Fierro, Matías, M.Sc.
Lehrstuhl für Energiesysteme
Boltzmannstrasse 15
85748 Garching
Zimmer: 3712
Telefon: (089) 289 16279
Fax: (089) 289 16271
E-Mail: matias.fierro(at)tum.de
nach Vereinbarung
- Projekt: OptiMaDyn
Weitere Veröffentlichungen
„Fierro M., Arriagada A., Araneda H., Rosas J., Subiabre G., Salgansky E., Toledo M.
Experimental investigation of steam and carbon dioxide influence on methane filtration combustion in a reversal flow porous media reactor
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 82 (2024) 134-142
„Fierro M., Mayne G., Toledo M.
Second stage porous media burner for syngas enrichment
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (2023) 19450-19458
„Fierro M., Carmona N., Toledo M.
Experimental analysis and performance of refinery fuel gas on lean and rich fuel-air premixed combustion
Energy Reports 9 (2023) 3096-3103
Fierro M., Gutierrez C., Jovicic V., Toledo M.
Hollow spheres as inert packed bed from lean to rich combustion in porous media
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 195 (2022) 123067
Fierro M., Requena P., Salgansky E., Toledo M.
Experimental Investigation of reverse flow porous medium reactor with premixed and non-premixed flames
Chemical Chemical Engineering Journal 425 (2021) 130178
Fierro M., Gutierrez C., Bubnovich V., Ripoll N., Toledo M.
Thermal effect of hollow spheres in a filtration combustion process
Applied Thermal Engineering 195 (2021) 117037