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- GIS-based suitability analysis and spatial optimization for Biomass-to-Liquid and Power-to-Liquid sustainable fuel production in Australia. Journal of Cleaner Production (489), 2025, 144615 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- A Dynamic Modeling Approach: Simplifying DFIG Theory, Simulation, and Analysis. Energies (18, no. 2: 282), 2025 mehr…
- Advancing GIS-based suitability analysis of BtX, PtX, PBtX, and eBtX facilities using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. MethodsX, 2025, 103194 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Technical evaluation and life-cycle assessment of solid oxide co-electrolysis integration in biomass-to-liquid processes for sustainable aviation fuel production. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2025, 124882 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Hydraulic Performance of Different Fixed Valve Geometries in a DN1200 Tray Column. Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA/VDI-Fachgruppe Fluidverfahrenstechnik, 2025 mehr…
- Investigation of Crystallization Fouling on Column Internals. Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA/VDI-Fachgruppe Fluidverfahrenstechnik, 2025 mehr…
- Experimental investigation of the impact of composite membranes and novel spacer designs on membrane humidifier performance. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 242, 2025, 126827 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Comparing the electrical performance of commercial sodium-ion and lithium-iron-phosphate batteries. Journal of Power Sources 633, 2025, 236290 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Investigation and modeling of paper drying in digital-printing. Applied Thermal Engineering 269, 2025, 125766 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Towards reliable HETP values: Lessons learned from standardized separation efficiency measurements. Separation and Purification Technology 361, 2025, 131436 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Generation of low-voltage synthetic grid data for energy system modeling with the pylovo tool. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 41, 2025, 101617 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Comprehensive and open model structure for the design of future energy systems with sector coupling. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition 6, 2025, 100094 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Experimental investigation of heavy metal release in entrained-flow biomass gasification. Fuel (387), 2025, 134379 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Attention-Enhanced AGRU Framework for Induction Motor Incipient Fault Diagnosis in Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 74, 2025, 1-17 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Influence of magnetic convection on separation efficiency in magnetophoretic microfluidic processes: a combined simulation and experimental study. Nanoscale, 2025 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- The Lifetime Carbon Footprint of Lithium-Ion Battery Systems in Exemplary Applications. , 15th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2023). , 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Vehicle-to-X Service Provision for various Modes of e-Transportation with Consideration of the Influence on Lithium-Ion Battery Utilization. , 15th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2023) . , 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Book of Abstratcs - MH2S 2024. , Munich Hydrogen Symposium 2024. , 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Renewable Energy Potential Analalysis in Bavaria – A High Resolution Study Using pyGRETA. Chair of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems, 2024, mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Impuls-urbs: Integration of life cycle assessment into energy system models. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 198, 2024, 114422 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- System design of a HV/LV DC-DC converter with the evaluation of GaN and Si chip-embedding. 2024 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), IEEE, 2024Vortrag / Presentation mehr…
- System design of a HV/LV DC-DC converter with the evaluation of GaN and Si chip-embedding. Conference Proceedings 2024 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), IEEE, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Methodology for an Offline Outlier Detection in a Dynamic Measurement Data Set. 2024 IEEE 100th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2024-Fall), IEEE, 2024, 1-5 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- State Model and Energy Consumption Analysis based on Automotive Lighting Signals. 2024 IEEE 100th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2024-Fall), IEEE, 2024, 1-5 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Investigating Anode Potential Errors of Real-Time Capable DFN Type Models Induced by Inhomogeneity for Fast Charging of Cylindrical Lithium-Ion Batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 171 (7), 2024, 070520 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Mechanistic cycle aging model for the open-circuit voltage curve of lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 593, 2024, 233947 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Modeling Particle Versus SEI Cracking in Lithium-Ion Battery Degradation: Why Calendar and Cycle Aging Cannot Simply be Added. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 171 (9), 2024, 090512 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Enhanced Modulated Model Predictive Control for Matrix Converters in Overmodulation Zones. IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics (Volume: 6), 2024, 66 - 77 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Optimizing mechanical compression for cycle life and irreversible swelling of high energy and high power lithium-ion pouch cells. Journal of Energy Storage 76, 2024, 109883 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- The Lifetime Carbon Footprint of Lithium-Ion Battery Systems in Exemplary Applications. Energy Proceedings (Volume 38), 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Power System Frequency Dynamics Modeling, State Estimation, and Control using Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (NODEs) and Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) Machine Learning Approaches. ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review 24 (1), 2024, 24-39 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- State-Space Modeling of Protection Circuits for Electronic Fuses in Vehicular Power Systems. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles (ESARS ITEC), IEEE, 2024 mehr…
- Vehicle-to-X Service Provision for various Modes of e-Transportation with Consideration of the Influence on Lithium-Ion Battery Utilization. Energy Proceedings Volume 38, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Replacing Diesel-Driven Generators with Batteries to Power Islanded Grids: Modeling and Performance Comparison. 18. Symposium Energieinnovation 2024, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Neural Network-Based Dynamic State Estimation for Fast Frequency Support Using Energy Storage Systems. 2024 IEEE Electrical Energy Storage Application and Technologies Conference (EESAT), IEEE, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Integrated Voltage and Frequency Support in Microgrids Using Droop and Model Predictive Control with Energy Storage Systems. 2024 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), IEEE, 2024, 141-146 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Green Hydrogen Production in Uruguay: Integrating Life Cycle Assessment and Energy System Optimisation using Impuls-urbs Framework. SETAC Europe 26th LCA Symposium, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Assessing Uruguay's Green Hydrogen Potential: A Comprehensive Analysis of Electricity and Hydrogen Sector Optimization. 9th Latin American Energy Economics Meeting (ELAEE), 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Prospective Life Cycle Assessment of Hydrogen production with next-generation low-iridium PEM Electrolyzers. SETAC Europe 26th LCA Symposium, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Non-destructive electrode potential and open-circuit voltage aging estimation for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 602, 2024, 234341 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Tools for Urban Heating Demand Estimation on a District Scale. 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- From Building to District: Accelerating Urban Building Energy Modeling with an Open-Source Database for Germany. BauSIM , 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Side-Variant Active Shielding Coils for High Power Wireless Charging Systems. 2024 IEEE Wireless Power Technology Conference and Expo (WPTCE), IEEE, 2024, 748-753 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Model-Free Predictive Control Based on Data-Driven for Fast and Accurate Power Allocation in Solid-State DC Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (Volume: 40, Issue: 1, January 2025), 2024, 1925 - 1935 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Transient DC Offset Mitigation for Dual Active Bridge Converters Based on Model Predictive Control With Optimized Dynamic Performance. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (( Early Access )), 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Isolated Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter (I-M3C) Based Novel Solid-State Transformer (SST) With Low-Frequency Medium-Voltage AC Port. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (Volume: 39, Issue: 10, October 2024), 2024, 12397 - 12410 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Entrained flow gasification-based biomass-to-X processes: A techno-economic assessment. Energy Conversion and Management 301, 2024, 118061 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- CESTEA: The TUM Chair of Energy Systems Techno-Economic Analysis Method. TUM-CES White Paper Series "Energy System in Transition", 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Electrification of gasification-based biomass-to-X processes – a critical review and in-depth assessment. Energy & Environmental Science 17 (3), 2024, 925-973 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Large-Signal Models of the Park Transformation and Phase-Locked Loop Algorithms. Eletrônica de Potência - Open Journal of Power Electronics (Vol.29 (2024)), 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Picking The Best Virus Sample Prep Method In Process Development. Online article, 2024 mehr…
- Mechanical Measurement Approach to Characterize Venting Behavior during Thermal Runaway of 18650 Format Lithium-Ion Batteries. Batteries 10 (4), 2024, 142 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Dynamisches Modell eines PEM-Elektrolyse-Stacks für einen digitalen Zwilling. ThermoSim, 2024 mehr…
- Dynamic Multi-Physics Modelling of a PEM Stack for a Digital Twin Application. PRiME, 2024 mehr…
- Tracer-Untersuchungen zum Strömungsverhalten der Zweiphasenschicht in einer DN1200-Bodenkolonne. Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA/VDI-Fachgruppe Fluidverfahrenstechnik, 2024 mehr…
- Small Signal Analysis of a Subsea Drive System Based on a Permanent Magnet Machine. Conference Proceedings 2023 IEEE 8th Southern Power Electronics Conference and 17th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (SPEC/COBEP), IEEE, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Understanding electrostatic interaction on strong cation-exchanger via co-ion valency effects. Separation and Purification Technology 342, 2024, 126860 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Dezentrale Verwertung von Klärschlamm mittels Pyrolyse und anschließender Flugstromvergasung zur gasmotorischen Nutzung; Teilvorhaben: Untersuchung der Flugstromvergasung von Klärschlamm bezüglich Prozessstabilität und Emissionen (PyroGasII). Technische Universität München, 2024, mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- ENTRAINED FLOW GASIFICATION OF SEWAGE SLUDGE TO REDUCE HEAVY METALS IN THE REMAINING ASH. 10th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Techno-economic assessment and comparison of Fischer–Tropsch and Methanol-to-Jet processes to produce sustainable aviation fuel via Power-to-Liquid. Energy Conversion and Management, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Overview and evaluation of crossover phenomena and mitigation measures in proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 68, 2024, 705-721 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Simultaneous design and part-load optimization of an industrial ammonia synthesis reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal 480, 2024, 148302 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Dynamic Operation of Load-Flexible Ammonia Plants. Annual Meeting of Process Engineering and Materials Technology, 2024 mehr…
- Investigation of the long-term dynamic Rds(ON) variation and dynamic high temperature operating life test robustness of Schottky gate and ohmic gate GaN HEMT with comparable stress conditions. ESREF 2024 (35 European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis), 2024Poster Presentation mehr…
- Insulating Capacity of a Sphere-Plane Electrode Arrangement with Thick Dielectric Coating under Negative Lightning Impulse Voltage Stress in Synthetic Air at High Pressures. 2024 IEEE 5th International Conference on Dielectrics (ICD), IEEE, 2024, 1-5 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Assessment of a coupled electricity and hydrogen sector in the Texas energy system in 2050. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 91, 2024, 787-799 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Comparative reliability analysis of electric aircraft versions for NASA’s X-57 based on Lz-transform method. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2701 (1), 2024, 012130 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Data-Driven Modeling of Commercial Off-the-Shelf Photovoltaic Inverters Using Neuromancer. 2024 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), IEEE, 2024, 135-140 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Translating Process Flow Diagrams to Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs) with Artificial Intelligence. 2024 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2024 mehr…
- Data-Driven Modeling of Grid-Forming Inverter Dynamics Using Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Experimentation. IEEE Access 12, 2024, 52267-52281 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- CFD Modelling of an 850 kW Injection Furnace to Investigate NOx Emissions. 14th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL FURNACES AND BOILERS, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- CFD Modelling of an 850 kW Injection Furnace to Investigate NOx Emissions. INFUB-14, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Wärmeübergangskoeffizienten bei der Anwärmung von kryogenem Wasserstoff. Jahrestreffen 2024 der DECHEMA-Fachgruppen Wärme- und Stoffübertragung (WSUE) und Trocknungstechnik (TRO), 2024 mehr…
- Learning-Based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Electrical Drives. Dissertation, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Polygeneration Of Power And Methanol From Biogenic Residues: A Techno-Economic-Assessment. 37th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EFFICIENCY, COST, OPTIMIZATION, SIMULATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ENERGY SYSTEMS, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Evaluation of influential factors on energy system optimisation. Energy Conversion and Management, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Comparisons of Decentralized Model Predictive Control without Weighting Factors for Electrical Drive Systems. 2024 IEEE 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2024-ECCE Asia), IEEE, 2024Vortrag / Presentation mehr…
- Comparisons of Decentralized Model Predictive Control without Weighting Factors for Electrical Drive Systems. Conference Proceedings 2024 IEEE 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2024-ECCE Asia), IEEE, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Hybrid Multilevel Converters: New Topologies and Enhanced Model Predictive Control Techniques. Dissertation, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Predictive Control of Back-to-Back Power Converter for Electrical Machine. Dissertation, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Combined Electrolysis and Steam Methane Reforming for Optimized, Sustainable Methanol and Green Hydrogen Production. PRiME, 2024 mehr…
- Test rig for the investigation of gas crossover in PEM electrolysis at stack level. 3. Statuskonferenz: H2Giga, 2024 mehr…
- Design guidelines to prevent thermal propagation and maximize packing density within battery systems with tabless cylindrical lithium-ion cells. Journal of Energy Storage 86, 2024, 111275 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Lithium-Ion Batteries beyond the knee – Lifetime Extension via Alteration of Operating Conditions. Advanced Battery Power 2024 2024 mehr…
- Modeling of a Cooled Shift Reactor for the Production of Hydrogen from Biogas. Annual Meeting of Process Engineering and Materials Technology, 2024 mehr…
- A Robust and Gain-Free Direct Model Predictive Control for Nine-Level T-Type Converter. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (( Early Access )), 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Low Modulation Index Operation of a Nine-Level T-Type Converter. 2023 IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC), IEEE, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Investigation of Crystallization Fouling on Column Internals using a Screening Test Rig. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Investigation of Crystallization Fouling on Column Internals. 2024 Spring Meeting & 20th Global Congress on Process Safety, 2024 mehr…
- Investigation of Crystallization Fouling on Column Internals. ACHEMA, 2024 mehr…
- Optimizing the design of an ORC air-cooled condenser for industrial waste heat recovery: a trade-off between power consumption and required face area. 37th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EFFICIENCY, COST, OPTIMIZATION, SIMULATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ENERGY SYSTEMS, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Mechanical Characterization and Modeling of Large-Format Lithium-Ion Battery Cell Electrodes and Separators for Real Operating Scenarios. Batteries 10 (12), 2024, 422 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Breaking Characteristic of a Gas-Insulated Fast-Acting Switch in Synthetic Air under Inductive Load. 2024 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Applications (ICHVE), IEEE, 2024, 1-4 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Fast and accurate modelling of twin-screw compressors: A generalised low-order approach. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Insights into Fischer–Tropsch catalysis: current perspectives, mechanisms, and emerging trends in energy research. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- First-principle modeling of parallel-flow regenerative kilns and their optimization with genetic algorithm and gradient-based method. Digital Chemical Engineering 13, 2024, 100190 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Improving extrapolation capabilities of a data-driven prediction model for control of an air separation unit. Computers & Chemical Engineering 194, 2024, 108953 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Enhancing Extrapolation Capabilities of a Data-Driven Prediction Model for an Air Separation Unit Using a Digital Twin. 2024 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2024 mehr…
- Purification of lactoferrin through a sequential filtration and magnetic separation process: A processing example for acid whey valorization. Future Foods 9, 2024, 100342 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- A Robust Unified Strategy for Maximum Torque Per Ampere and Field Weakening in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (Volume: 39, Issue: 5, May 2024), 2024, 5286 - 5297 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- The Superiority of Finite Control Set Methods in Parameter Identification Without High Frequency Signal Injection for PMSM. 2024 IEEE 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2024-ECCE Asia), IEEE, 2024Vortrag / Presentation mehr…
- The Superiority of Finite Control Set Methods in Parameter Identification Without High Frequency Signal Injection for PMSM. Conference Proceedings 2024 IEEE 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2024-ECCE Asia), IEEE, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- A two-phase nonlinear optimization method for routing and sizing district heating systems. Energy, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Prognose der Einspeisung aus PV-Anlagen mithilfe von Wettervorhersagen. 18. Symposium Energieinnovation 2024, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Water Evaporation CFD Method with the Meshfree Volume-Volume-Coupling Approach for Wet Automotive Component Dry-Out Time Prediction. International Journal of Automotive Engineering 15 (1), 2024, 58-65 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Multidisturbances Compensation for Three-Level NPC Converters in Microgrids: A Robust Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Approach. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (Volume: 20, Issue: 6, June 2024), 2024, 8917 - 8931 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Optimal Design and Operation of Long-Distance Deep-Water HVAC Transmission for Offshore WECS Integration with FPSO Unit. 2024 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), IEEE, 2024Vortrag / Presentation mehr…
- Optimal Design and Operation of Long-Distance Deep-Water HVAC Transmission for Offshore WECS Integration with FPSO Unit. Conference Proceedings 2024 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), IEEE, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Mechanistic Modeling of Departure from Nucleate Boiling in Subcooled Flow Boiling at Near-Critical Pressure Conditions. 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-14), 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Control of bidirectional prosumer substations in smart thermal grids: A weighted proportional-integral control approach. Applied Energy 354, 2024, 122239 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Predefined-Time Sliding Mode Predictive Current Control for Disturbance Suppression and Dynamic Response Improvement in SPMSM Drives. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (( Early Access )), 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Modeling the Condensation Heat Transfer on Horizontal Low‐Finned Tubes. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Experimental investigation of the impact of non-condensing gas on the condensation of n-propanol on a low-finned tube. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 122775 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Dynamic Modeling of Differential DC-DC Converters Using Thévenin Equivalent Circuit. 2024 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG), IEEE, 2024Vortrag / Presentation mehr…
- Dynamic Modeling of Differential DC-DC Converters Using Thévenin Equivalent Circuit. Conference Proceedings 2024 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG), IEEE, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Empirical Investigation and Feed-Forward Control of Wire Tension in Needle Winding Processes. 2024 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), IEEE, 2024Vortrag / Presentation mehr…
- Empirical Investigation and Feed-Forward Control of Wire Tension in Needle Winding Processes. Conference Proceedings 2024 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), IEEE, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Impact of Polymers on Hybrid Solid-State Battery Performance: Modeling and Simulation. ModVal 2024 2024 mehr…
- Impact of Polymer Interlayers on All-Solid-State Battery Performance Using a Physicochemical Modeling Approach. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 171 (2), 2024, 020509 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Analytic Selectivity Evaluation of Vehicular Electronic Fuses’ Wire Protection Algorithms. 2024 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), IEEE, 2024, 1-6 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Fast Triggering Time Determination of a Vehicular Electronic Fuse’s Wire Protection Algorithm. 2024 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), IEEE, 2024, 1-6 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Combined Ethylene and Acetic Acid Production by Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane. SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting, 2024 mehr…
- Parallel Computing Utilization in Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor. IEEE Access (Volume: 12), 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Average Streamer Channel Field Strength in Pressurized Synthetic Air at Lightning Impulse Voltage Stress. 2024 IEEE 5th International Conference on Dielectrics (ICD), IEEE, 2024, 1-4 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Wolf, C.; Alexseev, A.; Primke, F.; Rehfeldt, S.; Klein, H. 29th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference, International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2024, 2024 mehr…
- A New Generalized Multisource Inverter for Electric Vehicles Controlled by Model Predictive. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (Volume: 71, Issue: 9, September 2024), 2024, 10184 - 10197 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Optimizing the manufacturing conditions of CaO/Ca(OH)2 for thermochemical energy storage utilizing a bubbling fluidized bed to reduce particle degradation. Journal of Energy Storage, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Pilot-scale investigation of high-temperature thermochemical energy storage based on the material system CaO/Ca(OH)2 in a bubbling fluidized bed. Powder Technology, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Continuous near-equilibrium operation and model validation of a pilot-scale thermochemical energy storage reactor using CaO/Ca(OH)2. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Temperature resolved release of inorganic compounds from biomass. Fuel 357, 2024, 129939 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Online-Parameteridentifikation zur technischen Diagnose elektrischer Antriebsysteme. Dissertation, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Structure-Reactivity- and Modelling-Relationships during Thermal Annealing in Biomass Entrained-Flow Gasification: The Effect of Temperature and Residence Time. Fuel, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Enabling waste-to-X pathways: A comprehensive analysis of the entrained-flow gasification kinetics of biogenic residues under industrial conditions. 12th International Freiberg Conference, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- ReProvAP in Retrospective: Improving the Design Process of Distillation Columns with Structured Packings. ACHEMA, 2024 mehr…
- Experimental Investigation of Phenomena in Heat Transfer to Water at Near Critical Pressures. 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-14), 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- EnergyOS: Designing a Multi-Application EMS Platform. The 15th ACM International Conference on Future and Sustainable Energy Systems, ACM, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Design and evaluation of architectural framework for a secured local energy market model based on distributed ledger technologies. IET Energy Systems Integration, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Characterization of Passive Recirculation in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells in Automotive Application. Conference Proceedings 21. VDI-Tagung „SIMVEC – Auslegung und Absicherung von Fahrzeugsystemen“, VDI, 2024 mehr…
- Characterization of Passive Recirculation in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells in Automotive Application. 2024 - 21. VDI-Tagung „SIMVEC – Auslegung und Absicherung von Fahrzeugsystemen“, VDI, 2024Vortrag / Presentation mehr…
- A Decentralized Fault-Tolerant Control Strategy for Multilevel CHB Inverters Based on a Multiband Hysteresis Modulation. 2024 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), IEEE, 2024, 521-526 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Scaling from cell to system: Comparing Lithium-ion and Sodium-ion technologies regarding inhomogeneous resistance and temperature in parallel configuration by sensitivity factors. Journal of Energy Storage 98, 2024, 112931 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Thermo-economic comparison of CO2 and water as a heat carrier for long-distance heat transport from geothermal sources: A Bavarian case study. Energy, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Semi-closed Loop Based on Predictive Current Control for SPMSM Drives during Servo Stamping. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics ( ( Early Access )), 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- A Fixed Switching Frequency Direct Model Predictive Control for Grid-Tied Converters with LCL Filters under Adverse Grid Conditions. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (( Early Access )), 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- A Fixed Switching Frequency Direct Model Predictive Control for Grid-Tied Converters with LCL Filters under Adverse Grid Conditions. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (Volume: 13, Issue: 1, February 2025), 2024, 502 - 517 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Enhanced Time-Optimal Filter-Based Point-to-Point Trajectory Generation with Vibration Suppression. 2024 10th International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering (ICMRE), IEEE, 2024Vortrag / Presentation mehr…
- Enhanced Time-Optimal Filter-Based Point-to-Point Trajectory Generation with Vibration Suppression. Conference Proceedings 2024 10th International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering (ICMRE), IEEE, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Steam Storage Rankine Cycle for Unutilized Applications in Distributed High-Temperature Waste Heat Recovery. Energies 17 (4), 2024, 920 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Kompakte und wirtschaftliche Abwärmeverstromung mit Wasserdampf. VDI energie + umwelt 1 (7-8), 2024, 64-69 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- A Physics-Informed Neural Network Modeling Approach for Energy Storage-Based Fast Frequency Support in Microgrids. 2024 IEEE Electrical Energy Storage Application and Technologies Conference (EESAT), IEEE, 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Frequency Security Index-Based State of Health Monitoring of a Microgrid Using Energy Storage Systems. 2024 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), IEEE, 2024, 229-234 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Technical University of Munich Announces Passing of Prof. Dierk F. Schroeder [In Memoriam]. IEEE Power Electronics Magazine (Volume: 11, Issue: 2, June 2024), 2024, 108 - 108 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Power Electronics in Renewable and Non-Renewable Enery Applications -- More Manifold than People would Expect. MPEES2024 Lab of More Power Electronics Energy Systems, 2024 mehr…
- ReProvAP in Retrospektive: Reduzierung der klimarelevanten Prozessemissionen durch die verbesserte Auslegung von strukturierten Packungskolonnen. 2. Statuskonferenz von KlimPro-Industrie, 2024 mehr…
- NOx-Emission und Reduktion aus der Klärschlammverbrennung in einem Flugstromreaktor. Kraftwerktechnisches Kolloquium 2024, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Measurements of NOx emissions from biomass combustion in small to medium-scale power plants. INFUB-14 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- NOx emission and reduction from sewage sludge combustion in an entrained flow reactor. Kraftwerkstechnik 2024, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Measurements of NOx emissions from biomass combustion in small to medium-scale power plants. INFUB-14, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Investigation of NOx emission reduction using air staging from biomass and residue combustion in an entrained flow combustion reactor. The 29th International conference on the Impact of Fuel Quality on Power Production and Environment, Germany, 2024, 2024 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Importance analysis of a system based on survival signature by structural importance measures. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 243, 2024, 109814 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- Multi-Objective Control of Nine-Level ANPC Converters: A Robust and Gain-Free MPC Method. Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), IEEE, 2023 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Multi-Objective Control of Nine-Level ANPC Converters: A Robust and Gain-Free MPC Method. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), IEEE, 2023Vortrag / Presentation mehr…
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- Timeseries Extraction from long term timeseries - An analysis of stationary storage application profiles. Advanced Battery Power 2023 2023Aachen mehr…
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- Model Optimization Strategy Based on Moving Horizon Estimation for Induction Motor. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion (( Early Access )), 2023 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- Der digitale Zwilling – Schlüsseltechnologie zur Flexibilisierung von Luftzerlegungsanlagen. Dissertation, 2023 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Operational characterization of tokamak and stellarator type fusion power plants from an energy system perspective. Fusion Engineering and Design 190, 2023, 113496 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Abschlussbericht TWIST: hermochemische Energiespeicher im Wirbelschichtverfahren für Industrieanwendungen und Stromerzeugung: Weiterentwicklung der thermochemischen Speicherung vom Technikums zum MW-Maßstab durch Versuche und Verbesserung von Modellen, sowie Identifikation wirtschaftlicher Einsatzfälle in der Industrie. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz; Martin GmbH für Umwelt- und Energietechnik, Currenta GmbH & Co.OHG, Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG, Märker Kalk GmbH, Iqony GmbH (ehemals STEAG Energy Services) GmbH, EBSILON, Schwing Technologies GmbH, 2023, mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
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- Nonlinear hybrid control model for accurate steady-state predictions. Computers & Chemical Engineering 178, 2023, 108368 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Kombination eines datengetriebenen Vorhersagemodells mit einem Digitalen Zwilling zur Regelung von Luftzerlegungsanlagen. Jahrestreffen "Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik", 2023 mehr…
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- Electrifying light commercial vehicles for last-mile deliveries: Environmental and economic perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 137933 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- Experimental degradation study of a commercial lithium-ion battery. Journal of Power Sources 560, 2023, 232498 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- An improved photovoltaic maximum power point tracking technique-based model predictive control for fast atmospheric conditions. Alexandria Engineering Journal (Volume 63), 2023, 613 - 624 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- Aging aware operation of lithium-ion battery energy storage systems. Advanced Battery Power 2023, 2023Aachen mehr…
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- The role of energy storage in the uptake of renewable energy: A model comparison approach. Energy Policy 151, 2021, 112159 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- Chiara Monzani;Giulio Cerino Abdin;Alberto Poggio. Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on ORC Power Systems, Technical University of Munich, 2021 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Thermodynamic analysis of a combined Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) with Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolyzer (PEME) in an integrated biomass conversion system. Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on ORC Power Systems, Technical University of Munich, 2021 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Development and validation of an RP-HPLC DAD method for the simultaneous quantification of minor and major whey proteins. Food Chemistry, 2021 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Subsonic organic vapor flow past a circular cylinder. Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on ORC Power Systems, Technical University of Munich, 2021 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Workflow design methodology for ORC system dedicated to waste heat recovery from the engine coolant of commercial vehicles. Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on ORC Power Systems, Technical University of Munich, 2021 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
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- Analysis of heat transfer within rotary vane expander. Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on ORC Power Systems, Technical University of Munich, 2021 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
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- Zeotropic mixtures study in plate heat exchangers and ORC systems. Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on ORC Power Systems, Technical University of Munich, 2021 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
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- Flexible Operation of Air Separation Units. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 92 (12), 2020, 1921 - 1940 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Detailed CFD simulations of pure substance condensation on horizontal annular low finned tubes including a parameter study of the fin slope. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 163, 2020, 120363 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- Dynamic Current Boosting Technique of Flipped Voltage Follower for Low- Dropout Regulator. PIM Europe, 2019 mehr…
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- Encoderless Finite Control Set Predictive Current Control of Synchronous Reluctance Motor. 21st International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON 2019), 2019Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Encoderless Finite Control Set Predictive Current Control of Synchronous Reluctance Motor. Proc. of the 21st International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON 2019), 2019 mehr…
- High-Precision Sensorless Predictive Control of Salient-Pole Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor based-on Extended Kalman Filter. Proc. of the 21st International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON 2019), 2019 mehr…
- High-Precision Sensorless Predictive Control of Salient-Pole Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor based-on Extended Kalman Filter. 21st International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON 2019), 2019Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Direct Sensorless Model Predictive Control of Induction Motor based on Extended Kalman Filter for Three-Level NPC Inverter. Proc. of the 21st International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON 2019), 2019 mehr…
- Direct Sensorless Model Predictive Control of Induction Motor based on Extended Kalman Filter for Three-Level NPC Inverter. 21st International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON 2019), 2019Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Kostengünstige und effiziente Spannungshaltungsverfahren im Verteilnetz. FNN-Infotag: VDE-AR-N 4105 Erzeugungsanlagen am Niederspannungsnetz, 2019 mehr…
- Effectivity of active voltage control concepts in distribution grids. 25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution - CIRED, 2019 mehr…
- A correlation of the water film thickness and friction factor for supercritical /subcritical transition in a hot-leg pipe geomtery. 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, 2019NURETH 2019 mehr…
- Impact of Cell Size and Format on External Short Circuit Behavior of Lithium-Ion Cells at Varying Cooling Conditions: Modeling and Simulation. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167 (1), 2019, 013511 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Quasi-Isothermal External Short Circuit Tests Applied to Lithium-Ion Cells: Part II. Modeling and Simulation. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 166, 2019, A151-A177 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Power-to-heat with high temperature thermochemical energy storage. International Renewable Energy Storage Conference, 2019IRES mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Model Predictive Control with Reduced Integration Step Size for Continuous Control of an IPM Motor. PRECEDE 2019, the 5th International Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics, 2019Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Model Predictive Control with Reduced Integration Step Size for Continuous Control of an IPM Motor. Proceedings of the PRECEDE 2019, the 5th International Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics, 2019 mehr…
- Oversampled MPC with Sinc3-filter for Continuous Control of an IPM Motor. 5th International Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE2019), 2019Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Oversampled MPC with Sinc3-filter for Continuous Control of an IPM Motor. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE2019), 2019 mehr…
- Topology and Efficiency Analysis of Utility-Scale Battery Energy Storage Systems. International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2019, 2019 mehr…
- Efficient and scalable system design for stationary battery energy storage systems. MSE Colloquium 2019, 2019 mehr…
- A Novel, Scalable, Low-Cost and High-Efficiency Battery Storage System Topology. Atlantis Press, 2019 mehr…
- Life cycle assessment of hydrogen from proton exchange membrane water electrolysis in future energy systems. Applied Energy 237, 2019, 862-872 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Performance Investigation of Semiconductor Devices using Commutation-speed based methodology for the application of Boost Power Factor Correction. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ) (Volume 4, Issue 1), 2019, Page No 258-267 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Integration of the subchannel thermal-hydraulic code SubChanFlow into the reactor dynamics code PARCS: Development and testing based on a computational benchmark. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Control of a Drag Power Kite over the Entire Wind Speed Range. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 42 (10), 2019, 2167-2182 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Model-Based Analysis of Transient Processes in Highly-Available Automotive Energy Systems. Elektrik/Elektronik in Hybrid- und Elektrofahrzeugen und elektrisches Energiemanagement IX (Haus der Technik - Fachbuchreihe 148), expert, 2019 mehr…
- Reducing Transient Disturbances within Automotive Power Systems Through Adapting of Input Circuits. 2019 International Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering (iCCECE), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- System Identification and Modeling of an Automotive Bidirectional DC/DC Converter. Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Modeling framework for Simulating Energy Storage Systems in Grid Applications. Jahrestreffen Forschungsnetzwerk Energiesystemanalyse 2019 mehr…
- Development of Reference Storage Profiles for Electrical Grid Applications. NEIS Konferenz 2019 2019 mehr…
- A coupled technological-sociological model for national electrical energy supply systems including sustainability. Energy, Sustainability and Society 9 (1), 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Wind Inflow Observation from Load and Acceleration Harmonics. Wind Energy Science Conference 2019, 2019 mehr…
- Brief communication: Wind inflow observation from load harmonics – wind tunnel validation of the rotationally symmetric formulation. Wind Energy Science 4 (1), 2019, 89-97 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Noise Optimized Control of an Electrical Drive with Induction Machine – Harmonics Modeling and Control Strategies. Dissertation, 2019 mehr…
- Implementation of Hydrogen Solid Solubility Data and Precipitation Threshold Stresses in the Fuel Rod Code TESPA-ROD. ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci. 5(2), 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Comparative Reliability Analysis of Different Traction Drive Topologies for a Search-and-Rescue Helicopter. Proc. of International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Science and Operations Management (SMRLO), 2019 mehr…
- Quantified Resilience Estimation of the Safety-Critical Traction Electric Drives. In: Mathematical Modelling of System Resilience. River Publishers, 2019, 87-112 mehr…
- Reliability and Fault Tolerance Assessment of Multi-motor Electric Drives with Multi-phase Traction Motors. In: Fault-Tolerant Traction Electric Drives – Reliability, Topologies and Components Design. Springer Singapore, 2019, 1-24 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Operational Availability Investigation of Multi-drive Electric Propulsion System of the Arctic Gas Tanker with Ice Class Arc7. In: Fault-Tolerant Traction Electric Drives – Reliability, Topologies and Components Design. Springer Singapore, 2019, 25-48 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Reliability Oriented Design of High-Speed Multi-phase Electric Generator for the Aerospace Application. In: Fault-Tolerant Traction Electric Drives – Reliability, Topologies and Components Design. Springer Singapore, 2019, 49-72 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Fault Tolerant Multi-phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for the More Electric Aircraft. In: Fault-Tolerant Traction Electric Drives – Reliability, Topologies and Components Design. Springer Singapore, 2019, 73-92 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Lz-transform: Definition, Main Properties and Examples. In: Fault-Tolerant Traction Electric Drives – Reliability, Topologies and Components Design. Springer Singapore, 2019, 93-108 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Novel Principle of Aero/Hydro-Dynamic Lift Creation, Methods of Its Technical Implementation, and Prospects of Its Application. International Conference on Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems (ICOECS), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Advanced Control Method for Traction Electric Drives with Multiphase Induction Motors: Design and Potential. Fourteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Fault Tolerance Assessment of Multi-Motor Electrical Drives with Multi-Phase Traction Motors Based on LZ-transform. Fourteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Operational Availability and Performance Analysis of the Multi-Drive Multi-Motor Electric Propulsion System of an Icebreaker Gas Tanker for Arctic. Fourteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Reliability Evaluation of non-Repairable Propulsion Systems of Hybrid-Electric Helicopter with Different Level of Hybridization. Fourteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Calculation of Thermal Transient Behavior of a 9-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Flight Traction Applications. Fourteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Comparison between Upwind and Downwind Designs of a 10 MW Wind Turbine Rotor. Wind Energy Science (4), 2019, 115-125 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Performance of non-intrusive uncertainty quantification in the aeroservoelastic simulation of wind turbines. Wind Energy Science 4 (3), 2019, 397-406 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- IEA Wind TCP Task 37: Systems Engineering in Wind Energy - WP2.1 Reference Wind Turbines. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), 2019, mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Todays Blind Turbines. Novel Wind Energy Technologies, 2019 mehr…
- Can We Turn Each Turbine into a Wind Sensor, and Why Would It Be Useful? ForWind Wind Physics Symposium 2019, 2019 mehr…
- Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Wind Turbines for Wind Farm Control. EKC 2019, 2019 mehr…
- Wind Turbine Design — Origins of Systems Engineering and MDAO for Wind Energy Applications. Wind Energy Systems Engineering (WESE) Workshop, 2019 mehr…
- The Growing Turbine. NAWEA WindTech 2019 Conference, 2019 mehr…
- Rotor Design and Analysis – Rotor Design and Analysis. In: Wind Energy Modeling and Simulation: Turbine and System. The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), 2019 mehr…
- Towards a Systems Perspective on Lidar-assisted Control: Some Preliminary Findings on the Turbine-Level Cost/Benefit Analysis. IEA Wind Task 32-37 Workshop, 2019 mehr…
- Description of torque-speed curve of an induction machine with a power trigonometric function. Second Scientific and Technical Conference “Borisov’s Readings”, SFU Publishing House, 2019, 22–26 mehr…
- L-Erythrulose production with a multideletion strain of <em>Gluconobacter oxydans</em><em></em>. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 103 (11), 2019, 4393-4404 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Condensation of binary mixtures on horizontal tubes. Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (1), 2019, 17-31 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Computational Efficient Optimum Control for 3-Level-Inverters with DC-link Capacitance Balancing. Dissertation, 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Overview of Recent Experiments in Wind Farm Control using Scaled Models in a Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel. Wind Energy Systems Engineering (WESE) Workshop, 2019 mehr…
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- Wake Deflection Control with Wind Direction Changes: Wind Tunnel Comparison of Different Wind Farm Flow Models. ACC 2019, American Control Conference, 2019 mehr…
- Comparison of Analytical Wake Models with Wind Tunnel Data. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1256, 2019, 012006 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Meta-analysis of country-specific energy scenario studies for neighbouring countries of Germany. 16th IAEE European Conference , 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Meta-analysis of country-specific energy scenario studies for neighbouring countries of Germany. 16th IAEE European Conference, 2019 mehr…
- Sociodynamic modeling of small-scale PV adoption and insights on future expansion without feed-in tariffs. Energy Policy 125, 2019, 521-536 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Cross-couplings between Actuator Sizing and Rotor and Tower Design. Wind Energy Science Conference 2019, 2019 mehr…
- Modeling of lithium plating and lithium stripping in lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources (414), 2019, 41-47 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- A Discrete-Time Model of Induction Machines Including Winding Distribution Harmonics. 13th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IEEE PEDS 2019), 2019Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- A Discrete-Time Model of Induction Machines Including Winding Distribution Harmonics. Proceedings ot the 13th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IEEE PEDS 2019), 2019 mehr…
- Open Battery Models for Electrical Grid Applications. Batterieforum Deutschland 2019, 2019 mehr…
- Battery modeling requirements for stationary storage systems. Open Energy Modelling Workshop, 2019 mehr…
- Open Battery Models for Electrical Grid Applications. Batterieforum Deutschland 2019, 2019 mehr…
- Kalina power plant part load modeling: Comparison of different approaches to model part load behavior and validation on real operating data. Energy 174, 2019, 625-637 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- 2. Zwischenbericht HotVeGas 2019. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, 2019, mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Performance of an Ultra Low Inductance GaN Half Bridge Switching Cell with Substrate Integrated Bare Dies. PCIM2019, 2019Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
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- A study of dielectric breakdown of a half-bridge switching cell with substrate integrated 650 V GaN dies. 2019 IEEE International Workshop on Integrated Power Packaging (IWIPP2019), 2019Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- A study of dielectric breakdown of a half-bridge switching cell with substrate integrated 650 V GaN dies. Proceeding of the 2019 IEEE International Workshop on Integrated Power Packaging (IWIPP2019), 2019 mehr…
- Performance of an Ultra Low Inductance GaN Half Bridge Switching Cell with Substrate Integrated Bare Dies. Konferenzband zur PCIM2019, 2019 mehr…
- Performance of a GaN Half Bridge Switching Cell with Substrate Integrated Chips. Proc. of the International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management (PCIM Europe) 2019, 2019 mehr…
- 1. Zwischenbericht HotVeGas 2019. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, 2019, mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Kinetics and Heat Exchanger Design for Catalytic Ortho- to Para-Hydrogen Conversion during Liquefaction. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Investigations of neutron noise induced by transient cross flow in a PWR reactor core. 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, 2019 mehr…
- Concept for a Scalable Cybernetic Energy Management System and its Environmental Coupling for a Battery Storage System. Fourteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Development of a new column shortcut model and its application in process optimisation. Chemical Engineering Science 196, 2019, 538-551 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Integration of energy markets in microgrids: A double-sided auction with device-oriented bidding strategies. Applied Energy 241, 2019, 625-639 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Evaluation of Energy Market Platforms Potential in Microgrids: Scenario Analysis Based on a Double-Sided Auction. Frontiers in Energy Research 7, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Evaluation of Energy Market Platforms Potential in Microgrids: Scenario Analysis Based on a Double-Sided Auction. Frontiers in Energy Research 7, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Modeling Thermal-Runaway Propagation – Effect of Venting. Battery Safety Summit, 2019 mehr…
- DESIGN AND FIRST OPERATION OF AN ADVANCED ORC-CHP ARCHITECTURE. 5th International Seminar on ORC Power Systems, 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Experimental investigation of modern ORC working fluids R1224yd(Z) and R1233zd(E) as replacements for R245fa. Applied Energy 240, 2019, 946-963 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Experimental and numerical investigation of direct liquid injection into an ORC twin-screw expander. Energy, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Numerical study of effects of vortex generators on heat transfer deterioration of supercritical water upward flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 137, 2019, 489-505 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Predictive Control of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverter Optimizing Switching Frequency and Power Quality. PIM Europe, 2019 mehr…
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- Current Research on Gasification and Gasification-based PtX/BtX Systems at TUM. 8th ACI Gasification Conference, 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- A New Analytical Approach for the Calculation of the Thermal Behaviour of an Electrical Machine. Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Effect of internal hydrocarbon reforming during coupled operation of a biomass gasifier with hot gas cleaning and SOFC stacks. Energy Science & Engineering 7 (4), 2019, 1140-1153 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Influence of Three Different Reactor Geometries on Fixed-bed Methanation of Bio-syngases. 6th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, 2019REGATEC mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Comparison of Different Fixed-bed Methanation Reactors for Renewable Natural Gas Production. tcbiomassplus2019, 2019The International Conference on Thermochemical Conversion Science: Biomass & Municipal Solid Waste to RNG, Biofuels & Chemicals mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Einfluss der Reaktorgeometrie auf die Methanisierung biogener Synthesegase. DECHEMA Jahrestagung, 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- The Influence of the Entropic Effect on Battery Performance. AABC Europe, 2019 mehr…
- Lifetime optimization of plate fin heat exchangers. IGT International Liquefied Natural Gas Conference Proceedings, 2019, 985 mehr…
- Predictive Current Trajectory Control for PMSM at Voltage Limit. IEEE ACCESS (Volume 8), 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Nonlinear Modelling of Dynamic Wire Tension for Needle Winding Processes of Distributed Windings. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology 2019 (ICIT2019), 2019Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Nonlinear Modelling of Dynamic Wire Tension for Needle Winding Processes of Distributed Windings. Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology 2019 (ICIT2019), 2019 mehr…
- Optimization of the End Winding Patterns in Needle Wound Traction Stators. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics 2019 (ICM2019), 2019Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Optimization of the End Winding Patterns in Needle Wound Traction Stators. Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics 2019 (ICM2019), 2019 mehr…
- Towards a Sustainable Energy Mix: Ecuadorian case. 9th Energy Colloquium of the Munich School of Engineering, Technical University of Munich, 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Virtual Double Pulse Tests to Reduce Measuring Time and Effort in Semiconductor Loss Modeling. PCIM Europe 2019; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, VDE Verlag, 2019, 1–7 mehr…
- Triangular and Trapezoidal Modulation for Dual Active Bridge DC-DC Converters with Fast Switching Semiconductors. 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE '19 ECCE Europe), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Impact Analysis of Pocket Damper Seal Geometry Variations on Leakage Performance and Rotordynamic Force Coefficients Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 141 (4), 2019, 041024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Rotordynamic Force Coefficients of Gas Seals - An Experimental Approach with Active Magnetic Rotor Excitation. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Rotor Dynamics – IFToMM. Springer International Publishing, 2019, 192-207 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Leckageverhalten und rotordynamische Charakterisierung von modernen Dichtungssystemen mit Blattdichtungen : Verbundprojekt: COOREFLEX-turbo Vorhaben-Nr. 3.2.6 : Schlussbericht : Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 01.12.2014-30.11.2018. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, Technische Universität München, 2019, mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- One-Step Purification of Microbially Produced Hydrophobic Terpenes via Process Chromatography. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Heat transfer to water near the critical point: evaluation of the ATHLET thermal-hydraulic system code. Kerntechnik 84 (5), 2019, 375-389 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Thermo-hydraulic simulation of district heating systems. Geothermics 82, 2019, 244-253 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Design of a test rig for the simulation of startup procedures in main heat exchangers of air separation plants. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 147, 2019, 90-97 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Untersuchung von Anfahrvorgängen in Hauptwärmeübertragern von Luftzerlegungsanlagen. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Wärme- und Stoffübertragung , 2019 mehr…
- Schlüsselkomponenten - Robustifizierung des Hauptwärmetauschers – Technologische Weiterentwicklungen zur Erhöhung des Flexibilitätspotentials. In: Energieflexibilität in der deutschen Industrie. Fraunhofer Verlag, 2019 mehr…
- An analytical approach for estimating the global horizontal from the global tilted irradiance. Solar Energy 188, 2019, 1042-1053 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Optimized capacitive active ripple compensation topology for a 3.7 kW single-phase high power density on-board charger of electric vehicles. Electrical Engineering, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Efficient model predictive power control with online inductance estimation for photovoltaic inverters. Electrical Engineering, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Comparative well-to-wheel life cycle assessment of OME3–5 synfuel production via the power-to-liquid pathway. Sustainable Energy & Fuels 3 (11), 2019, 3219-3233 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Influence of Hydrothermal Carbonisation on Combustion Properties of Biomass. 2nd International Symposium on Hydrothermal Carbonization, 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Hydrothermal Carbonisation of Biogenic Waste Streams. Biofficiency Spring School, 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Influence of Hydrothermal Carbonisation on Combustion Properties of Biomass. 27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 2019EUBC mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- TUM–WelChem cell model for the prediction of liquid distribution in random packed columns. AIChE Journal, 2019, e16598 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Liquid distributor design for random packed columns. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 147, 2019, 689-698 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Energie- und Emissionsbilanz der Paketzustellung mit Elektrofahrzeugen in München. Landeshauptstadt München - Referat für Gesundheit und Umwelt, 2019, mehr…
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- Operation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stacks with Bio-Syngas. ProcessNet Jahrestreffen, 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Effects of naphthalene on the performance of Ni/YSZ anode-supported SOFCs. 16th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, 2019SOFC 16 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Feasibility Study on Conceptual Design of Dual Fluid Fast Reactor. Hedongli Gongcheng/Nuclear Power Engineering 40 (1), 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- The effect of acetate on population heterogeneity in different cellular characteristics of <em>Escherichia coli</em> in aerobic batch cultures. Biotechnology Progress, 2019, e2796 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Urban Energy Innovation Index for Latin American Cities. 2019 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Innovative Compressed Air Storage Concept. 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY, SUSTAINABILITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE, 2019ESCC mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Modelling of a Reversible SOC in Ansys Fluent. 16th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, 2019SOFC 16 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- State Of Charge Balancing during Fault Tolerant Operation of Battery Storage Systems Based on Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter. Fourteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Quantifizierung der Trenneffizienz einer strukturierten Packung mittels numerischer Simulation. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 91 (12), 2019, 1833-1841 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Flow and Interfacial Species Transfer in Structured Packings. AIChE Spring Meeting, 2019 mehr…
- Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Flow and Interfacial Species Transfer in Structured Packings. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Fluidverfahrenstechnik, 2019 mehr…
- Reactivity of Re2O7 in aromatic solvents – Cleavage of a β-O-4 lignin model substrate by Lewis-acidic rhenium oxide nanoparticles. J. Catal., 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Ageing and Efficiency Aware Battery Dispatch for Arbitrage Markets Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming. Energies, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Centralized Short-Circuit Detection for Multiphase Inverters. PIM Europe, 2019 mehr…
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- Centralized Short-Circuit Detection for Multiphase Inverters. International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management (PCIM Europe) 2019, 2019Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- The MESSAGE Integrated Assessment Model and the ix modeling platform (ixmp): An open framework for integrated and cross-cutting analysis of energy, climate, the environment, and sustainable development. Environmental Modelling & Software 112, 2019, 143-156 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Bandwidth Improvements for Current Control Loops with a 100 kHz PWM Frequency and GaN Power Semiconductors. SICE Annual Conference 2019 (SICE 2019), 2019Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Bandwidth Improvements of Linear Direct Drives with a 100 kHz PWM Frequency. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications (LDIA2019), 2019 mehr…
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- Bandwidth Improvements for Current Control Loops with a 100 kHz PWM Frequency and GaN Power Semiconductors. Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2019 (SICE 2019), 2019 mehr…
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- Reversible self-discharge and calendar aging of 18650 nickel-rich, silicon-graphite lithium-ion cells. Journal of Power Sources 425, 2019, 217-226 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Cell-to-cell variation of calendar aging and reversible self-discharge in 18650 nickel-rich, silicon–graphite lithium-ion cells. Journal of Energy Storage 26, 2019, 100900 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Online Aging Determination with Dissipative Balancing Circuits. Kraftwerk Batterie 2019, 2019 mehr…
- Development of a short-term operational planning tool for geothermal plants with heat and power production connected to large district heating systems. THE 32ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EFFICIENCY, COST, OPTIMIZATION, SIMULATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ENERGY SYSTEMS, 2019ECOS 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
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- Design of a Six-Phase Fault-Tolerant Electric Motor for an Aircraft Fuel Pump. Fourteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Computationally Efficient Model Predictive Direct Power Control with Online Finite Set Model Inductance Estimation Technique for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverters. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), IEEE, 2019Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Computationally Efficient Model Predictive Direct Power Control with Online Finite Set Model Inductance Estimation Technique for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverters. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Computationally Efficient Finite-Set Model Predictive Current Control of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors with Model-Based Online Inductance Estimation. 2019 IEEE Conference on Power Electronics and Renewable Energy (CPERE), IEEE, 2019Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
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- A Novel Gate Driver for Suppressing Overcurrent and Overvoltage of SiC MOSFET. 10th International Conference on Power Electronics – ECCE Asia (ICPE 2019-ECCE Asia), 2019Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- A Novel Gate Driver for Suppressing Overcurrent and Overvoltage of SiC MOSFET. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Power Electronics – ECCE Asia (ICPE 2019-ECCE Asia), 2019 mehr…
- Dynamic response comparison of direct and indirect evaporation options in ORC systems for waste heat recovery. Energy Procedia 158, 2019, 1606-1612 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Direct vs indirect evaporation in Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems: A comparison of the dynamic behavior for waste heat recovery of engine exhaust. Applied Energy 242, 2019, 439-452 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Multi-Dimensional Modelling and Simulation of a 18650 nickel-rich, silicon-graphite lithium-ion cell for developing rapid charging methods. Oxford Battery Modelling Symposium 2019 mehr…
- [Preprint] Suitability of physicochemical models for embedded systems regarding a nickel-rich, silicon-graphite lithium-ion battery. [PrePrint] Suitability of physicochemical models for embedded systems regarding a nickel-rich, silicon-graphite lithium-ion battery (436), 2019, 226834 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Suitability of physicochemical models in microcontroller systems for monitoring lithium-ion batteries. ModVal 2019, 2019 mehr…
- Suitability of physicochemical models for embedded systems regarding a nickel-rich, silicon-graphite lithium-ion battery. Journal of Power Sources, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Zellsimulation, Zustandsbestimmung und Gesamt-BMS für eine Multifunktionale intelligente Batterie Zelle. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, 2019, mehr…
- In-situ measurement of gas pressure inside prismatic lithium ion cells during operation and abuse scenarios. Batterieforum Deutschland 2019 2019 mehr…
- In-situ Messung des Gasdrucks in prismatischen Lithium-Ionen-Zellen während des Betriebs und in Abuse-Szenarien. Batterieforum Deutschland 2019, 2019 mehr…
- Change of Gas Pressure inside Prismatic Lithium Ion Cells during Aging. Kraftwerk Batterie 2019 2019 mehr…
- Potential Analysis of Electrical Drive Trains According to Application Requirements. Dissertation, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Choice of Phase Number for a Multiphase Traction Motor to Meet Requirements on Fault Tolerance. International Conference on Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems (ICOECS), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Linear and Nonlinear Aging of Lithium-Ion Cells Investigated by Electrochemical Analysis and In-Situ Neutron Diffraction. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 166 (16), 2019, A3908-A3917 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Vorteile eines druckgetriebenen Modellierungsansatzes bei der dynamischen Simulation eines Wärmeübertragers. 1. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik, 2019 mehr…
- Pressure-driven dynamic simulation of start up and shutdown procedures of distillation columns in air separation units. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 147, 2019, 98-112 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Gesamtprozess - Dynamische Simulationen von Anlagenstopps und Anfahrvorgänge – Technologische Weiterentwicklungen zur Erhöhung des Flexibilitätspotentials. In: Energieflexibilität in der deutschen Industrie. Fraunhofer Verlag, 2019 mehr…
- Druckgetriebene dynamische Simulation einer gesamten Luftzerlegungsanlage. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Fluidverfahrenstechnik, 2019 mehr…
- Predictive Control: Introduction and basic concepts. ECPE Tutorial 2019 - Model Predictive Control for Power Electronics, Drives and Power Grid Applications, 2019Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- MPC for drives. ECPE Tutorial 2019 - Model Predictive Control for Power Electronics, Drives and Power Grid Applications, 2019Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- MPC for photovoltaic Inverters. ECPE Tutorial 2019 - Model Predictive Control for Power Electronics, Drives and Power Grid Applications, 2019Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Encoderless Control for Electrical Drives. 2019, (anderer Eintrag) mehr…
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- Model Predictive Control - A Simple and Powerful Method to Control Power Electronics and Drives. 2019, (anderer Eintrag) mehr…
- CFD model and simulation of pure substance condensation on horizontal tubes using the volume of fluid method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 138, 2019, 420-431 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Validierung eines Modells für die Simulation der Reinstoffkondensation an horizontalen Rohren. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Wärme- und Stoffübertragung , 2019 mehr…
- Simulation der Kondensation von Reinstoffen an horizontalen Glatt- und Rippenrohren. Workshop: Wärmeübertragung mit Phasenwechsel in fluiden Systemen: Ein Update, 2019 mehr…
- Large Eddy Simulation of a particle-laden flow around a cylinder: Importance of thermal boundary layer effects for slagging and fouling. Fuel 241, 2019, 585-606 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Magnetic Design of a Q-Coil for a 10 kW DDQ System for Inductive Power Transfer. IEEE PELS Workshop on Emerging Technologies: Wireless Power (WoW), 2019 mehr…
- Interoperability Analysis of Two Different Coil Systems for Inductive Power Transfer. 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE '19 ECCE Europe), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- A Fast-transient Current Control Strategy for Three-phase Four-wire Modular Multilevel Inverter in Grid-tied Battery Energy Storage System. Fourteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Socioeconomic implications of biofuels deployment through an Input-Output approach. A case study in Uruguay. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 104, 2019, 178-191 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Utilization of biogenic residues in a biorefinery concept via entrained flow gasification with coupled gas fermentation for the production of basic chemicals. 2nd German Doctoral Colloquium Bioenergy, 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Mitigation of Sub-synchronous Resonance caused by Wind Power and Series Compensation. Dissertation, 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Robust Encoderless Speed Control of a Synchronous Machine by direct Evaluation of the Back-EMF Angle without Observer. 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE '19 ECCE Europe), 2019Vortrag / Präsentation mehr…
- Moving Horizon Parameter Estimation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines. Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE '19 ECCE Europe), 2019 mehr…
- Formulation of Fatigue Dynamics as Hybrid Automaton for Model Predictive Control. Unpublished, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Modellbasierte Analyse von Limitierungsmechanismen in Lithium-Ionen-Zellen. Batterieforum Deutschland 2019 2019 mehr…
- Dependency of the Discharge Rate Capability on Electrode Thickness of Lithium-Ion Cells with Laser-Structured Graphite Anodes. ModVal 2019 2019 mehr…
- Modeling and Simulation of Pore Morphology Modifications using Laser-Structured Graphite Anodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167 (1), 2019, 013506 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Direct Online Rainflow-counting and Indirect Fatigue Penalization Methods for Model Predictive Control. European Control Conference (ECC) 2019, 2019 mehr…
- Offline Economic Active-Power Dispatch for Wind Farms Taking Fatigue into Account. Wind Energy Science Conference 2019, 2019 mehr…
- Assessment of residential battery storage systems and operation strategies considering battery aging. International Journal of Energy Research 44 (2), 2019, 718-731 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Asymmetric current distribution within parallel-connected battery cells and its influencing factors. AABC 2019 mehr…
- Influence of Local Temperature Gradients on the Current Deviation in Parallel Connected Systems. Kraftwerk Batterie 2019 2019 mehr…
- Gleichbleibende Qualität trotz unterschiedlicher Testergebnisse? Welche Einflussparameter in der Batteriefertigung bekannt sein sollten. Batterieforum Deutschland 2019 2019 mehr…
- Experimental study of the impedance behavior of 18650 lithium-ion battery cells under deforming mechanical abuse. Journal of Energy Storage 26, 2019, 101039 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Enhancing the X-ray contrast of polymeric biochromatography particles for three-dimensional imaging. Journal of Chromatography A 1590, 2019, 65-72 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Improved packing of preparative biochromatography columns by mechanical vibration. Biotechnology Progress, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Abschlussbericht zum Verbundvorhaben Verteilnetz 2020 - Verbesserung der Aufnahmefähigkeit und Sicherung der Netzqualität von Verteilnetzen. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, 2019, mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Modellierung einer Softwareautomatisierung für ein übergeordnetes Regelungskonzept für smarte Verteilnetze in PSS Sincal/Netomac. Zukünftige Stromnetze, 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
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- Literaturstudie für den Formierprozess und End-of-Line Test in der Produktion von Lithium-Ionen-Zellen. Lehrstuhl EES - TU München, 2019, mehr…
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- Design of State-Feedback Controller for Single-Phase Grid-Connected Siwakoti -H-Inverter with LCL Filter. PIM Europe, 2019 mehr…
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- Integrated urban energy modeling: coupling urban growth and energy demand. MSE Kolloquium, TUM, 2019 mehr…
- A GIS-based gray-box approach for the estimation of heat demand at the urban scale. 38th International Energy Workshop, 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
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- Enhanced cellular automata model for the simulation of electricity demand at the urban scale. Conference on Complex Systems 2019, 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Zwischenbericht TWIST 2019 – Kurzfassung Zwischenbericht. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, 2019, mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Asymmetric Whole-Cell Bio-Reductions of (R)-Carvone Using Optimized Ene Reductases. Molecules 24 (14), 2019, 2550 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Loop Swapping as a Potent Approach to Increase Ene Reductase Activity with Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH). Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis (361), 2019, 2505-2513 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Probing Membrane Protein Insertion into Lipid Bilayers by Solid–State NMR. ChemPhysChem (20), 2019, 302-310 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Towards Prosumer Flexibility Markets: A Photovoltaic and Battery Storage Model. 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Towards Prosumer Flexibility Markets: A Photovoltaic and Battery Storage Model. 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- An Experimental Study of Lateral Wake Interactions within a Wind Farm. Wind Energy Science Conference 2019, 2019 mehr…
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- Additive Fertigung in der Thermischen Trenntechnik – von der strukturierten Packung zur kompletten Trennwandkolonne. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Fluidverfahrenstechnik, 2019 mehr…
- A Very Simple Strategy for High-Quality Performance of AC Machines Using Model Predictive Control. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (Vol. 34, No. 1, January 2019), 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- Rational Crystal Contact Engineering of <em>Lactobacillus brevis</em> Alcohol Dehydrogenase To Promote Technical Protein Crystallization<em></em>. Crystal Growth & Design 19 (4), 2019, 2380-2387 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- Comprehensive investigation and comparison of TFM, DenseDPM and CFD-DEM for dense fluidized beds. Chemical Engineering Science 196, 2019, 291-309 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Coarse-grained CFD-DEM simulation of biomass gasification in a fluidized bed reactor. Fuel 255, 2019, 115790 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
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- Thermochemische Energiespeicher für Industrie und Kraftwerke. Fachkongress SolarChemieR, 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Light-dependent growth kinetics enable scale-up of well-mixed phototrophic bioprocesses in different types of photobioreactors. Journal of Biotechnology 297, 2019, 41-48 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Structural dynamics of lithium-ion cells – Part I: Method, test bench validation and investigation of lithium-ion pouch cells. Journal of Energy Storage, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- The Impact of Automotive Random Vibrations on 18650 Lithium-Ion Cells. Kraftwerk Batterie, 2019 mehr…
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- Simulation of Organic Rankine Cycle – Quasi-steady state vs dynamic approach for optimal economic performance. Energy 167, 2019, 619-640 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Effect of cold source conditions on the design and control of organic rankine cycles for waste heat recovery from industrial processes. The 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact on Energy Systems, 2019ECOS 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
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- Who Settles Where? Learning the Value of Land through a GIS-based and Data-driven Approach. GI_Forum 2019, University of Salzburg, 2019 mehr…
- Digitalisierung bedeutet mehr Informationen. TQ Digital Motor Control (1/2019), 2019, S.72-73 mehr…
- Outer heat transfer coefficient for condensation of pure components on single horizontal low-finned tubes. Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (1), 2019, 3-16 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Thermogravimetric analysis of chemical reduction processes for the in-situ production of oxygen from lunar regolith. 7th European Lunar Symposium, 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Quantification of the Three-dimensional Nanoparticle Distribution in Polymer Nanocomposites. IEEE TDEI 26 (2), 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Continuous conversion of CO<sub>2</sub>/H<sub>2</sub> with <em>Clostridium aceticum</em> in biofilm reactors. Bioresource Technology 291, 2019, 121760 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Reversible retrofitting of a stirred-tank bioreactor for gas-lift operation to perform synthesis gas fermentation studies. Biochemical Engineering Journal 141, 2019, 89-101 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- A Design Methodology of Multiresonant Controllers for High Performance 400 Hz Ground Power Units. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics ( Volume: 66 , Issue: 8), 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Validation and Calibration of a Wake Model in Complex Terrain. Wind Energy Science Conference 2019, 2019 mehr…
- The gap between energy policy challenges and model capabilities. Energy Policy 125, 2019, 503-520 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- Magnetic Recovery of cellulose from cellulose substrates with bare iron oxide nanoparticles. ChemNanoMat, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- Design of interactions between nanomaterials and proteins: A highly affine peptide tag to bare iron oxide nanoparticles for magnetic protein separation. Biotechnology Journal, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Magnetic one-step purification of his-tagged protein by bare iron oxide nanoparticles. ACS Omega, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Magnetic Separation in Bioprocessing Beyond the Analytical Scale: From Biotechnology to the Food Industry. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Sektorkopplung in der Quartiersplanung am Beispiel des Garchinger Campus der TU München. Projektleitertreffen des Forschungsnetzwerks EnergieWendeBauen, 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Comparison of different Development Scenarios for the Energy System of the TUM Campus Garching. MSE Kolloquium, 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Optimierung der Zuverlässigkeit von Energiebordnetzarchitekturen hinsichtlich Kurzschlüssen. Elektrik/Elektronik in Hybrid- und Elektrofahrzeugen und elektrisches Energiemanagement IX (Haus der Technik - Fachbuchreihe 148), expert, 2019 mehr…
- Modeling the Dynamic Behavior of 12V AGM Batteries and Its Degradation. Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Production of lipids with <em>Microchloropsis salina</em> in open thin-layer cascade photobioreactors. Bioresource Technology 289, 2019, 121682 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Thermodynamical analysis of a hydrogen fueling station via dynamic simulation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44 (33), 2019, 18240-18254 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- New Method for Analyzing Ultrasonic based Measurements for Lithium-ion Batteries. Kraftwerk Batterie 2019, 2019 mehr…
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- Experimental Evaluation of Cascaded Continuous and Finite Set Model Predictive Speed Control for Electrical Drives. Proceedings of the 2019 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE '19 ECCE Europe), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Analysis of the effect of charging infrastructure design on electric taxi driving profiles: A case study approach on the example of Singapore. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 13 (7), 2019, 479-496 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Validated numerical fluid simulation of a thin-layer cascade photobioreactor in OpenFOAM. Engineering in Life Sciences 19 (2), 2019, 97-103 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Flexible spatial distribution of electricity demand for energy system models. 38th International Energy Workshop, 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
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- Impact of the choice of regions on energy system models. Energy Strategy Reviews 25, 2019, 75-85 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- How are the benefits of Europe's decarbonization distributed? IAEE International Conference, 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Towards a sustainable European energy system: Linking optimization models with multi-regional input-output analysis. Energy Strategy Reviews 26, 2019, 100391 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Efficiency Analysis of Three-Phase and Dual Three-Phase Induction Machine with Sinusoidal Supply. International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- A Techno-Economic Analysis of Vehicle-to-Building: Battery Degradation and Efficiency Analysis in the Context of Coordinated Electric Vehicle Charging. ees Europe 2019, 2019 mehr…
- A Techno-Economic Analysis of Vehicle-to-Building: Battery Degradation and Efficiency Analysis in the Context of Coordinated Electric Vehicle Charging. Energies, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- SimSES Multi-Use: A simulation tool for multiple storage system applications. 2019 16th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- SimSES Multi-Use: A simulation tool for multiple storage system applications. 16th International Conference 2019, 2019Ljubljana, Slovenia mehr…
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- Analysis of the Frequency-Dependent Load Response of Electrical Machines with Regard to the Frequency Stability of Isolated Grids. CIDEL Argentina 2018, 2019 mehr…
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- Choice of the Numerical Flux in Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Two-Dimensional Magnetostatic Problems. Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (Compumag 2019) , 2019 mehr…
- Analysis of penalty parameters for interior penalty Galerkin methods. COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering 38 (5), 2019, 1401-1412 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- Uncertainty modeling with the open source framework urbs. Energy Modelling Platform for Europe (EMP-E) 2019, 2019 mehr…
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- A Novel Method for High Frequency Battery Impedance Measurements. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal & Power Integrity (EMC+SIPI), IEEE, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- Ring Structures in Automotive Power Nets: Idea and Implementation. Elektrik/Elektronik in Hybrid- und Elektrofahrzeugen und elektrisches Energiemanagement IX (Haus der Technik - Fachbuchreihe 148), expert, 2019, 1–11 mehr…
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- Grand challenges in the science of wind energy. Science 366 (6464), 2019, eaau2027 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Sensorless and Energy Efficient Control of Synchronous Machines for Automotive Applications. Dissertation, 2019 mehr…
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- Parallel Predictive Torque Control for Induction Machines without Weighting Factors. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics , 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Wake behavior and control: comparison of LES simulations and wind tunnel measurements. Wind Energy Science 4 (1), 2019, 71-88 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Preliminary hydraulic analysis of the distribution zone in the Dual Fluid Reactor concept. Progress in Nuclear Energy 110, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Neutron physical feasibility of small modular design of dual fluid reactor. International Conference on Nuclear Engineering,, 2019 ICONE, 2019-May mehr…
- Neutron physics of the liquid-fuel heat-pipe reactor concept with molten salt fuel—Static calculations. International Journal of Energy Research 43 (14), 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Wind Tunnel Measurements of the Lateral Wake Interaction of Two Scaled Wind Turbines. Wind Energy Science Conference 2019, 2019 mehr…
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- Improving information gain from optimization problems using artificial neural networks. THE 32ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EFFICIENCY, COST, OPTIMIZATION, SIMULATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ENERGY SYSTEMS, 2019ECOS 2019 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
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- Electrochemical Thermal-Mechanical Modelling of Stress Inhomogeneity in Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- How far along are Local Energy Markets in the DACH+ Region? Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems - e-Energy '19, ACM Press, 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- UltraZohm - a Powerful Real-Time Computation Platform for MPC and Multi-Level Inverters. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), 2019Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- UltraZohm - a Powerful Real-Time Computation Platform for MPC and Multi-Level Inverters. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), 2019 mehr…
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- Operating Point Dependent Variable Switching Point Predictive Current Control for PMSM Drives. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- A non-smooth Newton method for the solution of magnetostatic field problems with hysteresis. COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering 38 (5), 2019, 1584-1594 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- Development of a Continuous Fluidized Bed Reactor for Thermochemical Energy Storage Application. Journal of Energy Resources Technology 141 (7), 2019, 070710 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
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- Liquid Maldistribution in Random-Packed Columns: Experimental Investigation of Influencing Factors. Chemical Engineering & Technology 41 (11), 2018, 2241-2249 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Anwendung des TUM-WelChem-Zellenmodells auf Auslegungsrichtlinien und Prozesssimulation. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Fluidverfahrenstechnik, Membrantechnik und Mischvorgänge, 2018 mehr…
- Population heterogeneity in microbial bioprocesses: origin, analysis, mechanisms, and future perspectives. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 41 (7), 2018, 889-916 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Neutron and X-ray crystal structures of Lactobacillus brevis alcohol dehydrogenase reveal new insights into hydrogen-bonding pathways. Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology Communications 74 (12), 2018, 754-764 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Numerical Optimization in Planning of Flexible Needle Winding Trajectories. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2018 (INES2018), 2018Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- NURBS based trajectory generation for an industrial five axis needle winding robot. 4th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR), 2018Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Numerical Optimization in Planning of Flexible Needle Winding Trajectories. Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2018 (INES2018), , 2018 mehr…
- NURBS based trajectory generation for an industrial five axis needle winding robot. Procceding of the 4th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR), 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- CFD simulation of Reversible Solid Oxide Cell stack operating mode transition. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Energieverfahrenstechnik, 2018 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
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- BioCORE - Thermodynamic evaluation of a biogas powered reversible SOC system. 13th European SOFC & SOE Forum 2018, 2018 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Management Algorithms for Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverters. 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2018 mehr…
- Numerical simulation of two-phase flow and interfacial species transfer in structured packings. Chemical Engineering Transactions 69, 2018, 337-342 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Numerical Simulation of Rectification in Structured Packings. Jahrestreffen der ProcesNet-Fachgruppe Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2018 mehr…
- Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Flow and Interfacial Species Transfer in Structured Packings. Distillation & Absorption, 2018 mehr…
- Numerical Simulation of Rectification in Structured Packings. Jahrestreffen der ProcesNet-Fachgruppe Fluidverfahrenstechnik, 2018 mehr…
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- Finite Control Set-Model Predictive Speed Control with a Voltage Smoother. Proceedings of the IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Elektromobilität und stationäre Speicher - Second-Use und Second-Life. Technische Universität Rosenheim, 2018, mehr…
- Batteriespeicher im industriellen Maßstab - Leitlinien zu Systemauslegung und Betrieb. 3. Herbstworkshop "Energiespeichersysteme", 2018 mehr…
- EES: Real Life Projects - Panel discussion. The Smarter E - Intersolar 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Electric mobility - a new driving force for stationary storage systems. The Smarter E - Intersolar 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Multi-Use of Stationary Battery Energy Storage Systems with Blockchain based markets. Forschungsnetzwerk Intellizell Regensburg, 2018 mehr…
- Electric mobility - a new driving force for stationary storage systems. The Smarter E - Intersolar 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Low Inductive SiC Power Module Design Using Ceramic Multilayer Substrates. PCIM Europe 2018, 2018Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Low Inductive SiC Power Module Design Using Ceramic Multilayer Substrates. Proceedings of PCIM Europe 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Novel SiC Module Design - Optimised for Low Switching Losses, Efficient Cooling Path and Low Inductance. CIPS 2018 - 10th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems, 2018Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Novel SiC Module Design - Optimised for Low Switching Losses, Efficient Cooling Path and Low Inductance. Proceedings of the CIPS 2018 - 10th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems, VDE Verlag GmbH, 2018 mehr…
- Partial Discharges under DC Voltage Stress - Simulation and Measurement. 2018 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE), 2018 mehr…
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- Location of partial discharges in flat voids in solid insulation materials under DC stress. 18. International Workshop on High Voltage Engineering, 2018 mehr…
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- Gas solubilities of carbon dioxide in methanol, acetone, mixtures of methanol and water, and mixtures of methanol and acetone. Fluid Phase Equilibria 459, 2018, 186-195 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Uncertainties in Entropy due to Temperature Path Dependent Voltage Hysteresis in Li-Ion Cells. Journal of Power Sources, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Influence of Long-term Equalization Processes on the Voltage Based Self-discharge Measurements in Li-Ion Cells. IMLB 2018. The 19 th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries 2018 mehr…
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- Increasing the Discharge Rate Capability of Lithium-Ion Cells with Laser-Structured Graphite Anodes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 165, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Membrane-assisted extraction of monoterpenes: from in silico solvent screening towards biotechnological process application. Royal Society Open Science, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Coupling SOFCs to biomass gasification – The influence of phenol on cell degradation in simulated bio-syngas. Part II – Post-test analysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43 (45), 2018, 20911-20920 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Thermal power fluctuations in waste heat to power systems: An overview on the challenges and current solutions. Applied Thermal Engineering 134, 2018, 576-584 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Thermal power fluctuations in waste heat to power systems: An overview on the challenges and current solutions. Applied Thermal Engineering 134, 2018, 576-584 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Analysis and comparison of dynamic behavior of heat exchangers for direct evaporation in ORC waste heat recovery applications from fluctuating sources. Applied Energy 216, 2018, 724-740 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Analysis and comparison of dynamic behavior of heat exchangers for direct evaporation in ORC waste heat recovery applications from fluctuating sources. Applied Energy 216, 2018, 724-740 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Modeling and simulation of inhomogeneities in a 18650 nickel-rich, silicon-graphite lithium-ion cell during fast charging. Journal of Power Sources, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- [Preprint] - Modeling and simulation of inhomogeneities in a 18650 nickel-rich, silicon-graphite lithium-ion cell during fast charging. [Preprint] - Modeling and simulation of inhomogeneities in a 18650 nickel-rich, silicon-graphite lithium-ion cell during fast charging (412), 2018, 204-223 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- State Estimation of Lithium-Ion Cells using a Physicochemical Model based Extended Kalman Filter. ModVal.Symposium for Fuel Cell 15 2018, 2018 mehr…
- State estimation of lithium-ion cells using a physicochemical model based extended Kalman filter. Applied Energy, 2018, 103–123 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Comparison of Reduced Order Electrochemical Models and Multi-Physically coupled Models of a Lithium-Ion Cell during Fast Charging. IMLB 2018. The 19th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries 2018 mehr…
- Entrained Flow Gasification of Biomass in a Pilot-Scale Test Rig – Load- and Fuel-Flexible Operation. 26th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 2018EUBCE2018 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
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- Entrained Flow Gasification of Biomass in a Pilot-Scale Test Rig – Load- and Fuel-Flexible Operation. The 27th International Conference on the Impact of Fuel Quality on Power Production and the Environment, 2018 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Physicochemical modeling of nonlinear aging of lithium-ion cells. IMLB 2018. The 19th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries 2018 mehr…
- Software partitioning of distributed battery management systems for intelligent battery cells. Batterieforum Deutschland 2018 2018 mehr…
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- In Situ Neutron Diffraction Study of Lithiation Gradients in Graphite Anodes during Discharge and Relaxation. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- A Variable Switching Point Predictive Current Control Strategy for Quasi-Z-Source Inverters. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (Volume 54, Number 2, March/April 2018), 2018, 1469 - 1480 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Influence of Cell-to-Cell Variations on the Inhomogeneity of Lithium-Ion Battery Modules. Journal of The Electrochemical Society (11), 2018, A2587-A2607 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Influencing factors on the inhomogeneity and performance of lithium-ion battery modules. EEHE 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Modelling the influence of cell-to-cell variations within lithium-ion battery modules on inhomogeneous module ageing. IMLB 2018. The 19th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries 2018 mehr…
- Influence of cell-to-cell variations on the inhomogeneity of lithium-ion battery modules. Kraftwerk Batterie 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Selective release of overexpressed recombinant proteins from E. coli cells facilitates one-step chromatographic purification of peptide-tagged green fluorescent protein variants. Protein Expression and Purification, Elsevier, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Finite Control Set Model-Predictive Speed Control with a Load Torque Compensation. IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, 2018Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- The Role of Hydrogen, Battery-Electric Vehicles and Heat as Flexibility Option in Future Energy Systems. 2018 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'18 ECCE Europe), 2018, P.1-P.10 mehr…
- Pressure-driven dynamic simulation of distillation columns in air separation units. Chemical Engineering Transactions 69, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Pressure-driven dynamic simulation of distillation columns in air separation units. Distillation & Absorption, 2018 mehr…
- Druckgetriebene dynamische Simulation von Rektifikationskolonnen bei Luftzerlegungsanlagen. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Fluidverfahrenstechnik, Membrantechnik und Mischvorgänge, 2018 mehr…
- Symmetrical components - an interesting tool to investigate in multi-phase systems. WTRS-EE 2018, 2018 mehr…
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- Power Electronics Applications in Smart Grids. WTRS-EE 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Virtual Power Grid. Power Systems Meeting 2018, 2018Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Predictive Control - the Powerful Method to Control Power Converters and Drivers in the Future. Power Systems Meeting 2018, 2018Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Model Predictive Control on electrical drives and power converters (including multi-level converters). 4th IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference, SPEC 2018, 2018Vortrag/Tutorial mehr…
- HIL and Model Predictive Control for Power Electronics and Electric Drives. Seminar PowerElectronics 2018, 2018Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
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- The Reaction Kinetics of Gaseous Alkali Capture by Kaolin in Syngas Atmosphere. Chemical Engineering & Technology 41 (9), 2018, 1881-1888 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Experimental Investigation of Alkali Release during Pyrolysis and Gasification of Coal. 9th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies, 2018 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Wind Turbine Wake Characterization for Improvement of the Ainslie Eddy Viscosity Wake Model. Energies 11 (10), 2018, 2823 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Design and Validation of Demanded Power Point Tracking Control Algorithm of Wind Turbine. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology 5 (3), 2018, 387-400 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Entwicklung eines CFD-Solvers für die Reinstoffkondensation. Jahrestreffen der ProcesNet-Fachgruppe Wärme- und Stoffübertragung , 2018 mehr…
- Char particle burning behavior: Experimental investigation of char structure evolution during pulverized fuel conversion. Fuel Processing Technology 171, 2018, 361-373 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Ash formation and deposition in coal and biomass fired combustion systems: Progress and challenges in the field of ash particle sticking and rebound behavior. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 68, 2018, 65-168 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Polymersomes as nanoreactors for preparative biocatalytic applications: current challenges and future perspectives. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 41 (9), 2018, 1233-1246 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- An experimental investigation of the flashover behavior of outdoor cable terminations under lightning impulse application. International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application, 2018 mehr…
- Experimental and simulative analysis of the thermal behavior of high voltage cable joints. VDE Fachtagung / Konferenz Hochspannungstechnik, 2018 mehr…
- Studies on the scale-up of biomass production with <em>Scenedesmus</em> spp. in flat-plate gas-lift photobioreactors. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 41 (2), 2018, 213-220 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Nonlinear DC-link PI Control for Airborne Wind Energy Systems During Pumping Mode. In: Airborne Wind Energy. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., 2018, Pages 241-276 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Nonlinear two-step simulation model of a resonant converter for IPT systems. IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC), 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Type and capacity of glucose transport influences succinate yield in two-stage cultivations. Open Access Articles and Journals in Engineering, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Grid Models for Use with Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter Based Battery Energy Storage System. IEEE AEIT International Annual Conference (AEIT), 2018 mehr…
- Comparative Reliability Analysis of a Three Phase Five Level Cascaded H-Bridge and H-Bridge with Level Doubling Network Inverter Topologies. IEEE 13th International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER’18), 2018 mehr…
- Space Vector Modulation for 17-Level Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter for Use in Battery Energy Storage Systems. IEEE 13th International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER’18), 2018 mehr…
- Physical Simulation of an H-Bridge Inverter on Component-Level for Use in Energy Storage System with Measurement Assessment. IEEE 13th International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER’18), 2018 mehr…
- Impacts of Decarbonisation on the Water-Energy-Land (WEL) Nexus: A Case Study of the Spanish Electricity Sector. Energies 11 (5), 2018, 1203 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Modelling and validation of an inverter featuring local voltage control Q(V) for transient stability and interaction analyses. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (101), 2018, 280-288 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- On the stability of Q(V) in distribution grids. IEEE ISGT Europe 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Stabilität der Q(U)-Regelung in Verteilnetzen. EW Magazin für die Energiewirtschaft (12), 2018, 36-41 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Neuartiges Signalverarbeitungsverfahren zur Drehgeschwindigkeitserfassung bei Servoantrieben. Dissertation, 2018 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Real-time Implementation of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Mechatronic Systems Using a Hybrid Model. CASE 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Constrained Long-Horizon Direct Model Predictive Control for Synchronous Reluctance Motor Drives. Nineteenth IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics, IEEE COMPEL 2018, 2018Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Modeling of Lithium-Ion Cells with Laser-Structured Graphite Anodes. ECCM-ECFD 2018 , 2018 mehr…
- Open Energy System Modelling with urbs – Example Germany. Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 2018 mehr…
- Impact of the Choice of Regions on Energy System Models. Energy Modelling Platform for Europe (EMP-E) 2018, 2018 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Analysis and modeling of calendar aging of a commercial LiFePO4/graphite cell. Journal of Energy Storage, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Dynamics of current distribution within battery cells connected in parallel. Journal of Energy Storage, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- The influence of current ripples on the life-time of lithium-ion batteries. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Superordinate Control for Increasing Feed-in Capacity and Improving Power Quality in Low Voltage Distribution Grids. Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems (NEIS), 2018 mehr…
- Carbon monoxide conversion with Clostridium aceticum. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 115 (11), 2018, 2740-2750 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Comparative studies of numerical field calculation methods for the optimization of high voltage equipment. Integration of Sustainable Energy Expo & Conference (iSEnEC) 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Energy storage systems and their grid-integration operation: The community storage system. Stationäre Energiespeicher und deren Netzintegration , 2018 mehr…
- Design Aspects for Lithium-Ion Batteries in Grid-Connected Systems. Research Talks on Battery Science at the University of Oxford, 2018 mehr…
- Operational Strategy for Improved Energy Efficiency of Battery Storage Systems: Development and Implementation in a Large-Scale Second-Use Battery System. International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2018 2018 mehr…
- Marginal Costs of Battery System Operation in Energy Arbitrage Based on Energy Losses and Cell Degradation. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, 2018 mehr…
- Marginal Costs of Battery System Operation in Energy Arbitrage based on Energy Losses and Cell Degradation. 18th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, 2018 mehr…
- Energy efficiency evaluation of a stationary lithium-ion battery container storage system via electro-thermal modeling and detailed component analysis. Applied Energy (210), 2018, 211-229 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Comprehensive Modeling of Temperature-Dependent Degradation Mechanisms in Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 165, 2, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Energy efficiency evaluation of grid connection scenarios for stationary battery energy storage systems. Energy Procedia, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Power Flow Distribution Strategy for Improved Power Electronics Energy Efficiency in Battery Storage Systems: Development and Implementation in a Utility-Scale System. Energies 11 (3), 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Evaluating frequency regulation operated on two stationary energy systems with batteries from electric vehicles. Energy Procedia, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Optimierung einer eingangsgleichrichterlosen Leistungsfaktorkorrekturschaltung (PFC). Dissertation, 2018 mehr…
- Computationally Efficient Predictive Direct Torque Control Strategy for PMSGs Without Weighting Factors. PCIM Europe 2018, 2018Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Computationally Efficient Predictive Direct Torque Control Strategy for PMSGs Without Weighting Factors. PCIM Europe 2018 , 2018 mehr…
- A Sliding-Mode Observer for Encoderless Direct Model Predictive Control of PMSGs. PCIM Europe 2018, 2018Posterpräsentation mehr…
- A Sliding-Mode Observer for Encoderless Direct Model Predictive Control of PMSGs. Proceeding of PCIM Europe 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Priority-based Energy Management Technique for Integration of Solar PV, Battery, and Fuel Cell Systems in an Autonomous DC Microgrid. Electric Power Components and Systems, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Cost-efficient and simple hands-on experiments for education in renewable energy system. 2nd Africa-EU Renewable Energy Research and Innovation Symposium (RERIS) 2018, 2018 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Despliegue regional de energías renovables en el Sistema Eléctrico Mexicano. II Congreso Internacional de la Red Temática de Sustentabilidad Energética, Medio Ambiente y Sociedad, 2018 mehr…
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- Ultimate and fatigue load mitigation by an inertial-driven passive flap, using a geometrically exact multibody formulation. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 175, 2018, 169-178 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Chapter 12: THC-Processes – 12. In: Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Porous Media: Modelling and Benchmarking. Springer, 2018, 259-270 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Design of a multipurpose scaled wind turbine model. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1037, 2018, 052016 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Aging in 18650-type Li-ion cells examined with neutron diffraction, electrochemical analysis and physico-chemical modeling. Journal of Energy Storage, 2018, 383–394 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Fixed Frequency Predictive MPPT for Phase-shift Modulated LLC resonant Micro-inverter. Proceedings of EPE'18 ECCE Europe, 2018Vortrag/Präsentation at the 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications mehr…
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- Experimental investigation on entrained flow gasification of bituminous coal, lignite and their blend. 9th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies, 2018 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Additive Fertigung in der Thermischen Trenntechnik – von der strukturierten Packung zur kompletten Trennwandkolonne. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgemeinschaft Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik, 2018 mehr…
- Biomass Combustion from Lab-Scale to Full-Scale: A Holistic Approach for CHP Plants. 8th Energy Colloquium of the Munich School of Engineering, 2018 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Combustion of Woody Biomass in a Pilot-scale Real Flame Swirl Burner Test Rig // 2BV.4.27. 26th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition , 2018EUBCE 2018 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
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- Constrained Long-Horizon Direct Model Predictive Control for Synchronous Reluctance Motor Drives. IEEE COMPEL 2018, 2018Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Constrained Long-Horizon Direct Model Predictive Control for Synchronous Reluctance Motor Drives. Proceeding of the IEEE COMPEL 2018 , 2018 mehr…
- Numerical calculation of wall-to-bed heat transfer coefficients in Geldart B bubbling fluidized beds with immersed horizontal tubes. Powder Technology 333, 2018, 193-208 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Hydrodynamics and heat transfer around a horizontal tube immersed in a Geldart B bubbling fluidized bed. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements 6 (1), 2018, 71-85 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
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- Numerical approaches for modeling gas-solid fluidized bed reactors: comparison of models and application to different technical problems. 2018 CLEARWATER CLEAN ENERGY CONFERENCE, 2018 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- A Novel Process for Oxymethylene Ethers (OME) Synthesis – Designer Oxygenated Fuels for a Clean Combustion. Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, 2018 mehr…
- Describing oxymethylene ether synthesis based on the application of non-stoichiomsetric Gibbs minimisation. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- A hybrid description and evaluation of oxymethylene dimethyl ethers synthesis based on the endothermic dehydrogenation of methanol. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 3 (5), 2018, 676-695 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- A Hybrid Approach to Optimizing Oxymethylene Ethers (OME) Synthesis. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Energieverfahrenstechnik, 2018 mehr…
- Pre-ignition Detection Using Deep Neural Networks: A Step Towards Data-driven Automotive Diagnostics. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Towards a Sustainable Synthesis of Oxymethylene Dimethyl Ether by Homogeneous Catalysis and Uptake of Molecular Formaldehyde. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 57 (30), 2018, 9461-9464 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Increasing safety and lifetime of lithium-ion batteries by understanding the impact of vibrations and resonances. Battery Safety, 2018 mehr…
- Risk of Vibrations and Resonances for Lithium-Ion Batteries - A new experimental and simulative characterization method. Kraftwerk Batterie 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Waste Heat Measurements from the Exhaust of a Ship Diesel Internal Combustion Engine. MSE Kolloquium 2018 2018 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Polymersome formation mechanism and formation rate in stirred-tank reactors. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 135 (14), 2018, 46077 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Stability of polymersomes with focus on their use as nanoreactors. Engineering in Life Sciences 18 (2), 2018, 101-113 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Rational selection of biphasic reaction systems for geranyl glucoside production by <em>Escherichia coli</em> whole-cell biocatalysts. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 112, 2018, 79-87 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Thermodynamic affinity-based considerations for the rational selection of biphasic systems for microbial flavor and fragrance production. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 93 (3), 2018, 656-666 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Evaluation of CO2 gas supply of large open algae ponds. Chemical Engineering Science 187, 2018, 432-443 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- A Review of Operation Methods and Simulation Requirements for Future Smart Distribution Grids. 2018 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia), IEEE, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Optimal Component Sizing for Peak Shaving in Battery Energy Storage System for Industrial Applications. Energies 11 (8), 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Linear Battery Aging Model for Industrial Peak Shaving Applications. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, 2018 mehr…
- Robust Deadbeat Control of an Induction Motor by Stable MRAS Speed and Stator Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (Volume: 14, Issue: 1, Jan. 2018), 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Preliminary design and optimization of a 20MW reference wind turbine. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1037, 2018, 042003 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Characterization of noise in multistable genetic circuits reveals ways to modulate heterogeneity. PLOS One, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Adjusting Noise in the Genetic Toggle Switch through Stochastic Circuit Design. IFAC-PaperOnLine, ELSEVIER, 20187th Conference on Foundation of Systems Biology in Engineering FOSBE 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Heat Transfer to Supercritical Water in Advanced Power Engineering Applications: An Industrial Scale Test Rig. Journal of Energy Resources Technology 140 (6), 2018, 062002 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Überführung des TUM-WelChem-Zellenmodells in ein numerisches Dispersionsmodell. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Fluidverfahrenstechnik, Membrantechnik und Mischvorgänge, 2018 mehr…
- Study of wind farm control potential based on SCADA data. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1037, 2018, 032012 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Potential-Controlled Tensiometry: A Tool for Understanding Wetting and Surface Properties of Conductive Powders by Electroimbibition. analytical chemistry, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Experimental characterization and simulation of amino acid and peptide interactions with inorganic materials. Engineering in Life Sciences, 2018 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- Bewertung von Kurzschlüssen in Energiebordnetzarchitekturen. In: Elektrik/Elektronik in Hybrid- und Elektrofahrzeugen und elektrisches Energiemanagement VIII. Expert Verlag, 2018 mehr…
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- Üç seviyeli Nötr Noktası Bağlantılı Evirici için Model Öngörülü Akım Kontrolü (Model Predictive Current Control for Three Level Neutral Point Clamped Inverter). ELEN 2017 (Congress of electrical Energy Conversion), 2017 mehr…
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- Air-Blown Entrained-Flow Gasification of Biocoal from Hydrothermal Carbonization. Chemical Engineering & Technology 40 (2), 2017, 270–277 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Air-Blown Entrained Flow Gasification of Biocoal: Gasification Kinetics and Char Behavior. Energy & Fuels 31 (9), 2017, 9568–9575 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Air-Blown Entrained-Flow Gasification of Biomass: Influence of Operating Conditions on Tar Generation. Energy & Fuels 31, 2017, 10924-10932 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Asenkron Makinaların Değişken Anahtarlama Noktalı Model Öngörülü Akım Kontrolü. ELEN 2017 (Congress of electrical Energy Conversion) , 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Asenkron Makinaların Değişken Anahtarlama Noktalı Model Öngörülü Akım Kontrolü (Variable Switching Point Model Predictive Current Control of Induction Machines). ELEN 2017 (Congress of electrical Energy Conversion), 2017 mehr…
- Recent Advances in Wind Farm Control. ForWind Symposium, 2017Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany mehr…
- Wind Farm Control: Why and How. IAS-TUM Scientists Meet Scientists, 2017Technical University of Munich, Germany mehr…
- EAWE Research Agenda - Long Term R&D Challenges. Vindkraftsforskning i focus 2017, 2017Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden mehr…
- Wind Sensing: a New Technology to Estimate the Inflow at the Rotor Disk for Smart Wind Turbine and Wind Farm Control. WindTech 2017, International Conference on Future Technologies for Wind Energy, 2017 mehr…
- The Largest Rotating Machines on Earth: Challenges and Opportunities from an Aeroelastic Perspective and Beyond. IFASD2017 International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, 2017 mehr…
- Special Issue: The Science of Making Torque from Wind 2016 (TORQUE 2016). 2017 mehr…
- Uncertainty Quantification in the Aeroservoelastic Simulation of Wind Turbines. IRPWind Conference, 2017 mehr…
- Smart but Simple: Load Mitigation by Passive Technologies’. IEA Wind Task 11 – Topical Expert Meeting on Smart Blades, 2017Technical University of Denmark, Denmark mehr…
- Wind Turbines for Monsoonal Climates - New Design Configurations. ICER Workshop, 2017Nanyang Technological University, Singapore mehr…
- An Algorithmic Framework for the Multi-Disciplinary Design Optimization of Wind Turbines. 4th Wind Energy Systems Engineering Workshop, 2017 mehr…
- A Study on the Propagation of Aero and Wind Uncertainties and their Effect on the Dynamic Loads of a Wind Turbine. SciTech 2017, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, 35nd ASME Wind Energy Symposium, 2017Grapevine, TX, USA mehr…
- Local Wind Speed Estimation, with Application to Wake Impingement Detection. Renewable Energy, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Analysis of membranes used in external membrane humidification of PEM fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- External Mechanical Parameters Identification of The Elastic Two-mass System with Backlash. Proc. of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IEEE PEDS 2017), 2017 mehr…
- External Mechanical Parameters Identification of The Elastic Two-mass System with Backlash. 12th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IEEE PEDS 2017), 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Final design of a cost-optimized 100 tpd H2 liquefier. Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference, 2017 mehr…
- Aspects of hydrogen liquefier scale-up - Process equipment and design. The 14th CRYOGENICS 2017 IIR International Conference, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Process optimization for large-scale hydrogen liquefaction. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Roadmap to economically viable hydrogen liquefaction. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Economically viable large-scale hydrogen liquefaction. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 171, 2017, 012013 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Asymmetric whole-cell bioreduction of (R)-carvone by recombinant <em>Escherichia coli</em> with in situ substrate supply and product removal. Biochemical Engineering Journal 117, 2017, 102-111 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Influence of change in open circuit voltage on the state of charge estimation with an extended Kalman filter. Journal of Energy Storage 12, 2017, 149-156 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- ExZellTUM II – Exzellenzzentrum für Batteriezellen an der Technischen Universität München. Kompetenznetzwerk Lithium-Ionen-Batterien e. V. (Hg.) 2017 – Batterieforum Deutschland 2017 2017 mehr…
- Lithium plating in lithium-ion batteries investigated by voltage relaxation and in situ neutron diffraction. Journal of Power Sources, 2017, 17-23 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Energiespeicher und deren netzintegrierter Betrieb III: Der Ortsnetzspeicher. Otti-Seminar, 2017 mehr…
- EEBatt - Interdisziplinäre Energiespeicherforschung. Batterieforum Deutschland 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Cuckoo-Search Optimized Fuzzy-Logic Control of Stationary Battery Storage Systems. Electrical Power and Energy Conference 2017 2017Advanced Technologies for Renewable Energy Systems and Smart Grids mehr…
- Cuckoo-Search Optimized Fuzzy-Logic Control of Stationary Battery Storage Systems. IEEE Canada 2017 – Electrical Power and Energy Conference, 2017 mehr…
- Maximizing Solar Home Battery System's Contribution to the Energy Transition of the Power System. Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems 2017Hamburg mehr…
- Maximizing Solar Home Battery Systems' Contribution to the Energy Transition of the Power System. Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems, 2017 mehr…
- Maximizing Solar Home Battery System's Contribution to the Energy Transition of the Power System. Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems, 2017 mehr…
- Impact of small-scale components on large-scale battery systems: Insights on the prototype Energy Neighbor. Singapore Battery Meeting 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Impact of Sub-Components on the Overall Performance of Stationary Battery Systems. Insights on the Prototype Energy Neighbor (Poster). International ETG Congress 2017 2017Bonn mehr…
- Impact of Sub-Components on the Overall Performance of Stationary Battery Systems. Insights on the Prototype Energy Neighbor (Vortrag). International ETG Congress 2017, 2017Bonn mehr…
- Impact of Sub-Components on the Overall Performance of Stationary Battery Systems. Insights on the Prototype Energy Neighbor. International ETG Congress 2017, 2017Bonn mehr…
- A Study on the Propagation of Aero and Wind Uncertainties and their Effect on the Dynamic Loads of a Wind Turbine. SciTech 2017, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, 35nd ASME Wind Energy Symposium, 2017 mehr…
- SimSES: Software for techno-economic Simulation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems. MSE Colloquium 2017 2017Garching mehr…
- SimSES: Software for techno-economic Simulation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems. MSE Colloquium 2017 2017 mehr…
- Robust Deadbeat Control of Induction Motor by Stable MRAS Speed and Stator Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Method for Characterization of Solvents for Physical Absorption Processes. Chemical Engineering & Technology 40 (1), 2017, 28-38 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Detection of charges at the interphase of polymeric nanocomposites. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 24 (2), 2017, 1027-1037 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Intelligente Verfahren - Identifikation und Regelung nichtlinearer Systeme. Springer Vieweg (2. Aufl.), 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Model predictive current control with analytical solution and integral error feedback of doubly-fed induction generators with LC filter. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Model predictive current control with analytical solution and integral error feedback of doubly-fed induction generators with LC filter. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), 2017 mehr…
- Demonstration and uncertainty analysis of synchronised scanning lidar measurements of 2-D velocity fields in a boundary-layer wind tunnel. Wind Energy Science (2(1)), 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- District cooling network optimization with redundancy constraints in Singapore. Future Cities and Environment 3 (1), 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Datentransparenz in der Energiesystemoptimierung - Beispiel Bayern. 12. Fachtagung - Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft (VDI Berichte 2303), 2017, 91-96 mehr…
- Influence of different packing methods on the hydrodynamic stability of chromatography columns. Journal of Chromatography A 1516, 2017, 89-101 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Mechanical characterization of compressible chromatographic particles. Powder Technology 320, 2017, 213-222 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Einfluss von Gebäuden als Wärmespeicher auf das Energiesystem. 10. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung der TU Wien, 2017 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Dynamische Primärenergiefaktoren – Konzept mit einem Stromsystemmodell. Technical Report, 2017 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Development of a multiphysics approach with ANSYS CFX and PARCS for local analysis of neutron oscillation. 25th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE 2017, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Lastflexibilisierung in der Industrie – Metastudienanalyse zur Identifikation relevanter Aspekte bei der Potenzialermittlung. IEWT 2017 - 10. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung, 2017 mehr…
- Comparison of Different Power Distribution Algorithms in a Scalable Energy Management Concept. Internationaler ETG Congress 2017 – Die Energiewende , 2017 mehr…
- adveisor – Analysis of an established soft skill program for students in the field of Electrical Engineering. 2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Nutzung von künstlichen neuronalen Netzen zur hybriden Modellierung von Trennaufgaben. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgemeinschaften "Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik" sowie „Werkstoffe, Konstruktion, Lebensdauer“ 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Reduced-order models for columns in optimisation-based process design. 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, 2017 mehr…
- Position Estimation for Linear Electromagnetic Actuators. 8th IEEE International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Electrical Drives (SLED 2017), 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Position Estimation for Linear Electromagnetic Actuators. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Electrical Drives (SLED 2017), 2017 mehr…
- Autonomous Coordination of Smart Buildings in Microgrids Based on a Double-Sided Auction. Proceedings of the iEEE Power and Energy Society 2017 General Meeting, 2017 mehr…
- Presenting Thermal Characterization and Modelling of Lithium-Ion Battery Systems. Whole Electric Vehicle Design & Battery System Integration Congress, 2017 mehr…
- Thermal Runaway Propagation Model for Designing Safe Battery Systems. International Forum Automotive Thermal Management 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Semi-Empirical Thermal FEM-Modeling of Cylindrical Li-ion Batteries and the Effect of FEM-Geometry. Kraftwerk Batterie 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Material compatibility of ORC working fluids with polymers. Energy Procedia 129, 2017, 137-144 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Potenzial der Geothermie im deutschen Energiesystem. BWK Das Energie-Fachmagazin 69 (10), 2017, 62-65 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Flexible Kraftwerke in der Geothermie. Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern 2017, 2017 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Potential der hydrothermalen Geothermie zur Stromerzeugung in Deutschland. Lehrstuhl für Energiesysteme, 2017, mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Hydrothermale Geothermie in Deutschland - Potential zur Stromerzeugung. Geothermische Energie 87 (2), 2017, 26-27 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Model-based techno-economic evaluation of an electricity storage system based on Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers. Applied Energy 185, 2017, 320-330 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Model-based techno-economic evaluation of an electricity storage system based on Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers. Applied Energy 185, 2017, 320-330 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Wind Tunnel Validation of a Wind Observer for Wind Farm Control. ISOPE-2017, The 27th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 2017 mehr…
- Revision and reannotation of the Halomonas elongata DSM 2581T genome. MicrobiologyOpen, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Combined Steam and CO2-Gasification in Fluidized Bed Steam Gasifiers and Influence on Hot Gas Cleaning. EUBCE 2017, 201725th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- On the use of spires for generating inflow conditions with energetic coherent structures in large eddy simulation. Journal of Turbulence (18(7)), 2017, 611-633. mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- A SEI Modeling Approach Distinguishing between Capacity and Power Fade. J. Electrochem. Soc. (Journal of The Electrochemical Society) 164 (12), 2017, E287-E294 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Reducing Inhomogeneous Current Density Distribution in Graphite Electrodes by Design Variation. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Reducing inhomogeneous current density distribution in graphite electrodes by design variation. The Electrochemical Society (Hg.) 2017 – 231st ECS Meeting, 2017 mehr…
- Measurements of lithium-ion concentration equilibration processes inside graphite electrodes. Journal of Power Sources, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- A Multi-Frequency Superposition Methodology to Achieve High Efficiency and Targeted Power Distribution for Multi-Load MCR WPT System. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- The influence of phenol on the degradation of the Ni/YSZ anode of SOFCs. , Hrsg.: Technische Universität München; Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 2017, mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Reaction Behaviour of Fuels of Different Quality in Entrained Flow Gasifiers. 8th Conference on Clean Coal Technologies, 201718.05.2017 - 12.05.2017, Cagliari, Italy mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Demonstration of the Feasibility of the Misselhorn Cycle - Simulations on Thermal Inertia and Residence Time. 4th International Conference on Energy Sustainability and Climate Change, 2017 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Fünf Dinge, die Sie wissen sollten: Der Genetische Algorithmus mit zeitintensiven Fitnessfunktionen. MATLAB EXPO 2017, 2017 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Forschungsaktivitäten – Lehrstuhl für Energiesysteme. Energieeffizienz in Horizont 2020, 2017 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Key Performance Indicators for Wind Farm Operation and Maintenance. Energy Procedia 137, 2017, 559-570 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Computationally Efficient Predictive Control of Three-Level NPC Converters with DC-Link Voltage Balancing: A Priori State Selection Approach. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Computationally Efficient Predictive Control of Three-Level NPC Converters with DC-Link Voltage Balancing: A Priori State Selection Approach. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), 2017 mehr…
- Multistep Predictive Control of 3L-NPC Power Converters: Nonlinear Branch-and-Bound Solution. CAC2017, 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Multistep Predictive Control of Three-Level NPC Converters using Weak Derivative Linearization. CAC2017, 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Multistep Predictive Control of 3L-NPC Power Converters: Nonlinear Branch-and-Bound Solution. Proceedings of the CAC2017 , 2017 mehr…
- Multistep Predictive Control of Three-Level NPC Converters using Weak Derivative Linearization. Proceeding of the CAC2017, 2017 mehr…
- Supercritical boiler simulation using Apros - comparison with experimental data. Apros® User Group Seminar 2017, 2017 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Experimentelle Untersuchungen zu stationären und dynamischen Vorgängen beim Wärmeübergang an überkritisches Wasser. 49. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium 2017, 2017 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- On the Evaluation of Correlations Predicting the Heat Transfer Coefficient at Supercritical Pressure Conditions. 15th UK HEAT TRANSFER CONFERENCE, 2017UKHTC2017 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Geothermische Wärme – Integration in bestehende, konventionell befeuerte Wärmenetze. Der Geothermiekongress DGK 2017, 2017 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Comparison of Two Alternative Approaches for the Design of Sub-Scale Models of Very Large Wind Turbines. Wind Energy Science Conference 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Low-Finned Tubes for Condensation. In: Innovative Heat Exchangers. Springer, Cham, 2017, 189 - 231 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Photoautotrophic production of polyhydroxyalkanoates in a synthetic mixed culture of Synechococcus elongatus cscB and Pseudomonas putida cscAB. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Metabolic engineering to expand the substrate spectrum of Pseudomonas putida toward sucrose. MicrobiologyOpen, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Modellierung der Flüssigkeitsverteilung in strukturierten Packungen. ProcessNet Jahrestreffen 2017 2017 mehr…
- Numerische Untersuchung der Sauerstoffvergasung von torrefizierter Biomasse in Flugstromreaktoren. 35. CADFEM ANSYS SIMULATION CONFERENCE, 2017Die Fachkonferenz zur Numerischen Simulation in der Produktentwicklung mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Verbundvorhaben HotVeGas III - FLEX 1. Zwischenbericht 2017. Lehrstuhl für Energiesysteme, 2017, mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Was kann man aus Jonathan Franzens Roman “Freedom” über Energie und Nachhaltigkeit lernen? In: Berechenbarkeit der Welt?. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2017, 549-562 mehr…
- Wasserstoff als strategischer Sekundärenergieträger. In: Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzelle. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- A hybrid MPPT for quasi-Z-source inverters in PV applications under partial shading condition. Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG), 2017 11th IEEE International Conference on, 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- A hybrid MPPT for quasi-Z-source inverters in PV applications under partial shading condition. Proceedings of Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG), 2017 11th IEEE International Conference on, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Distributed Congestion Management of Distribution Grids under Robust Flexible Buildings Operations. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2017, 1-1 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Cost Optimal Integration of Flexible Buildings in Congested Distribution Grids. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (3), 2017, 2254-2266 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Upgrading of Biomass by Hydrothermal Pre-Treatment in H2020 Project Biofficiency. 25th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 2017EUBCE 2017 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Hydrothermale Carbonisierung: Biokohle aus dem Schnellkochtopf. 16. Life Science Schülerkongress, 2017 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Flüssigkeitsmaldistribution in Füllkörperschüttungen: Experimentelle Untersuchung der Einflussparameter. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 89 (11), 2017, 1550-1560 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Modellierung der Flüssigkeitsverteilung in Füllkörperkolonnen. Jahrestreffen Köln - Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppe Fluidverfahrenstechnik, 2017 mehr…
- Simulation of a reversible SOFC with Aspen Plus. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (15), 2017, 10329-10340 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Continuous Crystallization of Proteins in a Stirred Classified Product Removal Tank with a Tubular Reactor in Bypass. Crystal Growth & Design 17 (8), 2017, 4162-4169 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Modelling and transient simulation of a supercritical coal-fired power plant: Dynamic response to extended secondary control power output. Energy 137, 2017, 927-940 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Transfer of hydrophobicity of polymeric insulating materials for high voltage outdoor application. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 24 (2), 2017, 1057-1067 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Automated contacting technology for needle winding applications with distributed windings. 7th International Electric Drives Production Conference (EDPC), 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Automated contacting technology for needle winding applications with distributed windings. Proceedings of the 7th International Electric Drives Production Conference (EDPC), 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Efficient utilization of biogas in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. ESCC 2017, 2017 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Influence of process parameters on the efficiency of syngas conversion in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. 4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, 2017REGATEC 2017 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Influence of Operating Parameters and System Design on Efficiency of Biomass and Biogas Based SOFC Systems. ECS Transactions 78 (1), 2017, 219-227 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Thermo-Economic Evaluation of Novel Flexible CAES/CCPP Concept. Journal of Energy Resources Technology 139 (1), 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Decentralized Management of Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverters Based on Cybernetic System Theory. Internationaler ETG Congress 2017 – Die Energiewende , 2017 mehr…
- Flexible, Medium Powered ORC-CHP Systems for Geothermal Applications. European Geothermal PhD Day, 2017EGPD mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Flexible, Medium Powered ORC-CHP Systems for Geothermal Applications. 8th European Geothermal PhD Days 2017, 2017EGPD mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- 'Impacts of Reduced Rotational Inertia on Frequency Stability in the European Transmission System. CIGRE Symposium 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Boundedness Preserving Implicit Correction of Mesh-induced Errors for VOF based Scalar Transport. Jahrestreffen Dresden - Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2017 mehr…
- Einführung in die stationäre Speichertechnologie. Otti Seminar 2017, 2017Stationäre Energiespeicher und deren Netzintegartion mehr…
- Keynote: Wie Start-ups und Innovationen die Speicherbranche bereichern. Intersolar 2017, 2017ees Europe mehr…
- Stationäre Energiespeicherung – Anwendungen und Steuerstrategien für Batteriespeichersysteme. DESIGN&ELEKTRONIK 24 2017, 2017Entwicklerforum Batterien & Ladekonzepte mehr…
- Neue Technologien, V2G und Sektorenkopplung. Otti Seminar 2017, 2017Stationäre Energiespeicher und deren Netzintegration mehr…
- Anwendungsfälle, Wirtschaftlichkeit, Auslegung. Batteriespeicher und deren Anwendung. Otti Seminar 2017, 2017Stationäre Energiespeicher und deren Netzintegration mehr…
- Economic Assessment and Optimization of Battery Storage Systems for Stationary Applications. Singapore Battery Meeting 2017 2 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Lithium-Ion Battery Storage for the Grid—A Review of Stationary Battery Storage System Design Tailored for Applications in Modern Power Grids. Energies 10 (12), 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Optimizing Battery Storage Sizing and Dispatch for Use in Stationary Applications. IRES 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Economic Optimization of Component Sizing for Residential Battery Storage Systems. Energies 10 7, 2017, 835 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Stromspeicher: Elektirsche Energiespeicher für stationäre Anwendungsfälle. Gastvortrag Ringvorlesung Strom und Wärmespeicher. 2017, (anderer Eintrag) mehr…
- Batteriespeicher Optimierung für die stationäre Anwendung. Auslegung, Effizienz und Multi-Use Betrieb. 2. Herbstworkshop der Professur für Energiespeichersysteme, 2017 mehr…
- SimSES - Simulation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems. OpenMod Workshop, 2017 mehr…
- Distributed integrated energy management systems in residential buildings. Applied Thermal Engineering 114, 2017, 1468-1475 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Reducing the need for new lines in Germany's energy transition: the hybrid transmission grid architecture. International ETG Congress 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Low inductive power module design for tractive systems. Proceedings of EVS30 – the Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, 2017 mehr…
- Low inductive power module design for tractive systems. EVS30 – the Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Low inductive power module design for tractive systems. EVS30 - International Electric Vehicles Symposium 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Ultra-low inductive power module design with integrated common mode noise shielding. 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 2017Vortrag/Präsentation, EPE'17 ECCE Europe mehr…
- Ultra-low inductive power module design with integrated common mode noise shielding. Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 2017EPE'17 ECCE Europe mehr…
- Improving the accuracy of laser self-mixing interferometry for velocity measurement. Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2017 IEEE International, 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Improving the accuracy of laser self-mixing interferometry for velocity measurement. Proceedings of the Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2017 IEEE International, 2017 mehr…
- On the adhesive JKR contact and rolling models for reduced particle stiffness discrete element simulations. Powder Technology 319, 2017, 472-482 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Operational sustainability assessment of multipower source traction drive. In: Mathematics Applied to Engineering. Elsevier Ltd, 2017 mehr…
- Efficiency of dissipative balancing systems. Kraftwerk Batterie 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Comparison Between Model-Predicted and Load-Estimated Wake Interactions. Wind Energy Science Conference 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Verification and Calibration of a Reduced Order Wind Farm Model by Wind Tunnel Experiments. Wake Conference 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Large-Eddy Simulation of Waked Turbines in a Scaled Wind Farm Facility. Wake Conference 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Large-Eddy Simulation of a Scaled Wind Farm in a Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel, Including the Passive Generation of Turbulence. Wind Energy Science Conference 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Numerical and Experimental Study of Wake Redirection Techniques in a Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel. Wake Conference 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Selective <sup>1</sup>H–<sup>1</sup>H Distance Restraints in Fully Protonated Proteins by Very Fast Magic-Angle Spinning Solid-State NMR. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8 (11), 2017, 2399-2405 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Numerische Untersuchung der Sekundärlufteindüsung in der Müllverbrennung. 35. CADFEM ANSYS SIMULATION CONFERENCE, 2017Die Fachkonferenz zur Numerischen Simulation in der Produktentwicklung mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Numerische Untersuchungen zur Stickoxidreduktion in thermischen Müllverwertungsanlagen. 28. Deutscher Flammentag, 2017 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Dynamic study of ORC evaporator operating under fluctuating thermal power from waste heat sources. Energy Procedia 143, 2017, 404-409 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Response time characterization of Organic Rankine Cycle evaporators for dynamic regime analysis with fluctuating load. Energy Procedia 129, 2017, 427-434 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Modelling the electrochemical.Thermal Behaviour of Cylindrical Lithium-Ion Cells during Internal Short Circuit Scenarios. ModVal 14, 2017 mehr…
- Non-Destructive Detection of Local Aging in Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells by Multi-Directional Laser Scanning. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Non-destructive detection of local aging in lithium-ion pouch cells by multi-directional laser-scanning. Kraftwerk Batterie 2017, 2017 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Modeling capacity fade due to SEI formation in Li-ion cells validated by neutron diffraction data. ModVal 14, 2017 mehr…
- Cycling capacity recovery effect: A coulombic efficiency and post-mortem study. Journal of Power Sources, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Improvement of Reliability and Fault Tolerance of Traction Drives by Means of Multiphase Actuators. Drive Systems 2017, 20177th VDE/VDI Symposium mehr…
- Reliability of Induction Machines: Statistics, Tendencies, and Perspectives. 26th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2017 mehr…
- Performance and Health Test Procedure for Grid Energy Storage Systems. IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2017 mehr…
- On the Choice of Norm in Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Modeling inhomogeneity in lithium-ion battery modules. MSE Colloquium 2017 2017Garching mehr…
- Statistic analysis of experimentally determined cell parameters based on 1100 production fresh commercial lithium-ion cells. Datenbanken, 2017 mehr…
- Experimental investigation of parametric cell-to-cell variation and correlation based on 1100 commercial lithium-ion cells. Journal of Energy Storage 14, 2017, 224-243 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Experimental investigation of cell-to-cell variations of 1100 commercial LiFePO4-graphite cells. Batterieforum Deutschland 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Modeling the impact of internal cell parameters on the cell-to-cell variation of capacity and impedance. Kraftwerk Batterie 2017 2017 mehr…
- Predictive Control of Power Electronics. 2017, (anderer Eintrag) mehr…
- Predictive Control - A Powerful Method to Control Power Converters and Drives. EPE 2017 ECCE Europe, 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Predictive Control - a powerful method to control power electronics and electrical drives. Aalborg-Seminar2017, 2017Vortrag mehr…
- Hardware-in-the-Loop Systems with Power Electronics - a Powerful Simulation Tool. EPFL 2017, 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Predictive Control - A Simple and Powerful Method to Control Power Converters and Drives. IEEE PEDS 2017, 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Encoderless Control os Synchronous Machines - State of the Art as well as Realistic and Unrealistic Expectations. IEEE PEDS 2017, 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Power Architectures, Applications and Control of DC Distribution Systems and Microgrids. 3rd IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference, SPEC 2017, 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Predictive Control in Power Electronics. 3rd IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference, SPEC 2017, IEEE / PELS, 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Encoders for Simultaneous Sensing of Position and Speed – A Bottleneck in Electrical Drives with Digital Control. 3rd IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference, SPEC 2017, IEEE / PELS, 2017Keynote mehr…
- Position Control of an Electromagnetic Actuator using Model Predictive Control. 4th Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics PRECEDE 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Alkali-Heißgasreinigung mit mineralischen Sorptionsmitteln bei der Vergasung von festen Brennstoffen. ProcessNet Jahrestreffen Frankfurt II, 2017 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Experimental Investigation of Alkali Sorption with Mineral Getter Materials for IGCC Power Plants. 8th Conference on Clean Coal Technologies, 201718.05.2017 - 12.05.2017, Cagliari, Italy mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Chemostat studies of bacteriophage M13 infected <em>Escherichia coli</em> JM109 for continuous ssDNA production. Journal of Biotechnology 258, 2017, 92-100 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Specific growth rate and multiplicity of infection affect high-cell-density fermentation with bacteriophage M13 for ssDNA production. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 114 (4), 2017, 777-784 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- The role of gasification reactions during pulverized solid fuel combustion: A detailed char combustion model based on measurements of char structure and kinetics for coal and pre-treated biomass. Combustion and Flame 184, 2017, 117-135 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
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- Reduced transmission grid representation using the St. Clair curve applied to the electric reliability council of Texas. 2017 14th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), IEEE, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- Model-based Energy Efficiency Evaluation of the 200 kWh Stationary Lithium-Ion Battery System "Energy Neighbor". Batterieforum Deutschland 2017, 2017 mehr…
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- Deadbeat Model Predictive Torque Control with Discrete Space Vector Modulation for PMSM Drives. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (Volume 64, Issue 5), 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- CleanTechCampus Garching - Zwischenbericht 2017. Lehrstuhl für Energiesysteme, 2017, mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- CleanTechCampus Garching - Zwischenbericht 2016 – EnEff:Stadt, CleanTechCampus Garching - Entwicklung ganzheitlich optimierter, nachhal-tiger und übertragbarer Energiekonzepte für komplexe Mischgebiete am Beispiel der TUM Campus Garching. Teilprojekt 1: Spartenübergreifende Optimierung mit Fokus auf die Systemkom-ponenten Gebäude, Strom- und Wärmeversorgung. Lehrstuhl für Energiesysteme, 2017, mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Metabolic control analysis of L -phenylalanine production from glycerol with engineered <em>E. coli</em> using data from short-term steady-state perturbation experiments. Biochemical Engineering Journal 126, 2017, 86-100 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Area-Efficient FPGA Implementation of Finite Control Set Model Predictive Current Control. 3rd IEEE Annual Southern Hemisphere Power Electronics Conference (SPEC 2017), 2017Postersession mehr…
- Area-Efficient FPGA Implementation of Finite Control Set Model Predictive Current Control. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Annual Southern Hemisphere Power Electronics Conference (SPEC 2017), 2017 mehr…
- Model Predictive Position Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Linear Motors. 11th ETG/GMM-Symposium Innovative small Drives and Micro-Motor Systems (IKMT2017), 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- FPGA Based Finite-Set Model Predictive Current Control for Small PMSM Drives With Efficient Resource Streaming. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- FPGA Based Finite-Set Model Predictive Current Control for Small PMSM Drives With Efficient Resource Streaming. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), 2017 mehr…
- Model Predictive Position Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Linear Motors. Proceedings of the 11th ETG/GMM-Symposium Innovative small Drives and Micro-Motor Systems (IKMT2017), 2017 mehr…
- Encoderless self-commissioning and identification of synchronous reluctance machines at standstill. Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2017 IEEE 26th International Symposium on, 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Encoderless self-commissioning and identification of synchronous reluctance machines at standstill. Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2017 IEEE 26th International Symposium on (2163-5145 ), 2017, pp.296-302 mehr…
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- Measuring gaseous HCl emissions during pulverised co-combustion of high shares of straw in an entrained flow reactor. INFUB - 11th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (Energy Procedia 120), 201718.04.2017 - 21.04.2017, Algarve, Portugal, 246-253 mehr… Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Online corrosion monitoring for the combined combustion of coal and chlorine-rich biomasses in pulverised fuel and circulating fluidised bed systems – Second Annual Report 2016. European Commission Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel, 2017, mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Cohesive powders in thermochemical energy storage applications: Fluidization and heat transfer behavior. 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, 2017 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Optimal Control Solutions for PMSM Drives: A Comparison Study with Experimental Assessments. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Temperature Variation Rate as a Novel Indicator for State of Health Estimation of Lithium-Ion Cells. ECS Meeting, 2017 mehr…
- Impact of Temperature and Discharge Rate on the Aging of a LiCoO 2 /LiNi 0.8 Co 0.15 Al 0.05 O 2 Lithium-Ion Pouch Cell. J. Electrochem. Soc. (Journal of The Electrochemical Society) 164 (7), 2017, A1438-A1445 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Current Based Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control for Two-Level Power Converters with Direct Model Predictive Control. CAC2017, IEEE-IES, 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Current Based Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control for Two-Level Power Converters with Direct Model Predictive Control. Proceeding of the 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), IECON2017, IEEE-IES, 2017 mehr…
- Multiple-Vector Model Predictive Power Control for Grid-Tied Wind Turbine System with Enhanced Steady State Control Performances. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017, 1-12 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Long-Horizon Predictive Current Control of Modular-Multilevel Converter HVDC Systems. 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), IECON2017, 2017Vortrag/Präsentation mehr…
- Long-Horizon Predictive Current Control of Modular-Multilevel Converter HVDC Systems. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), IECON2017, IEEE-IES, 2017 mehr…
- Advanced Control Strategies for Direct-Drive PMSG Wind Turbine Systems: Direct Predictive Torque Control Approaches. CPSS TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS AND APPLICATIONS (Vol.2, No.3, September 2017), 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Nonlinear Direct Control for Three-Level NPC Back-to-Back Converter PMSG Wind Turbine Systems: Experimental Assessment With FPGA. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (Volume: 13, Issue: 3), 2017, 1172 - 1183 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Direct Model Predictive Control of Five-Level Dual Flying Capacitor Active Neutral Point Clamped Converters with Modified Sphere Decoding. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (iTEC2017), 2017 mehr…
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- Direct Predictive Control of Five-Level Dual Flying Capacitor Active Neutral Point Clamped Converters with Extended Horizons. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo Components, Systems, and Power Electronics, iTEC2017, IEEE, 2017 mehr…
- Predictive Torque Control of Induction Machines Fed by 3L-NPC Converters with Online Weighting Factor Adjustment Using Fuzzy Logic. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (iTEC2017), IEEE, 2017 mehr…
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- Transfer-Effizienz verbessern. Elektronik automotive, 2017 mehr…
- Influences of WPT-Coil Losses and Coupling Coefficient on the Resonance Circuits of Wireless Power Transfer Systems. PCIM Europe, 2017 mehr…
- Analysis of Individual Driver Velocity Prediction Using Data-Driven Driver Models with Environmental Features. 2017 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Redondo Beach, 2017 mehr…
- Life Cycle Assessment of Biofuel Production. In: Biofuels Production and Processing Technology. CRC Press, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Binding patterns of homo-peptides on bare magnetic nanoparticles: insights into environmental dependence. Scientific Reports, 2017 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Model predictive current control for three level neutral point clamped inverter. IEEE Electrical, Electronics and Biomedical Engineering (ELECO), 2016 National Conference on, 2017 mehr…
- Process and plant for preparation of one or more reaction products. 2016, (anderer Eintrag) mehr…
- Power supply device for stationary installations with a reactor for the release of hydrogen from liquid compounds. 2016, (anderer Eintrag) mehr…
- LES Modeling of a Scaled Wind Farm Facility in a Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel. , 4th Symposium on OpenFOAM in Wind Energy. , 2016 mehr…
- Advanced Design and Control Methods for Future Large Wind Turbines. , Cranfield, UK. , 2016 mehr…
- Wake Detection for Wind Farm Control — Formulation and Validation. , SciTech 2016, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, 34nd ASME Wind Energy Symposium. , 2016 mehr…
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- Closed-Loop Wind Farm Control for Power Maximization by Wake Deflection: A Wind Tunnel Study. , WindFarms 2016 Wind-Power Plants: Interaction, Control and Integration. , 2016 mehr…
- Experimental Wake Position Detection for Wind Farm Control by Analysis of Rotor Loads. , Proceedings of the 12th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe. , 2016 mehr…
- Free-Form Design of Rotors. , Proceedings of the 12th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe. , 2016 mehr…
- Development of a 3.4 MW Reference Wind Turbine. , Proceedings of the 12th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe. , 2016 mehr…
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- Ripple-Reduced MPDPC for Active Front End Power Converters with Extended Switching Vectors and Time-Optimized Control. IET Power Electronics (11. April 2016), 2016, pp. 22 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- FPGA-Based Experimental Investigation of a Quasi-Centralized Model Predictive Control for Back-to-Back Converters. Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on (Volume:31 , Issue: 1), 2016, pp. 662 - 674 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Shifting the Temperature Distribution within Li-ion Pouch Cells based on Contact Resistance Variations at its Terminals. 18th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB) 2016 mehr…
- Circulating current suppression of the modular multilevel converter in a double-frequency rotating reference frame. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (Volume: 31, Issue: 1), 2016 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- A New Method to Model the Thickness Change of a Commercial Pouch Cell during Discharge. J. Electrochem. Soc. (Journal of The Electrochemical Society) 163 (8), 2016, A1566-A1575 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Multi - Directional 3D Laser Scanning of Lithium - Ion Cells to Detect Inhomogeneity during Cycling and Aging. 18th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB) 2016 mehr…
- An innovative method to detect inhomogeneity in lithium-ion cells during cycling and aging. 2nd Graz Battery Days 2016 mehr…
- Strain Propagation in Lithium-Ion Batteries from the Crystal Structure to the Electrode Level. J. Electrochem. Soc. (Journal of The Electrochemical Society) 163 (8), 2016, A1595-A1606 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Multi-scale investigation of thickness changes in a commercial pouch type lithium-ion battery. Journal of Energy Storage Volume 6, 2016 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
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- Validation and benchmark methods for battery managment system functionalities: State of charge estimation algorithms. Journal of Energy Storage (7), 2016, 38-51 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Ageing of lithium-ion battery modules with dissipative balancing compared with single-cell ageing. Journal of Energy Storage 6, 2016, 142-152 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Decoupling of the Secondary Saliencies in Sensorless PMSM Drives using Repetetive Control in the Angle Domain. JPE - Journal of Power Electronics (Vol.16, No. 4), 2016 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Economics of Residential Photovoltaic Battery Systems in Germany: The Case of Tesla's Powerwall. Batteries 2, 2016 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Simulation of the Dynamic Packing Behavior of Preparative Chromatography Columns via Discrete Particle Modeling. Biotechnol. Prog. 32, 2016, 363-371 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Calculation of the state of saftey (SOS) for lithium ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 324, 2016, 509 - 520 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Evaluating co-benefits of battery and fuel cell vehicles in a community in California. Energy 114, 2016, 360-368 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Long-Term Research Challenges in Wind Energy — A Research Agenda by the European Academy of Wind Energy. Wind Energy Science (1), 2016, 1-39 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Comparative reaction engineering analysis of different acetogenic bacteria for gas fermentation. Journal of Biotechnology 228, 2016, 82-94 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Gesicherte Stromversorgung in Bayern. Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft und Medien, Energie und Technologie, 2016, mehr…
- The Role of Large-Scale Hydrogen Storage in the Power System. In: Hydrogen and Fuel Cell. Springer Science + Business Media, 2016 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Anodic respiration of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 in a stirred-tank bioreactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal 115, 2016, 1-13 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- A holistic battery storage simulation tool for use case specific cost analysis. IRES 2016 201610th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference mehr…
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- Modeling Self-Discharge of Li-Ion Batteries with Redox-Shuttle Additives. Batterieforum Deutschland 2016 2016 mehr…
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- Laboratory system for measurement of iron losses in high speed drives. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (02-2016), 2016 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Effects of hydrogen partial pressure on autotrophic growth and product formation of Acetobacterium woodii. Bioprocess Biosyst Eng 39, 2016, 1325-1330 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Comparing the specific heat capacity of lithium-ion cells using adiabatic calorimetry. Batterieforum Deutschland 2016 2016 mehr…
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- Stationary Battery Research at TUM. Project EEBat. Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, 2016, mehr…
- Energie lokal erzeugen, speichern und nutzen – Batteriespeicher in Ortsnetzen. Solar Promotion GmbH, 2016, mehr…
- Eigenheim, Mehrfamilienhaus, Ortsnetz - Energiewende lokal? Bürger-Energie-Unterhaching eG, 2016, mehr…
- Fragmentierte Ortsnetzspeicher. WEKA Fachmedien GmbH, 2016, mehr…
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- Fragmentierte Ortsnetzspeicher – Kombination von Anwendungen zur ökonimischen Optimierung von Batteriespeichern in Ortsnetzen. OTTI, Zukünftige Stromnetze für Erneuerbare Energien (Berlin) , 2016, mehr…
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- Gastvorlesung Lithium Technologie und Anwendungen. StMWi Bayern, 2016, mehr…
- 2nd Life - Vehicle to Grid - Speicherschwärme – Zukünftige Geschäftsmodelle? OTTI, OTTI (Regensburg) , 2016, mehr…
- Fragmented Local Community Battery Storage Systems. Haus der Technik e.V., 2016, mehr…
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- DriveBattery2015 - Untersuchungen an vielzelligen und modularen Batteriesystemen. Batterieforum Deutschland 2016 2016 mehr…
- System Simulation of a Large Stationary Battery System with Thermal Management. Kraftwerk Batterie 2016 2016Münster mehr…
- Combined Preliminary-Detailed Design of Wind Turbines. Wind Energy Science, 2016 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Current density distribution in cylindrical Li-Ion cells during impedance measurements. Journal of Power Sources 314, 2016 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Charging protocols for lithium-ion batteries and their impact on cycle life—An experimental study with different 18650 high-power cells. Journal of Energy Storage 6, 2016, 125-141 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Insights on Calendar Aging of Lithium-Ion Batteries from Differntial Voltage Analysis and Coulometry. 18th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB) 2016 mehr…
- Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for Electric Vehicles: An Experimental Analysis of Performance Improvements at Subzero Temperatures. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65/3, 2016, 998-1006 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Calendar Aging of Lithium-Ion Batteries - I. Impact of the Graphite Anode on Capacity Fade. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 163, 2016 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Lithium-ion battery safety during laser welding for battery system production. Kraftwerk Batterie 2016 mehr…
- Efficient production of uniform nanometer-sized polymer vesicles in stirred-tank reactors. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 133, 2016, 43274 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Simulation and optimization of large open algae ponds. Chemical Engineering Research and Design (114), 2016, 220-235 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- High-cell-density cultivation and recombinant protein production with Komagataella pastoris in stirred-tank bioreactors from milliliter to cubic meter scale. Process Biochemistry 51, 2016, 177-184 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Sustainable transport by use of alternative marine and aviation fuels—A well-to-tank analysis to assess interactions with Singapore's energy system. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65, 2016, 853-871 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Studie: Second-Life-Konzepte für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien aus Elektrofahrzeugen. In: Studie: Second-Life-Konzepte für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien aus Elektrofahrzeugen. VDE Verlag, 2016 mehr…
- Extending the Power Capability with Dynamic Performance of a Power-Hardware-in-the-Loop Application -- Power Grid Emulator by Using Inverter Cumulation. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2016 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Estimation of the PV potential in ASEAN with a high spatial and temporal resolution. Renewable Energy 88, 2016, 445-456 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Correlation between capacity and impedance of lithium-ion cells during calendar and cycle life. Journal of Power Sources 305, 2016, 191-199 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- The Impact of Tab Alignment and Temperature on Current Density Distribution in a Multi-Tab Lithium-Ion Cell. 18th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB) 2016 mehr…
- Optimization of the gravimetric energy density of a lithium-ion cell by altering the electrode thickness. Batterieforum Deutschland 2016 mehr…
- Production of halophilic proteins using Haloferax volcanii H1895 in a stirred-tank bioreactor. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 100, 2016, 1183-1195 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Design of a distributed battery management system: A cyber-physical approach. NET-CPS 2016 - International Symposium on Networked Cyber-Physical Systems 2016 mehr…
- Perturbation Experiments: Approaches for Metabolic Pathway Analysis in Bioreactors. Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology 152, 2016, 91-136 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Fast Crank-Angle Based 0D Simulation of Combustion Engine Cold Tests including Manufacturing Faults and Production Spread. SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems (vol.9, no.1), 2016, pp. 321-335 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Positionsmessfehler in Servoantrieben. antriebstechnik (1-2/2016), 2016, S. 66-73 mehr…
- A Computationally-Efficient Quasi-CentralizedDMPC for Back-to-Back Converter PMSG WindTurbine Systems Without DC-link Tracking Errors. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2016 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Secondary Saliency Tracking-Based Sensorless Control for Concentrated Winding SPMSM. IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics (Vol.12, No.1), 2016 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Gebäude als intelligenter Baustein im Energiesystem. Band Xia intelligente Architektur - Zeitschrift für Architektur und Technik. Verlagsanstalt Alexander Koch GmbH, 2016 mehr…