Acher, Thomas Numerische Simulation der Hydrodynamik von Blasensäulen mit dem Programmpaket OpenFOAM
Alberdi, Gonzalo Valles Analysis of the Pressure Drop Model in Trace under Application of the BFBT NUPEC Data
Augier, Victor Hydraulic studies of the borication system (REA) of the French EPR of Flamanville
Bachschuster, Stefan Development of an OpenFOAM Solver able to Simulate Direct Contact Condensation
Barbed, Martin Ingo CFD study of Direct Contact Condensation in 3-D two-phase flows and its application to the security analysis of a LOCA in a PWR Nuclear Power Plant
Ben Ayed, Mourad Generische Fragestellung im Bereich sicherheitsrelevante Kopplung zwischen Kernkraftwerken und elektrischen Netz
Cardella, Umberto Loss of Intermediate Cooling in an innovative Sodium Fast Reactor - The Effect of Fuel Type Cepeda
Salido, Florentino Estudio Crítico del Ciclo del Torio Basado en un Combustible de Torio Cermet y Viabilidad Económica.
Ceuca, Sabin Cristian Untersuchungen von Identifikationsmethoden zur Anpassung des Teilsimulations "Reaktorkern"
Chemnitz, Tobias Commissioning and Characterization of an Improved Setup for the NECTAR Experiment.
Dackermann, Uwe ANSYS CFX 11 SP1 Mesh Sensitivity Analysis and Single Phase Pressure Drop Modeling of the OECD/NEA BFBT Benchmark
Dawedeit, Christoph Thick Nano-Crystalline Diamond films for fusion applications
Däubler, Miriam New Approach to Safety Analysis of FRM II
Fabre, Yannick Development of subgrid models for large-eddy simulations of a passive scalar in turbulent flows
Fernandez, Jesus Juanas Analysis de Incertidumbre y Sensibilidad en la Generacion de Parametros Neutronicos para Simulaciones Acopladas Termo-Hidraulica y Neutronicamente de Centrales Nucleares
Geffray, Clotaire Set-up of a suitable Input Deck for the Simulation of Small Break Loss of Coolant Accident in a generic Pressurized Water Reactor
González Martí, Marta Assessment and further development of programs for medical therapy using fission neutrons
Guillermo Orozco, Gijon Study of the hydraulic Properties of the Components in the Plasma Vessel of the Wendelstein 7-X and of its Cooling System.
Herrera-Garcia, Jorge Alberto CFD-Calculation of 2-Phase-Flow Phenomena inside the pump bending loop during LOCA in PWRs
Kath, David Untersuchungen zur adaptiven Simulation von Leistungstransienten in DWR unter Nutzung unmittelbar und verzögert erfasster Informationen
López-Gutiérrez, Francisco Development of High Heat Flux Mirrors for the High Power Electron Cyclotron Resonant Heating of Thermonuclear Fusion Devices
Marendet, Anais Modeling of heat transfer for a supercritical fluid in a one-dimensional pipe during a presure transient.
Mateo, Moreno Pròsper Experimental investigation of air bubble train in still distilled water under atmospheric pressure and room temperature
Moner, Guim Pallàs Study of a PWR Fuel Assembly Model in 2D & 3D during Core Irradiation using the Inventory Calculation System KENOREST
Morf, Christoph Emmanuel Sensitivitäts- und Unsicherheitsanalyse eines gekoppelten TRACE/PARCS Modells für die Siedewasserreaktor-stabilitätsanalyse
Navas, Sara Cuerva Modeling of a PWR Core, Few Group Parameters Generation and Criticality Calculation
Plank, Clemens Hydrogen Deflagration with Detailed Chemistry
Pradel, Sebastian Aufbau und Konstruktion Heißstrang-DWR für Untersuchungen des Gegenstrom-Begrenzungsphänomenes
Reitzer, Reinhold Entwicklung eines Transformationsverfahrens instationärer Temperaturfelder für Kraftwerkskomponenten
Röttgen, Carsten Enhancement and Evaluation of the Monte Carlo Depletion Code MONTEBURNS
Salanitro, Emmanuele Pietro CFD-Modellierung eines vereinfachten Siedewasserreaktorunterkanals mit Brennstab und Abstandshalter
Schenk, Robert Entwicklung und Konstruktion eines Lamellenkollimators für die Neutronentherapie
Schiefer, Stefanie Validierung des Programms CASMO-4 mittels Folienaktivierung hinsichtlich der Reaktionsratenverteilungen in Uranoxid-Brennstäben für eine Brennstabanordnung der Generator IV (High Performance Light Water Reactor)
Schmid, Wolfgang Efficient application of variance reduction methods in Monte Carlo simulation of the photoneutron contamination in medical LINAC beams
Sureda, Antonio Jaime Sureda Generic Investigations on Transport Theory Modelling of High Temperature Reactors of Pepple Bed Type
Türk, Robert Physical Properties of highly burnt Uranium Oxid and MOX PWR Fuels: Validation of Composition and Neutron Sources
Wanninger, Andreas CFD Simulations of Direct Contact Condensation with Surface Renewal Theory based Heat Transfer Coecients using ANSYS CFX
Weis, Johannes Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of a ROSA cold Leg Stratification Test
Weisensee, Patricia Experimental Investigation of Steam Bubble Condensation in Subcooled Flowing Water