Optinox – Optimization of biomass comustions with the objective of reducing nitrogen oxide emissions
The focus of the research project “Optinox” lies on the development of cost-efficient measures to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions of medium biomass combustion plants with a thermal firing capacity between 1 – 50 MW which are using combustible material with a high concentration of nitrogen e.g. straw and waste wood from wood-processing industries. In order to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions a combination of air grading and a downstream selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) are used. Through the optimization of the air grading the profitability of the firing systems is increased and lower NOx concentrations achieved.
The optimization of the air grading and SNCR shall be accomplished through experimental and numeric methods. The research project aims at fundamental investigations of TFN-release (total fixed nitrogen), NOx formation and the potential to diminish NOx emissions in various firing systems (entrained flow-, fluidized bed-, fixed bed reactor).
We are very grateful for the support and promotion of the project by the Agency for Renewable Resources, funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).
Project partners:
- Chair of Energy Systems, TUM
- STAEDTLER Mars GmbH & Co. KG (Neumarkt i. d. OPf.)
- Ørsted (Avedøreværket, Skærbæk)
Project duration: 01.12.2020 bis 30.11.2023
Funding reference: 2219NR211
Contact persons:
Sebastian Weiker
Daniel Klüh