- Frequency Stability of Intentional Controlled Islanding Scheme in the Future European Synchronous Transmission Grid. PowerTech 2021, Power for the sustainable development goals, 2021Virtual conference more…
- Investigation of Demand Trends and their Impacts on Stationary and Dynamic Aggregated Load Behavior. Internationaler ETG-Kongress, 2019 more…
- Modelling of Stationary and Dynamic Demand Behavior considering Sectoral and Regional Characteristics. 25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution - CIRED, 2019 more…
- Berücksichtigung der regionalen und zeitlichen Abhängigkeit des Lastverhaltens zur gekoppelten Simulation von Übertragungs- und Verteilnetz. Tagung Zukünftige Stromnetze, 2019 more…
- Regionalized Aggregation of Distributed Energy Resources and Distribution Networks for Large-scale Dynamic Simulations. CIRED, 26th International Conference on Electricity Distribution 2021, 2019Virtual conference more…
- Methode zur einfachen Abschätzung der maximalen Frequenzabweichung bei Lastsprüngen in Inselnetzen. 15. Symposium Energieiinnovation, 2018 more…
- Performance of Nodal and Zonal ENTSO-E System Models in the Context of Large-Scale Integration of Renewables. Neis Conference 2017, 2017 more…
- 'Impacts of Reduced Rotational Inertia on Frequency Stability in the European Transmission System. CIGRE Symposium 2017, 2017 more…
- Reducing the need for new lines in Germany's energy transition: the hybrid transmission grid architecture. International ETG Congress 2017, 2017 more…
- Simulation Framework for Analysis of the European Transmission System under a Wide Range of Operating Conditions. 14. Symposium Energieinnovation, 2016„Energie für unser Europa“ more…
- Development of a Dynamic Model of the European Transmission System using Publicly Available Data. IEEE International Energy Conference Energycon 2016, 2016 more…
- Estimation of Reactive Power Compensation in the European Transmission System. Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply & Energy Storage Systems (NEIS) 2016, 201615.-16.09.2016 more…
- Influence of Energy Mix on the Future Grid Integration of PV and Wind in Europe. 2015 IEEE Modern Electric Power Systems Conference (MEPS), 2015 more…