- Plant and Process Technology
- Bioseparation Engineering
- Biochemical Engineering
- Electrical Energy Storage Technology
- Electric Power Transmission and Distribution
- Energy Management Technologies
- Energy Systems
- Energy Conversion Technology
- Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems
- High-Power Converter Systems
- High Voltage Engineering and Switchgear Technology
- Nuclear Technology
- Systems Biotechnology
- Wind Energy
Plant and Process Technology
- Process design
- Equipment design methods
- Modelling and thermodynamic property data
Bioseparation Engineering
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sonja Berensmeier
- Selective separation of biomolecules
- Downstream processing
- Magnetic separation
Biochemical Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Weuster-Botz
- Microbial bioprocess engineering and industrial biotechnology
- Biocatalysis and fermentation
- Bioprocess integration
Electrical Energy Storage Technology
- Battery models
- Battery system technology
- Multicellular battery systems
- Storage for renewable energy
- Storage for renewable energy
- Storage for electric mobility
Electric Power Transmission and Distribution
- Power transmission and distribution at all network levels
- Network integration of renewable energies
- Simulation of electrical power supply networks
Energy Management Technologies
- Energy management systems
- Data-driven control and optimization of energy systems
- Machine learning in energy management
- Smart grids
- Sector coupling
Energy Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Spliethoff
- Systems studies
- Combustion and gasification of solid fuels
- Steam cycles
Energy Conversion Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Georg Herzog
- Highly available electric drives in mobile applications
- Fault-tolerant actuators
- Multilevel inverters
- Loss mechanisms in soft magnetic materials
- Energy and power management
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems
- Urban energy systems
- Integration of renewable energy into the power grid
- Innovative nuclear systems (including fusion)
- Methods and fundamentals of energy models
High-Power Converter Systems
Prof. Dr.sc. ETH Zürich Marcelo Lobo Heldwein
- Modeling and design of components employed in power converters
- New electronic power conversion concepts
- Design and optimization of high-power converters
- Novel control strategies for power converters - Modeling (steady state, dynamic and simulation) of high-power converters and applications
- Encoderless control of electrical drives
- Modern control strategies for electrical drives
- Hardware-in-the-Loop Systems
- Renewable energy systems (mainly photovoltaics and wind energy)
High Voltage Engineering and Switchgear Technology
- High voltage technology with a focus on equipment
- Investigation and characterization of alternative insulating gases
- Understanding and further development of materials
and concepts for insulation systems for cable based power transmission
Nuclear Technology
Prof. Rafael Macian-Juan, Ph.D.
- Nuclear reactor safety
- Thermal-hydraulic and neutronic analysis of nuclear systems
- Radiation transport
Systems Biotechnology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Kremling
- Mathematical modelling of cellular systems
- Model analysis and parameter identification
- Model-based experimental design
Wind Energy
- Wind energy system design, modeling and control
- Computational mechanics and simulation technology
- Numerical and experimental aeroelasticity