Team RP2

The main focus of RP2 lies on the safety of single Lithium Ion cells and small modules. To achieve this safety tests are performed, improvement in the cell management developed and models built that help to simulated safety relevant topics.
Safety tests:
Safety tests are performed within the normal specification of the cells as well as concerning abuse conditions. Characterization of materials helps to understand chemical processes. Additionally, test methods are developed to ensure a safe operation of the cells under all circumstances.
A three-dimensional multiphysic model is developed that on the one hand will help to predict reactions that will occur during safety testing and on the other hand uses the results from the tests to gain a comprehensive view of the whole cell. This helps to reduce time-to-market of newly developed cells under significant cost reduction. Lifetime investigations and modelling complete the gained results to a sweeping model of the cells.
Safety Management:
To reduce safety relevant issues of the cell under operation, good monitoring combined with a well-performing battery management are crucial. Therefore, methods for in-situ monitoring of temperature and other physical mechanisms are developed within RP2. Thermodynamic characteristics are investigated that help to evaluate the state of health. Additionally, states like State of Charge (SoC), State of Function (SoC) and State of Safety (SoS) are examined to get a comprehensive battery management.