PyroGas II
Decentralized utilization of sewage sludge by pyrolysis and subsequent entrained-flow gasification for gas engine use
The PyroGasII project builds on the previous joint project Pyrogas (FKZ No. 03KB158). In the PyroGas project, a novel process chain for the utilization of residual materials was demonstrated. The gasification behavior of pyrolysis coke in an atmospheric entrained-flow gasifier with subsequent synthesis gas combustion in a CHP plant was investigated. In PyroGasII, existing research gaps are to be closed. It will be shown that the demonstrated concept is suitable for the decentralized disposal of sewage sludge. Here, the integration of heat and power generation into existing systems of water treatment plants will be highlighted.
Project goals
In the next logical step, PyroGasII is to bring the overall concept closer to plant demonstration and closes remaining research and development gaps. To this purpose, existing information on wastewater, process stability and impurities in the product gas will be expanded. In addition, the necessary product gas purification will be investigated and a gas purification system adapted to the concept will be developed. From this, all necessary measures for exhaust gas quality according to the 17th BImSchV will be estimated. Furthermore, it will be investigated how phosphorus recovery can be integrated into the gasification process. An innovative approach makes the process independent of downstream, external recovery.
Das Projekt PyroGasII wird durch das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) unter dem Förderkennzeichen 03EI5457A im Rahmen des Förderprogramms „Energetische Biomassenutzung“ gefördert
Project Partners
Andreas Ewald