Contacts and Directions

Contact details

Frau Jessica Walinger

Frau Karin Hernández (on leave)

Tel.: +49 (0)89 / 289 16681

Fax: +49 (0)89 / 289 16611


Lehrstuhl für Windenergie

Technische Universität München

School of Engineering and Design

Department of Energy and Process Engineering


Boltzmannstraße 15

Building 7 – Floor II

85748 Garching

How to reach us by public transportation:

From Munich city centre, the easiest way to get to the Campus Garching is by metro. Take U-Bahn 6 in the direction “Garching Forschungszentrum” and get off at “Garching Forschungszentrum” (last stop).

From the airport, take instead S-Bahn S1 to “Neufahrn”, and from there take bus 690. Otherwise, take S-Bahn S8 to “Ismaning” and then take bus 230. The estimated travel time is about 50 minutes for both routes.

How to reach us by taxi:

A taxi ride from central Munich to Garching will cost about 40-50 € (depending on your exact location). A taxi ride from the airport will cost about 35 €.

Taxi-Zentrale München: +49 (0) 89 21610

IsarFunk München: +49 (0) 89 450540

Grand Taxi: +49 (0) 89 3202885

How to reach us by car:

The campus is easily accessed by car. Just follow Autobahn A9 and take exit “Garching Nord”. Parking is available on campus at the locations indicated here. Munich is also equipped with several car sharing services such as DriveNow (available in the city, at the airport and on campus) or car2go (available in the city and at the airport).