- Current Impacts and Initial RoCoF Estimation after Contingencies in Power Systems. 2022 IEEE PES 14th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, IEEE, 2023 (APPEEC) more…
- Substation Topology Planning: Impact on Voltage Stability and Short-circuit Current. 2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech, IEEE, 2023 more…
- Local Frequency Transients in the Future European Synchronous Transmission Grid. NEIS 2021; Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems, 2021 more…
- Local Frequency Transients in the Future European Synchronous Transmission Grid. NEIS 2021; Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems, 2021 more…
- Frequency Stability of Intentional Controlled Islanding Scheme in the Future European Synchronous Transmission Grid. PowerTech 2021, Power for the sustainable development goals, 2021Virtual conference more…
- Impact of the Modelling Depth of Distribution Grids on the Accuracy of Aggregated Distribution Networks. CIRED, 26th International Conference on Electricity Distribution 2021 , 2021Virtual conference more…