Onboard network topologies
The increasing electrification of components in vehicle technology has led to a sharp rise in the degree of interconnectedness of on-board power systems. The high power demand in the electrical on-board network can lead to instabilities and thus to limitations or failure of control units. Power management will ensure onboard network stability in future systems, but the architecture of onboard networks poses new questions. Does it make sense to retain the familiar, hierarchical structure, or is it better to switch to a parallel system for efficiency or cost reasons? What requirements do we actually place on the onboard network architecture and how can we compare different approaches qualitatively and quantitatively?

The aim is to develop an onboard power system concept with high adaptability and expandability. Novel concepts are to replace the familiar wiring harness architecture in order to replace the hierarchical energy distribution system with a parallel concept. In particular, energy efficiency is to be optimized and the new approach simulated or evaluated.