Sebastian Eichhorn, Dipl.-Ing.
Technical University of Munich
Associate Professorship of Energy Management Technologies (Prof. Goebel)
Postal address
Arcisstr. 21
80333 München
- Phone: +49 (89) 289 - 28316
- Room: 0108.02.808
Academic background
- Studies of Regenerative Energy Systems at TU Dresden (Degree: Dipl.-Ing)
- Diploma thesis: Development of a system concept for inclusion of CHP-Systems based on biogas in energy management systems
- 2016-2019 Working student and graduate engineer in Research and Development and Grid Code Compliance of CHP units (Geisberger Gesellschaft für Energieoptimierung mbH)
- 2019-2023 Power System Engineer at ABB Switzerland (Business Line Excitation Systems)
- Technical Lead and execution of Grid Code Compliance Studies,
- Development of automatization tools including data driven parameter identification algorithms and control optimization,
- Optimization and analysis of Power System Stabilizers (PSS) both remotely and onsite,
- Worldwide commissioning of excitation systems in critical power plants focusing on power system stability.
Research interests
- Sector-coupling modelling and control of active distribution grids
- Interactions between energy management systems and distribution grids
- Application of machine learning based control systems on real systems
- Oskit - Optimized Sector Coupling in Districts through Intelligent Thermal Prosumer Networks
- EDGE - Energy Management and Distribution Grid Emulator
- INTELLIGENT - INteroperable Tools for nEtwork-aware, Ledger-based Local energy sharIng and flexibility manaGEment leveraging user engagemeNT