Some useful weblinks
Portals and services
- TUM School of Engineering and Design
- Wiki of the TUM School of Engineering and Design
- Department of Energy and Process Engineering - TUMonline
- Outlook Web App
- Matrix-Elements TUM-Chat
- Grammarly - TUM-Wiki information
- Grammarly - login and download
- Moodle
- Moodle-FAQ for lecturers
- Zoom Portal for TUM members
- How To Zoom - TUM SOM
- Zoom Help Centre
- Zoom plugin for Outlook
- DFN-Terminplaner
- MyVoTUM (Abstimmungen)
- TUM Schools - TUM-Wiki
- IT-Dienste und Systeme@TUM
- TUM-Dienstleistungskompass
- Webdisk (NAS Filer Web Access, TUM/LRZ)
- LRZ Sync+Share (Loginpage; cloud storage for all TUM-members and external partners)
- LRZ Sync+Share - Dokumentation
- GigaMove - HowTo distribute files
- GigaMove2.0 - Access
- Central Software Offerings of TUM
- TUM corporate design
- Calendar of events @ TUM
- LRZ-Services
- BayernAtlas
- Open Street Map
Scientific Literature
- Universitätsbibliothek der TUM
- IEEE-Xplore (by the Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität München)
- IEEE-Xplore (direct access)
- MDPI Open Access Journals
- Wiley Online Library
- Springer-Verlag (by the Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität München)
- Springer-Verlag (direct access)
- RefSeek
- WorldCat
- Bioline International
- RePec - Research Papers in Economics
- ScienceGov (provides access to millions of authoritative scientific research results from U.S. federal agencies)
- BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine)
- MediaTUM
- TUM semester Dates and Deadlines
- Moodle
- TUManager (organizer for examiners)
- TUM Studenten Service Zentrum (SSZ) - InfoForum
Research institutions
- PELS - IEEE Power Electronics Society
- IAS - IEEE Industry Applications Society
- ECPE - The Power Electronics Research Network
- EE Power
- Haus der Technik - Seminare Tagungen Elektrische Antriebstechnik