Chemistry studies at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg (B.Sc.) and the University of St. Andrews, Scotland (M.Sc.)
Research assistant at the Chair of Energy Process Engineering (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg) to study the effects of tar on solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC)
Development Engineer (R&D) at VoltStorage Gmbh to develop iron redox flow batteries (IRFB) and a hydrogen-ironchloride fuel cell as the rebalancing system for stationary energy storage systems
Research interests
Lithium-Ion batteries with silicium as anode material
Mathias Rehm, Jakob Eberl, Hannah Bosch, Andreas Jossen: Determining the silicon content in silicon-graphite blend electrodes of lithium-ion batteries by applying the differential voltage analysis. Advanced Battery Power 2023 2023Aachenmore…