einfluss des Elektrodenbalancings auf das Ladeverhalten einer Lithium-Ionen-Zelle. Batterieforum Deutschland 2015 more…
- Lifetime Analyses of Lithium-Ion EV Batteries. 3rd Electromobility Challenging Issues conference, 2015 more…
- New Charging Method to Avoid Nonlinear Aging of Lithium-Ion Batteries. Batteries 2015 2015 more…
- Innovatives Ladeverfahren zum Umgehen von nichtlinearer Alterung bei Lithium-Ionen-Batterien. Fachforum Batterietechnik , 2015 more…
- Neutron Diffraction Measurements of Lithium-Ion Battery State of Charge Distribution. 14 th Ulm ElectroChemical Talks 2014 more…
- Einfluss der Rekuperation auf die Lebensdauer des Li-Ionen-Batteriespeichers eines Elektrofahrzeugs. Conference on Future Automotive Technology, 2014 more…
- Lithium plating in lithium-ion batteries at sub-ambient temperatures investigated by in situ neutron diffraction. Journal of Power Source 14 (271), 2014, 152-159 more…