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2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011
Thermohydraulik Labor
High Speed Lithium Pellet Injector Commissioning in ASDEX Upgrade to Investigate Impact of Li in an All-metal wall Tokamak
Development and improvement of a Blower Gun Pellet Injector for application in thermonuclear fusion devices.
Study of a High Conversion Small Modular Reactor.
Improvement and Validation of a Computer Model for the Thermo-mechanical Fuel Rod Behaviour during Reactivity Transients in Nuclear Reactors.
New radiation protection calibration facility at CERN
Low-dose neutron measurements for radiation protection
Development of an In-Situ Radiological Classication Technique for Material from CERN's Accelerators and Experimental Facilities.
Loss of Intermediate Sodium – Effects of Fuel Type.
Critical analysis of fuel fragmentation and dispersal during the Loss Of Coolant Accident experiments IFA-650.
Study of the hydraulic Properties of the Components in Plasma Vessel of the Wendelstein 7-X and of its Cooling System.
Development of a statistical sampling method for the propagation of nuclear cross section uncertainties through the SCALE6.1 lattice physics calculations.
SCUBA test facility (Steam bubble condensation in flowing subcooled water) Experimental results and CFD validation data.
OECD/NEA Oskarshamn-2 Stability Benchmark and Safety Assessment with Systemcodes.
Implementing Different Boiling Models in the Development of FLUBOX–3D Code.
Targets for Inertial Confinement Fusion: Novel Materials from Synthesis to Application.
Development and implementation of a Nuclear Power Plant steam turbine model in the system code ATHLET.
CFD-Modellierung eines Siedewasserreaktors.
Numerical Simulation of Bubble Column Hydrodynamics using OpenFOAM.
COLLIDER test facility (Counter Current flow Limitation in a Large Diameter hot-leg pipe Geometry) Overview and Preliminary results.
Bubble identification and bubble parameters calculation via high‐speed camera (HSC) and shadowgraph techniques.
Assessment and further development of programs for medical therapyusing fission neutrons.