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  • Mechanical Engineering Bachelor's at Oregon State University and team member of OSUSVT, a University sponsored solar vehicle racing team
  • Power Engineering Master's at the Technical University of Munich with a focus on sustainable energy;
    Master Thesis: " Design and Modeling of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators for Wind Turbines considering Thermal Constraints"
  • Research experience at GE Global Research and the German Aerospace Center in simulations and prototype development
  • Volunteer work maintaining decentralized energy systems in St. Rupert Mayer Mission, Makonde, Zimbabwe


Research Interests
  • Modeling and simulation of electrochemical enengy systems
  • Aging models of Lithium-ion cells with statistical methods


Team affilation


  • Jacob C. Hamar, Christoph Zoerr, Simon V. Erhard, Andreas Jossen: Anode Potential Estimation in Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Data-Driven Models for Online Applications. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021 more…
  • Jacob C. Hamar, Simon V. Erhard, Angelo Canesso, Jonas Kohlschmidt, Nicolas Olivain, Andreas Jossen: State-of-health estimation using a neural network trained on vehicle data. Journal of Power Sources 512, 2021, 230493 more…


  • Jacob C. Hamar, Simon V. Erhard, Andreas Jossen: Data-Driven State of Health Prognostic Model Using a Global Vehicle Data-Set. ECS Meeting Abstracts MA2020-02 (21), 2020, 1614-1614 more…