Spliethoff, Hartmut,
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Chair of Energy Systems
Boltzmannstrasse 15
85748 Garching, Germany
Room: 3731
Phone: +49 89 289 16270
Fax: +49 89 289 16271
Email: spliethoff(at)tum.de
- Head of the Institute for Energy Systems
- Board of the Bavarian Centre for Applied Energy Research
Main Research
- Advanced power plant technologies: Steam power plants, Combined cycles, CO2-free power plants (Oxy-fuel, IGCC)
- Conversion of solid fuels (Coal & Biomass): Combustion, Co-combustion, Gasification, Emissions, Mineral matter transformation, Corrosion, Slagging, Fouling
- Lecture Energy Systems and Energy Conversion
- Lecture Thermische Kraftwerke
- Lecture Process in Plants
- Lecture Thermal Power Plants
- VDI-ES Seminar
If you have any questions regarding the lectures, please contact the responsible lecture supervisor.
- Diploma in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Stuttgart, Germany 1986
- Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Stuttgart, Germany 1992
- Habiltation in Combustion and Power Plant Technology at the University of Stuttgart, Germany 1999
Professional Career
- 1986-1991: Scientific Assistant at the Institute for Process Engineering and Power-Plant Technology, University of Stuttgart, Germany
- 1992-1999: Head of the Department of Boiler Technology at the Institute for Process Engineering and Power-Plant Technology, University of Stuttgart, Germany
- 2000-2003: Chair and full time Professor for Thermal Power Engineering at the Delft University of Technology/ NL
- Since 2004: Chair and full time Professor for Energy Systems at the Technical University of Munich, Germany
Spliethoff, H. (2010), Power Generation from Solid Fuels, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer
Spliethoff, H. (2000), Verbrennung fester Brennstoffe zur Strom- und Wärmeerzeugung: Verfahren und Stand der Technik – Wirkungsgrad, Betrieb, Emissionen und Reststoffe, VDI-Berichte Nr. 443, Düsseldorf: VDI - Verlag
Journal and Conference Publications:
Spliethoff, H., Braun Unkhoff, M., Krautkremer, B., "Thermische Nutzung von Biomasse – Ausgangsstoffe und Konversionsverfahren", FVS Jahrestagung, 22.-23.09.2005, Köln
M. P. Glazer, A. A. Khan, H. Schürmann, P. Monkhouse, W. de Jong, and H. Spliethoff, "Alkali Metals in Circulating Fluidized Bed: Measurements and Chemical Equilibrium Analysis", Energy & Fuels, 19(5):1889-1897, September 2005
G. Di Nola and H. Spliethoff, "Influence of Fuel Rich Zone Stoichiometry on HCN and NH3Evolution During Pulverized Biomass Co-firing", in Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Energy for a CleanEnvironment, pages 1-17, Clean Air, July 2005.
Spliethoff, H., Unterberger, S., & Hein, KRG (2004), "Status of co-combustion of coal and biomass in Europe", Clean air 5 (4), 1-25
J. M. Heikkinen, J. C. Hordijk, W. de Jong, and H. Spliethoff, "Thermogravimetry as a tool to classify waste components to be used for energy generation", J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis, vol. 71, pp. 883-900, June 2004
W. de Jong, Ö. Ünal, J. Andries, et al., "Biomass and fossil fuel conversion by pressurised fluidised bed gasifcation using hot gas ceramic filters as gas cleaning", Biomass Bioenerg., vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 59-83, 2003
Spliethoff, H., "Comparison of Concepts for Thermal Biomass Utilisation with the Example of the Netherlands", International Conference on Co-Utilization of Domestic Fuels, Feb. 5-6, 2003, Gainesville, Florida
J. Heikkinen and H. Spliethoff, "Waste mixture composition by thermogravimetric analysis", J. Therm. Anal., vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 1031-1039, 2003
Spliethoff, H., Baum, J., "Extern gefeuerter Gasturbinenprozess: Potenziale und Entwicklungsstand (Teil 1)", BWK 54 (2002), 5, S. 70-75
Spliethoff, H., Baum, J., "Extern gefeuerter Gasturbinenprozess: Potenziale und Entwicklungsstand (Teil 2)", BWK 54 (2002), 6, S. 52-56
Spliethoff, H., Hein, K.R.G., "Combustion Engineering Measures to Reduce NOx in Pulverised Coal Furnaces", VGB PowerTech 82(2002), 4, pp. 88-99
Spliethoff, H., Kaltschmitt, M., Mory, A., "Nutzung von Biomasse mit fossilen Energieträgern", in: M. Kaltschmitt, H. Hartmann (Ed.), "Energie aus Biomasse: Grundlagen, Techniken und Verfahren", Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2001, p. 507-536, ISBN: 3-540-64853-4
Spliethoff, H., "Status of biomass gasification for power production", in: IFRF - Combustion Journal, November, 2001, p. 1-25. ISSN: 1562-479X
Spliethoff, H., "Verbrennung and Vergasung in Wirbelschichtanlagen - Stand, Entwicklung und Forschungsbedarf" in: Wirbelschichtfeuerung und -vergasung: Erfahrungen und Perspektiven, 28. und 29. März. (Cottbus), VDI, Düsseldorf, 2000, p. 3-22
Link to all publications