As part of the research cluster "STROM" funded by the Bavarian research foundation involving developing an planning framework for the future Bavarian power and heat supply, the following master's thesis topics are offered in our chair:
- Regional assessment of renewable potentials in Germany for electricity and heat supply (multiple theses)
- Heat demand assessment of Bavaria with a synthesized database for residential buildings
- Heat demand assessment of Bavaria with a synthesized database for non-residential buildings
- Development and application of a distribution grid synthesis method on Bavarian context
If you are interested in writing your master's thesis on one of these topics, please send an e-mail to the respective supervisors with your CV, cover letter and your grade report.
The research cluster "STROM" brings together energy reserarchers from TUM, OTH Regensburg, Hochschule Ansbach, TH Ingolstadt, Hochschule München, along with 26 companies from the energy field. See for more information.