Elektrische Fahrzeugtechnik

In the area of electric vehicle technology, we have been researching electrified vehicle concepts for many years. In collaboration with our expertise in the field of electrical machines and systems, one focus of our research work in recent years has been on the design, simulation and validation of hybrid and purely electric powertrains.
Currently, we are researching an energy and power management system that coordinates the energy flows in the vehicle across domains and thus enables both efficient and stable operation. One focus here is on predictive, i.e. anticipatory, functions.
Another focus is on research into new innovative on-board network topologies in the context of electric and automated driving. Particular attention is paid to the overall efficiency of the vehicle electrical system, which is why, among other things, highly efficient DC/DC converters based on GaN semiconductors are being researched.
In our machine shop, we have set up various test benches to validate the models and theoretical approaches.
Research projects
- Scalable complete vehicle simulation
- Design and dimensioning of electric powertrains
- Design and operation of storage systems
- Operating strategies for hybrid and electric vehicles
- On-board networks and power management
- Vehicle electrical system topologies