Risk assessment of electrolyser failure: Analysis of grid faults and grid-serving behavior

Over the next decade, the installed capacity of electrolysers will increase from a few hundred megawatts to several gigawatts. In the current coalition agreement, the German government plans to increase the capacity of electrolysers up to 10 GW by 2030. Due to the existing gas infrastructure for hydrogen and the proximity of surplus wind power, the northern German grid is expected to experience an accumulation of grid connection requests. The uncoordinated loss of several gigawatts of electrolyser load due to a grid fault poses a high risk to dynamic stability. This study provides a qualitative risk assessment of the impact of an electrolyser loss and evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of different technical requirements for grid connection.

Download the executive summary here.

LINDA 2.0 - Local (partially) automated islanding and emergency supply with decentralized generation plants in the event of large-scale power outages

The consequences of a long-lasting and large-scale power outage can be comparable to a national catastrophe with serious consequences for civil society. In such scenarios, the use of decentralized energy supply systems as an emergency supply for critical infrastructure by means of island grids can significantly reduce damage. In the research project LINDA (Local island grid supply and faster grid restoring with decentralized generation units), a concept for stable island grid operation in the event of an emergency supply was developed and tested under real conditions in a southern German grid area. In LINDA 2.0, the LINDA concept will be applied to another test area and (partially) automated. The object of investigation is a constellation of run-of-river hydro plant (islanding unit) and drinking water supply (critical infrastructure), several field tests are planned. Furthermore, a hybrid genset will be developed and tested in the distribution network during the project. This concept of a hybrid "battery power unit" offers an alternative to conventional emergency genset. Thehybrid power unit consists of a battery storage connected to a grid forming inverter, which will store power surplus coming from distributed generators. A genset will be used as range extender, to support battery capabilities. In regular operation, the range extender is switched off and the genset operates completely emission-free (noise, exhaust gas and CO2).

Further information: German project flyer

Contact: Claudia Bernecker-Castro, M.Sc., Johanna Timmermann, M.Sc.

Completed projects