Alali, Abdullah Implementing Advanced Boiling Models in the Development of FLUBOX - 3D Code
Albrecht, Florian Entwicklung einer Analysemethode für die Ermittlung des lokalen Leistungsverhalten in Siedewasserreaktortransienten
Alós Díez, Ana Structural Analysis of the Irradiation-Induced Behavior of the Fuel-Rod Support of a PWR Fuel Assembly using the Finite Element Method
Arredondo, Rodrigo Operation, Commissioning and Installation of a High-Speed Lithium Pellet Injector in the ASDEX Upgrade Fusion Reactor
Bai, Zijia Generation of a simplified PWR Fuel Assembly Model for CFD Calculations
Bassas, Jordi Development and implementation of a Nuclear Power Plant steam turbine model in the system code ATHLET
Cabrera Millán, Isabel Structural Analysis of the Irradiation-Induced Longitudinal Growth of a PWR Fuel Assembly during Normal Operation using the Finite Element Method
Capirone, Valerio Analysis of Thorium-Plutonium fuelled Nuclear Reactors
Carrasco Boix, Adriá 3D CFD Simulations using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
Chenkai, Xu Simulation of multi phase flows, including the droplet-film interaction
Dackermann, Uwe Influence of Hydrogen on the Burst Behavior during Large Break Loss of Coolant Accidents of Zirconium Alloy Fuel Rod Claddings
Dibon, Mathias Martin Entwicklung und Verbesserung eines Blower Gun Pellet Injektors für die Anwendung in thermonuklearen Fusionsanlagen
Du, Zhuoqi The Risk-rewards Structure of Using Spent Fuel in Molten Salt Reactor
Ennab, Neil Abu Validation of the CASMO-PARCS calculation scheme for an experimental core
Fan, Rong CFD Strömungssimulationen mit freier Oberfläche und Kondensation
Freiria Lopez, Maria Options for the conversion of thr FRM II outside the core
Garrido-Lestache, Adoración Simulation of a NPP steam turbine with the best-estimate system code TRACE
Gómez, Vega Simulation of a NPP steam turbine with ATHLET system code
He, Xun TRACE Validation for the Natural Circulation of the Decay Heat Removal System of the Small Modular PWR: Nuscale
Kaiser, Nadine Validierung und klinische Inbetriebnahme des Softwaresystems COMPASS zur Verifikation von Patientenplänen in der Strahlentherapie
Kreß, Malte Characterization of the Stoichiometric Influence on the Material Properties of Chromium-Nitrogen Coatings
Larcher, Deimos New Tungsten Wire Calorimeters for the Negative Ion Source Testbeds ELISE and BATMAN-Upgrade: Design, Manufacturing and Data Analysis
Le Guennic, Clémentine Validation of a thermalhydraulic transient simulation code for the Evolutionary Power Reactor (EPR)
Li, Tianqi Further Development of a Generic Boiling Water Reactor Model for the Coupled Simulation with the Codes ATHLET / PARCS
Lopez Perez, Raul Study of Direct Contact Condensation in two-phase flows and its application to the security analysis of a LOCA in a PWR Nuclear Power Plants
Perez-Aradros, Jesus Rivero Test and Validation of the coupling between ATHLET and OpenFOAM using the example of Liquid Metal Cooling Systems
Pletz, Kevin Assessment of the Influence of Fuel Assembly Bow on the Behaviour of a PWR Core
Sevilla Padron, Angel Study and review of the current understanding of models for the simulation of vertical turbulent bubbly flow with CFD
Wang, Xiang Simulation für Betrieb und Störfall eines kleinen modularen Reaktors (SMR) mPower (DWR) mit ATHLET
Zhang, Yichao Uncertainty Analysis applied to the TALL Facility
Aparicio-Martinez, Javier EnriqueCFD Pre-test and Post-test Analysis of NGNP Reactor Cavity Cooling System
Demazeau, Franck Study of the suitability of ATHLET for the simulation of a Molten Salt Reactor
Martinez-Contreras, Luis Angel Static Analysis of Fuel Assembly Bow due to Neutron-Flux and Temperature Gradients in a PWR using the Finite Element Method
Dobmeier, Fabian Constantin Description and Fabrication of Uranium-Tungsten Alloys (U-W Alloys) in the Context of Accident Tolerant Fuels
Caballero, Luis Rafecas Optimization Study of a 2D CFD Porous Model for the Fluid-Structure Coupling of PWR Fuel Assemblies in the Reactor Core
Ruiz, Jaime Set up of a Fluid Structure Coupling Interface (FSI) between PWR fuel assemblies and the reactor coolant, based on a porous medium approach
Chiriac, Flavius Extension of the ATHLET- OpenFOAM Coupling Capabilities to Two-Phase Flows
Zuro, Oliva Analisis comparativo desistemas de seguridad de reactores PWR de 3a Generation
Gomez de la Rosa Simulation of NPP Steam turbine with ATHLET system code
Jorda-Sempere Estudio Tecnico Economico de Fabrication de un Tornillo de interferencia Basado en Acido polilactico (PLA) para reparacion
Jordan, Luis Palop Auslegung, Bewertungund Einsatzempfehlung eines berührgeschützten Kontaktierungssystems für Hochvolt-Traktionsbatterien