ProMoBis - Progressive multi-cell composite concepts for battery systems with integrated sensors
The overall objective of the joint project ProMoBiS is the development and optimization of a "smart", scalable multicell system (MZV) of lithium-ion battery cells (BZ), validated by application-oriented tests and supported by modeling and simulation. The necessary cell-external sensor technology will be fully integrated, thus enabling the precise evaluation of its added value. In addition, the success of the battery management based on the novel algorithms will be demonstrated. This interaction of sensor technology, cost-efficient microelectronics and intelligent algorithms represents a unique selling point on the market and is expected to enable advances in performance, cost, safety and sustainability of battery systems.
To achieve this overall objective, an efficiently testable MZV is being designed and built in hardware. This consists of the FCs including assembly and connection technology, cell-external sensors, data communication and cooling. It is controlled by a battery management system (BMS) including intelligent temperature management. To ensure compatibility with innovative "cell-to-pack" and "cell-to-chassis" concepts, particular emphasis is placed on scalability - and thus on deliberately avoiding a rigid approach fixated on battery modules.
Task of the EES is the development and validation of detailed thermoelectric and electrochemical models. These provide the basis for a subsequent establishment of innovative algorithms that can be efficiently implemented in the BMS, with the help of which cell-oriented operating strategies and optimized cooling strategies are to be derived. Furthermore, different methods for the characterization of inhomogeneities will be evaluated. A special focus is on the transferability of the models to different cell formats as well as cooling systems. Thus, the developed methods and results will be applicable beyond the hardware developed in the project.
The consortium of the joint project consists of three industrial partners (BMW AG, Infineon Technologies AG and Dräxlmaier GmbH) and four scientific institutes (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research and the Chair of Electrical Energy Storage Technology at the Technical University of Munich).

This research project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) under the 7th Energy Research Program (funding code 03ETE046F) in the area of "Energy Transition in Transport" and is supervised by the Project Management Agency Jülich.
The responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the author.
Project members | ||||
+49 (89) 289 - 26984 | |
+49 (89) 289 - 26969 | franz.roehrer(at) | Room: 3017 |
+49 (89) 289 - 26963 | | Room: 1017 |