SimBAS – Simulation of battery cells and applications in storage systems

In SimBAS, a combined storage simulation toolchain is being developed that covers the value chain from battery cell materials to application. Within the program framework created in SimBAS, aspects of the design of current and future lithium-ion battery cells can be mapped to a suitable system design for different applications for the first time. Technical, economic and design-specific aspects are taken into account.
In the field of battery cells, the question is answered as to how cost and performance parameters of current and future battery cells can be derived from material and production data. The basis is a database in which parameters of various cell and system components can be managed. From these, virtual cells can be dimensioned or "digital twins" of existing cells can be created. The battery cells determined in this way are simulated in the system model, which is based on the SimSES simulation tool developed by the team SES, to match the selected system topology and specifications for the system periphery. Subsequently, it is analyzed which cell types or combinations of cell types (hybrid storage) can fulfill the specified use cases in the most technically and economically feasible way. On the application side, in addition to current singular storage applications, singular and combined mobile and stationary applications of the future are also considered and their requirements are integrated into the system model.
The resulting holistic simulation toolchain will be published open-source for maximum benefit to research and industry.
Our project partners in the SimBAS project are
- the Chair for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems (ISEA) at RWTH Aachen University,
- Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components at RWTH Aachen University (PEM),
- the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology (ISIT) and
- the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology (IISB).
The project is coordinated by the TU Munich.

This research project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), grant number 03XP0338A, and cared by Project Management Jülich.
The responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the author.
Projekt Mitglieder | ||||
+49 (89) 289 - 26982 | sammy.jablonski(at) | Raum: 3004 |
+49 (89) 289 - 26920 | benedikt.tepe(at) |
+49 (89) 289 - 26983 | henry.winner(at) | Raum: 3008 |