Flexibility in the context of European electricity market coupling with extreme technological, regulatory and social developments
Funding | Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) |
Duration | Jan. 2018 - Dez. 2020 |
Project lead | Clara Orthofer M.Sc. |
Contact | Clara Orthofer M.Sc. Thomas Zipperle M.Sc. |
Objective eXtremOS-Global
As part of the joint project eXtremOS (www.ffe.de/xos), the Chair of Energy Economy and Application Technology is working on analyzing extreme technological, regulatory and social developments. The aim is to understand the global impact of these extreme scenarios on national energy systems and global greenhouse gas emissions. A particular focus is on the rapidly changing energy supply systems of emerging and developing countries.
Project content eXtremOS-Global
An energy system model (MESSAGEix-eXtremOS - MixOS for short) is being developed to analyze the effects of both European and international extreme scenarios on global greenhouse gas emissions and on the energy supply of emerging countries. This model is based on the Integrated Energy System Model of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) MESSAGEix.
Eleven regional and three country nodes are modeled in MixOS in order to be able to depict both global impacts and the effects of the scenarios on individual countries. Parallel to the model development, extreme scenarios are developed together with the project partners in stakeholder workshops based on literature research on the historical developments of the energy supply systems of the regions under consideration. These scenarios depict extreme technological, regulatory and social developments.