EU Project: Friendly Coal
The FriendlyCoal project focuses on advanced boiler concepts for CO2-free hard coal fired power plants with oxyfuel technology.
The main challenge of this technology is the high combustion temperature from the combustion with pure oxygen. The commonly discussed concept to overcome this problem is the recirculation of significant amounts of CO2.
The focus of this project is to compare this commonly discussed concept with a newly invented concept - the inversely staged combustion.
The project includes the burner and boiler design for an 300 MWth hard coal fired power plant and in particular the testing of a newly design 3 MW burner.
Project start: 01.07.2006
Project end: 30.06.2009
This project is supported by the European Commission under the Research Fund for Coal and Steel with the contract number RFCR-CT-2006-00007.
Project description
The main objective of the project is to investigate and compare boiler concepts for the combustion of hard coal with pure oxygen in a 300 MWth CO2 free power plant.
The project will in particular compare the most promising concepts for these technologies-
- boiler systems with external flue gas recirculation (Standard)
- the efficiency
- the economics and
- the dynamic behaviour
of the systems.
Thus the intention of the project is
- to investigate oxy-coal combustion with CO2-recirculation in the MW-scale using bituminous coal and to develop an appropriate burner design for high recirculation rates and
- to investigate the possibility to reduce CO2-recirclation by means of the inversely staged combustion.
The project includes experimental testing of bituminous coal combustion in a 3 MW test facility with CO2 recirculation (Work packages 1 and 2), which should demonstrate the feasibility of oxy-coal combustion and generate experimental data to validate CFD modelling. Focus of the burner design is the addition of the oxygen / CO2-flows to the burner.
The concept of the staged combustion will be investigated in a 0.2 MW facility of the TU Munich (Work package 3). The investigations will start with inverse staged combustion with 3 or 4 zones, using natural gas as a fuel. Focus is to study the furnace configuration and the heat transfer in order to provide data for the determination of numerical models for these advanced boiler systems and in particular for the verification of their simulation in Munich (Work package 4).
Work Package 5 will finally compare both boiler concepts in order to provide a technical and economical evaluation of both concepts and will therefore provide the necessary information for the basic design of the steam generator of an advanced 300 MWth hard coal fired power plant with oxygen. Work package 6 will finally evaluate the concept economically on the basis of the calculated efficiencies and the final design of the boiler and the complete power plant.
Project Partner
Technische Universität München (Coordinator) | ||
Institute for Energy Systems Boltzmannstr. 15 85478 Garching b. München Germany | ||
Austrian Energy & Environment AG & Co KG | ||
Wagner-Biro Platz 1 8074 Raaba/Graz Austria | ||
ENEL Produzione S.p.A. | ||
Viale Regina Margherita 125 00198 Roma Italy | ||
Technical University of Denmark | ||
Building 101, Anker Engelundsvej 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Denmark | ||
Graz University of Technology | ||
Institute of thermal engineering Rechbauerstraße 12 A-8010 Graz Austria |
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Controlled staging with non-stoichiometric burners 580.32 Kb - Cavalheiro C. F. N.; Cecchini, D.; Gasperetti, S.; Rossi, N.; Tosi, E. The application of oxy-coal combustion with recycle flue gas in a 3 MWt facility, European Combustion Meeting, 11.-13.04.2007, Chania, Crete
The application of oxy-coal combustion with recycle flue gas in a 3 MWt facility 473.25 Kb - Cavalheiro, C. F. N.; Cecchini, D.; Tosi, E. Oxy-Coal Combustion at Fo.Sper. 3 MW Facility – Part I : modification of the existing pilot-scale plant, The XXX Meeting on Combustion organized by the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute; 20.-23.06.2007, Ischia, Naples, Italy
Oxy-Coal Combustion at Fo.Sper. 3 MW Facility – Part I : modification of the existing pilot-scale pl 245.37 Kb - Hohenwarter, U.; Griendl, L. Design of a novel oxycoal burner for controlled staged combustion, 32nd International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems, 10.-15.07.2007, Clearwater Florida
Design of a novel oxycoal burner for controlled staged combustion 1.82 Mb - Goanta, A., Becher V., Bohn, J.-P., Gleis, S., Spliethoff, H. Controlled Staging with Non-Stoichiometric Burners for Oxy-fuel Pocesses - Numerical Validation. 33nd International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems. 01.-05.06.2008. Clearwater, Florida.
2008_goanta_controlled_staging_with_non-stoichiometric - numerical_validation (462.91 kB) - Griendl, L., Hohenwarter U., Karl, J. CFD aided Design of an Oxycoal Test Burner with High Recirculation Rates. 33nd International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems. 01.-05.06.2008. Clearwater, Florida.
- Becher, V., A. Goanta, et al. (2008). Kontrollierte Stufung mit Nicht-Stöchiometrischen Brennern für Oxyfuel Kraftwerke – Experimenteller Nachweis. 40. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium. Dresden.
2008_becher_Experimenteller Nachweise gestufte Verbrennung_Dresden (506.2 kB) - Griendl, L., J. Karl, et al. (2008). CFD-Gestützte Auslegung eines Oxycoal-Brenners mit hoher Rezirkulationsrate. 40. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium Dresden.
- Cumbo, D., Tosi, E., & Rossi, N. (2009). NG oxycombustion experiences on a 3MW test rig facility. In Combustion Colloquia. Naples.
- Becher, V., & Spliethoff, H. (2009). Spectral radiation measurements on oxyfuel natural gas flames and flue gases: Comparison of air and oxyfuel radiation. In J. Topper (Ed.), 1st Oxyfuel Combustion Conference. Cottbus, Germany.
- Brix, J., Jensen, P. A., & Jensen D. A. (2009). Coal Devolatilization and Char Conversion in Oxy-
Fuel Combustion. In J. Topper (Ed.), 1st Oxyfuel Combustion Conference. Cottbus, Germany. - Griendl, L., Hohenwarter, U., & Karl, J. (2009). Numerical Simulation of a 3 MWth Oxycoal Burner. In J. Topper (Ed.), 1st Oxyfuel Combustion Conference. Cottbus, Germany.
- Rossi, N., Cumbo, D., Benelli, G., & Gazzino, M. (2009). Oxy-coal combustion experiences on a 3 MW test rig facility. In J. Topper (Ed.), 1st Oxyfuel Combustion Conference. Cottbus, Germany.
- Becher, V., Lazreg, A., Renetzeder, P., & Spliethoff, H. (2009). Entwurf eines Oxycoal Dampferzeugers mit niedriger Rezirkulationsrate. In 24. Deutscher Flammentag. Bochum: VDI-Verlag Düsseldorf.
- Brix, J., Jensen, P. A., & Jensen, A. D. (2010). Coal devolatilization and char conversion under suspension fired conditions in O2/N2 and O2/CO2 atmospheres . Fuel, (in press)