Best Presentation Award APEC 2024
The paper “Optimal Design and Operation of Long-Distance Deep-Water HVAC Transmission for Offshore WECS Integration with FPSO Unit”, coauthored by Prof. Heldwein and fellow researchers from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil), received the Best Presentation Award at the 2024 Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) held in Long Beach, USA.
TUM Ambassador Dr. Yang Ji
Dr. Yang Ji is a new TUM Ambassador
World-class researchers who contributed to our university during the past decades can be awarded the honorary “TUM Ambassador“ title. This is now the case for Dr. Yang Ji, whose TUM Ambassador title was proposed as a partner of the HLU by Prof. Kennel. Dr. Ji is, for the moment, the only TUM Ambassador who has an entrepreneurial rather than academic background. He has founded a start up company that works on simulation tools for highly complex systems. Congratulations to Dr. Ji!
Best Oral Paper Award CoEEPE 2023
Yao Wei, Dongliang Ke, Kunkun Zuo, Fengxiang Wang and R. Kennel received the Best Oral Paper Award for their paper
“Low Updating Frequency Model-Free Predictive Control using Time-Series Model on PMSM Drives”,
at the 2023 3rd International Joint Conference on Energy, Electrical and Power Engineering (CoEEPE'23) in Melbourne, Australia.
Best Paper Award IEEE PES EMC Annual Meeting 2023
H. Xie, F. Wang, Y. He, J. Rodríguez and R. Kennel received the Best Paper Award for their publication
in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion entitled
“Encoderless Parallel Predictive Torque Control for Induction Machine Using a Robust Model Reference Adaptive System”,
at the IEEE PES EMC Annual Meeting 2023 in Orlando, Florida.
Best Paper Award LDIA2023
Markus Märkl received The Best Paper Award in the 14th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Application (LDIA 2023) for his paper 'Noise Reduction for Sub-Nanometer Position Stability in High Dynamic Linear Drives'.
PRECEDE2023: Best Paper Award, Keynote Speech
Best Paper Award in the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives
and Power Electronics (PRECEDE 2023), 16-19 June 2023, Wuhan, China,
Ibrahim Harbi, Hamza Makhamreh, Mostafa Ahmed, Mohamed Abdelrahem, Marcelo Heldwein, Jose Rodriguez, Ralph Kennel
for the paper entitled
Multi-Objective Control of Nine-Level ANPC Converters: A Robust and Gain-Free MPC Method
Keynote Speech for Professor Kennel
Ralph M. Kennel, Mohamed Abdelrahem: Application of Predictvie Control in Sensorless Drives
In recognition of valuable contributions to
the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Predictive Control of
Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE 2023)
16-19 June 2023, Wuhan, China
2023 Petrobras Inventor Award
Professor Heldwein and researchers from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) in Brazil received the 2023 Petrobras Inventor Award on May 24.
The award was granted for the research work that resulted in the patent "Submarine cooling system for power electronics circuit sets and method for dimensioning the submarine cooling system for power electronics circuit sets," developed by researchers Lucas Militão, Jader Riso Barbosa Jr., Alexandre Kupka da Silva, Carlos Renato Rambo, Marcelo Lobo Heldwein, Caio Dias Fernandes and Douglas Mateus Machado.
Best Student Paper Award
At the COEEPE 2022 conference in Beihai, China, Kunkun Zuo, Long He, Fengxiang Wang, Ralph Kennel and Marcelo Heldwein where awarded with the Best Student Paper Award for their paper entitled 'Power Optimization Control with Tracking Differentiator for Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor'.
Best Paper Award at The 6th IEEE International Conference on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics - PRECEDE 2021
Paper Title:
Modelling for Nonlinear Predictive Control of Synchronous Machines: First Principles Vs. Data-Driven Approaches
Issa Hammoud, Sebastian Hentzelt, Thimo Oehlschlägel, and Ralph Kennel
Medal of Honor for Professor Dr.-Ing. Dr.h.c. Ralph Kennel
On the occasion of the centenary of the establishment of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (ELECTRICITAS OMNI TEMPORE) of the Warsaw University of Technology (Politechnika Warszawska - Warsaw University of Technology, Wydziat Elektryczny) Professor Dr.-Ing. Dr.h.c. Ralph Kennel was awarded a Medal of Honor by the Warsaw University of Technology.
Best Paper Award IPEMC2020–ECCE Asia
Paper title:
Model Predictive Control of a Shunt Active Power Filter With Improved Dynamics Under Distorted Grid Conditions
Yu Li; Zhenkun Zhang; Zhenbin Zhang; Jinyu Wang; Ralph Kennel
Best Paper Award PEDSTC 2020
11th Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference:
Best Paper Award to Mohamed Abdelrahem, Prof.Dr.-Ing.habil.Chrisoph Hackl, Prof.Dr.Jose Rodriguez, Prof.Dr.-Ing.Dr.h.c.Ralph Kennel
Simple and Robust Finite-Control-Set Model Predictive Contzrol for DFIGs in Wind Turbine Systems
Best Paper Award 2019 IEEE VPPC
Dr.-Ing. Ricardo Pinto de Castro, German Aerospace Center/ Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) and University Lecturer at the TUM, received the Best Paper Award during the 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC, October 14-17, 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam) for his paper:
Model Predictive Power Allocation for Hybrid Battery Balancing Systems
Carl Friedrich von Siemens Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Professor Dr. Zhen Zhang,Tianjin University, was awarded a Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers.
This includes the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Fellowship.
Münchener VDE-Award 2017
Dr.-Ing. Zhenbin Zhang received for his PhD-Thesis
'On Control of Grid-Tied Back-to-Back Power Converters
and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator
(PMSG) Wind Turbine Systems'
the Münchener VDE-Award 2017.
PCIM-Europe-Young-Engineer-Awards 2017
Franz Stubenrauch, University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim, received with his topic 'Design and Performance of a 200 kHz GaN Motor Inverter with Sine Wave Filter' the PCIM-Europe-Young-Engineer-Awards 2017.
More info about the PCIM Award 2017 here:
IES Student Paper and Travel Assistance Grant 2017
Mr. Ayman Ayad got the IES Student Paper and Travel Assistance Grant from the IEEE CPE-POWERENG conference in Spain for the following paper: A. Ayad, P. Karamanakos, R. Kennel, and J. Rodriguez, “Direct Model predictive Control of Bidirectional Quasi-Z-Source Inverters Fed PMSM Drives,” IEEE CPE-POWERENG, Cadiz, Spain, Apr. 2017, pp. 1 − 6.
APEC Student Travel Award 2017
Mr. Ayman Ayad got APEC Student Travel Award, 2017 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC 2017), Tampa, Florida, USA, for the paper entitled “Variable Switching Point Predictive Current Control of Quasi-Z-Source Inverters”. Authors: Ayman Ayad, Petros Karamanakos, and Ralph Kennel.
Paper Award at the ICEMS 2016
The paper 'On considerings saturation and cross-coupling effects for copper loss minimization on highly anisotropic synchronous machines' (Bonifacio, J.; Kennel, R.) has been awarded with the Electrical Science and Engineering Promotion Student Paper Award at the 19th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS’16):
João Bonifácio, DTER1
Zentrale Forschung und Entwicklung / Corporate Research and Development
Grundlagenentwicklung Elektronik / Technology Base Development Electronics
ZF Friedrichshafen AG
88038 Friedrichshafen, Deutschland/Germany
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralph Kennel
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Antriebssysteme und Leistungselektronik
Best Session Presentation IECON 2016
The paper 'Direct Model Predictive Control with an Extended Prediction Horizon for Quasi-Z-Source Inverters' from Ayman Ayad, Petros Karamanakos, and Ralph Kennel - presented by Ayman Ayad was appreciated as Best Session Presentation during the 42th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Society (IEEE-IECON2016) in Firenze, Italy in October 2016.
Walter Gademann Preis 2016
Dr.-Ing. Alexander Dötlinger received the Walter Gademann Award 2016 for his PhD-Thesis
'Near Minimum-Time Predictive Reference Governors for Mechatronic Drive Systems'.
TUM Ambassador 2016
Prof. Edson Bim was elected as TUM Ambassador 2016 by the President of the Technical University Munich Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang A. Hermann.
IEEE Region 8 Treasurer
Professor Dr.-Ing. Ralph Kennel was elected as the 2017-2018 IEEE-Region 8 Treasurer.
Best Paper on Ecological Vehicles 2016
Herr Simon Wiedemann und Herr Professor Dr.-Ing. Ralph Kennel von der Technischen Universität München erhielten am 08.04.2016 zusammen mit Herrn Sebstian Hall und Mats Alakula von der Lund University (Sweden) auf dem EVER2016 (Ecologic Vehicles/Renewable Energies) Kongress den 'Best Paper on Ecological Vehicles' - Award für Ihren Beitrag
Dynamic Testing Characterization of a Synchronous Relictance Machine.
Mr. Simon Wiedemann and Professor Dr.-Ing. Ralph Kennel, Technische Univesität München, together with Mr. Sebastian Hall and Mats Alakula, Lund University Sweden, received the award of the best paper on ecological vehicles for their paper entitled
Dynamic Testing Characterization of a Synchronous Relictance Machine.
Best Paper Award PESS2016
Herrn Zhenbin Zhang, Dr.-Ing. Christoph Hackl, Herrn Mohamed Abdelrahem und Herrn Professor Dr.-Ing. Ralph Kennel wurde für ihren Beitrag Voltage Sensorless Direct Model Predictive Control of 3L NPC Back-to-Back Power Converter PMSG Wind Turbine Systems With Fast Dynamics auf der PESS2016 der Best Paper Award verliehen.
Mr. Zhenbin Zhang, Dr.-Ing. Christoph Hackl, Mr. Mohamed Abdelrahem and Professor Dr.-Ing. Ralph Kennel have received the award of the best paper at PESS2016 for their paper entitled:
Voltage Sensorless Direct Model Predictive Control of 3L NPC Back-to-Back Power Converter PMSG Wind Turbine Systems With Fast Dynamics
Best Paper Award IEEE ICVES 2015
J. Martin, U. Vögele and Prof.Dr.-Ing. C. Endisch received a Best Paper Award on IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (IEEE ICVES 2015, 5-7 November) for their paper entitled
Effects of Errors in Position- and Navigation Data on Predictive Vehicle Operational Strategy Optimization.
Guestlecturer at the Haixi Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Am 10. Januar 2016 wurde Herrn Professor Dr.-Ing. Ralph Kennel zum Gastprofessor am Haixi Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ernannt.
Professor Dr.-Ing. Ralph Kennel was appointed to a guestlecturer at the Haixi Institute - Chinese Academy of Sciences - at 10th January 2016.
VDE-Award 2015
Herr Dr.-Ing. Peter Landsmann wurde am 27.11.2015 beim Münchner VDE-Abend mit dem VDE-Award 2015 ausgezeichnet.
Dr.-Ing. Peter Landsmann received the VDE-Award 2015 during the VDE event at 27th November 2015 evening.
EPE (European Power Electronics Association) 2015 Outstanding Service Award
Der Preis wurde Herrn Professor Dr.-Ing. Ralph Kennel verliehen für die erfolgreichen Bemühungen die Zusammenarbeit zwischen europäischen und amerikanischen Kollegen der Leistungselektronik zu verbessern und mit einer jährlichen Konferenz auf beiden Kontinenten zu manifestieren.
- 2013: Harry A. Owen Distinguished Service Award der IEEE-PELS
- 2012: Best Paper Award on EPE-PEMC 2012 ECCE Europe, "The Explicit Solution of Model-Based Predictive Control by Considering the Nonlinearities in Drive Applications"
- 2012: Studienpreis 2011 der SEW-EURODRIVE-Stiftung an die Diplomarbeit von Herrn Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Dötlinger mit dem Titel "Dynamic Loss Minimization for Induction Machines"
- 2012: Best Paper Award on the
3rd Power Electronics, Drive Systems & Technologies Conference (IEEE-PEDSTC 2012):
"Robust Sensorless Predictive Control of Induction Motors with Sliding Mode Voltage
Model Observer"
- 2011: Keynote Paper ACEMP 2011, "Replacement of Electrical (Load) Drives by a Hardware-in-the-Loop System"
- 2011: Invited Paper PEIA 2011, "Hardware-in-the-Loop Systems with Power Electronics - a Powerful Simulation Tool"
- 2011: PELS Distinguished Lecturers - ECCE 2011, "IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition 2011 Awards Ceremony"
- 2010: Invited Keynote OPTIM 2010, "Encoderless Control of Synchronous Machines with Permanent Magnets - Impact of Magnetic Design", (KA.0.2.02-pag.1-6)
- 2009: Best Paper Award of International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control, "Identification of Mechatronic Systems with Dynamic Neural Networks using Prior Knowledge"