Prof. Dr. Rafael Macián-Juan

Die aktuelle Adresse
Lehrstuhl für Nukleartechnik
Technische Universität München
Boltzmanstrasse 15,
85747 Garching, Germany
Tel.: +49 89 289 15620;
Fax: +49 89 289 15622
E-mail: Rafael.Macian(at)ntech.mw.tum.de
1996 PhD in Nuclear Engineering. The Pennsylvania State University, USA.
1993 MSc in Nuclear Engineering. The Pennsylvania State University, USA.
1990 Professional Engineer Degree in Industrial Engineering specialized in Energy Systems Engineering (6-year program equivalent to MEng.). The Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain.
Additional Courses:
2004 THICKET (2004). Seminar on Transfer of Competence, Knowledge and Experience Gained through CSNI Activities in the Field of Thermal-hydraulics, IRSN, INSTN, Saclay France, 7-11 June (2004).
2000 Project Management organized by PSI with external experts (1 week course on management techniques applied to scientific research projects).
1997 Frederick Joliot Summer School of Reactor Physics, CEA Cadarache, France, August 25-September 3 (1997).
Technische Universität München (Germany)
Lehrstuhl für Nukleartechnik. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
Since April 2007 University Professor W3 (full professor) and director of the Chair of Nuclear Engineering.
Main Areas of Activity:
Safety of current nuclear installations and future nuclear power plant designs. One line of research on the thermal and hydraulic behavior of nuclear power systems is based on the use of the most modern systems analysis computer programs employed by the industry in Europe, USA and Japan, and on the use of the most advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes to the simulation of one- and two-phase flow in nuclear reactors, with phenomena such as condensation, turbulent mixing, boiling, etc. Another line of research focuses on the static and time-dependent physical simulation of the fission process in the reactor core and on the transport of radiation.
These two lines of research are then brought together in multi-physics based simulations that can describe the actual behavior of nuclear reactors taking into account the interaction of the thermal-hydraulic and the core physics phenomena, as happens in real reactors. Coupled multi-physics simulations address complex nuclear systems interactions from the neutronics in the core to the fuel behavior and stability of nuclear power reactors.
The thermal-hydraulic line of research is supported by an experimental facility dedicated to the study of two-phase phenomena of relevance for nuclear safety at low pressures.
Research is also performed on radiation transport and dosimetry for medical applications by using state-of-the-art Monte Carlo based radiation transport codes.
- The Chair is currently participating as partner in EU funded nuclear safety projects and in projects funded by the German government (BMBF, BMWi) as well as involved in development and applications of safety analysis methodologies (e.g. uncertainty quantification) of interest for industry.
Collaborations with research centers and nuclear industry in Germany and abroad provide Diploma students with the opportunity of completing their Diploma-theses (equivalent to Master Theses) while working in a real industrial and research environment. There have been more than 40 Diploma and Master-theses completed at the Chair in collaboration with PSI, GRS, TÜV-SÜD, ISAR Institute, AREVA, E.ON Energy, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and internally at the Chair.
- A very fruitful an active collaboration is on-going with the Neutron Source FRM-II located at the TUM Garching Campus through joint master and PhD Theses.
The Chair has on-going collaborations with universities and research centers in Germany, Spain, Russia, Italy and Jordan, with visiting students who carry out research during short term stays (three to six months) at the Chair.
Paul Scherrer Institut (Switzerland)
Laboratory for Reactor Physics and Nuclear Systems Behavior.
Nuclear Energy and Safety Department.
Deputy Project Manager for the project STARS (Deterministic Safety Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants) in the Labor for Reactor Physics and Systems Behavior (2005-2007).
Leader of the group Systems Behavior in the Labor for Reactor Physics and Systems Behavior (2004-2007)
Sub-Project Leader for Methods Development and Applications (2001-2007).
Sub-Project Leader for Safety Analysis of Pressurized Water Reactors (1999-2001).
Scientific Officer (Nuclear Engineer) (1997-1999).
Main Areas of Activity:
Member of the Project STARS for the Safety Analysis of the Swiss Nuclear Power Plants (PWRs and BWRs). The members of this project perform technical studies and consultations as experts to the Swiss Nuclear Regulatory Body (HSK), and safety analysis for the Swiss utilities covering thermal-hydraulic, neutronics and fuel behavior aspects.
Research on assessment and validation of state-of-the-art system analysis codes, e.g. TRACE, RELAP-5, RETRAN-3D, etc.
Research on Coupled Neutronic-Thermal-hydraulics analyses for nuclear safety calculations.
Research on the application of CFD analyses to Nuclear Safety issues, e.g. boron dilution transients.
Development and improvement of physical models for system analysis codes. One of these activities was carried out in collaboration with Computer Simulations and Analysis, CSA, developers and maintainers of RETRAN-3D, in order to improve the 5-Equation model used in this code.
Research on uncertainty analysis of complex nuclear safety analysis codes. This research line covers both thermal-hydraulic (TRACE) and neutronic codes (CASMO-4) and involves the role of PhD thesis co-advisor at the Polytechnic University in Lausanne (EPFL).
Research on depletion models to predict the inventory of highly irradiated fuel and its uncertainties.
Pennsylvania State University (USA)
Department of Nuclear Engineering.
- Research Assistant (1991-1996).
Main Areas of Activity:
Development and implementations of high-order numerical methods for the tracking of solute in system analysis codes (TRAC-PF1/MOD2).
Boron dilution transient analyses in the AP-600 for the Westinghouse Electric Co.-Nuclear Safety Division (1995-1996).
Main Steam Line Break analysis in Three Mile Island-1 with TRAC-PF1/MOD2 coupled with 3-D neutronics (NEM) for General Public Utilities (GPU) (1994-1995).
Analysis of a post-LOCA scenario in a 4-Loop Westinghouse-PWR with TRAC-PF1/MOD2 and 3-D neutronics (NEM) for the US-NRC (1993-1994).
Analysis of the response of a Steam Generator during a LOCA with WCOBRA-TRAC. Implementation and validation of correlations to model CHF in steam generators based on assessment against FLECHT-SEASET experiments for the Westinghouse-Nuclear Safety Division (1991-1993).
General Thermal-hydraulic analysis with advanced system codes, eg TRAC-PF1, TRAC-BF1, WCOBRA-TRAC, RELAP-5, RETRAN, CATHARE, COBRA-IV.
Center for Nuclear Studies of Grenoble (CEA France)
Thermal-hydraulic Analysis Laboratory.
Research Assistant (Summer 1993).
Main Areas of Activity:
Implementation and assessment of natural convection heat transfer in the system analysis code CATHARE.
Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain)
Department of Nuclear and Chemical Engineering.
- Research Assistant (1989-1990).
Main Areas of Activity:
Application of Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) for BWR Safety Systems for the Spanish Nuclear Regulatory Authority (CSN).
- Oridinarius Professor (W3-Full Professor) in charge of the Chair of Nuclear Engineering at the Technische Universität München (TUM):
From 2007 until today the Chair developed the Marter Program for Nuclear Engineering at TUM following the Structure of the Bologna Agreement. This program is also fully integrated in the new curricular structure of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty starting in the winter semester 2008. Through an agreement between the Chair and the IRSTN center in Saclay, France, the master program offers one elective semester (WS) of courses at the, with full acceptance of grades and ECTS, towards the completion of the degree. For more details visit www.mw.tum.de/ntech
Development of the Fachmodul Nucleartechnik at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at TUM, which was established officially as part of the Diplomingenieur Studiengang (Engineering Degree 5 years) at TUM since 2009.
Currently the Chair offers 9 courses for students of 4-5 year (equivalent to Master Level in the new Bologna Structure) and 1 Praktikum, which have been prepared and taught during the winter and summer semesters since WS2007-12.
Invited lecturer at The Polytechnic University Valencia. Course `Introduction to Safety Analysis with TRACE`. September 2010.
Invited lecturer at The Polytechnic University Valencia. Course `Introduction to Uncertainty Analysis`. September 2009.
Invited lecturer for the series of lectures ‘Energy in the Future’ organized by the Polytechnic University of Cartagena, CIEMAT and the Royal Academy of Engineering, Spain (September 2005). The title of the lecture was: ‘Nuclear Energy’.
Participation in the Series of Lectures ‘Energy in the XXIst Century’ organized by the Polytechnic University of Cartagena, Spain (2003). The lectures were: ‘Nuclear Energy: Basic Concepts’ and ‘Nuclear Safety’.
Participation in the cycle of Lectures for the 150th Anniversary of Industrial Engineering in Spain, organized by the Polytechnic University of Cartagena, Spain (2003). The lecture was: ‘Nuclear Safety: Basic Concepts and the Importance of Research’.
- Spanish (mother tongue).
- English (very good speaking and writing).
- German (fair speaking and writing).
- ANS (American Nuclear Society.)
- ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers.)
PhD Thesis in Nuclear Engineering
“A Study of High Order Solute Tracking in System Codes”, Ph.D. Thesis, Nuclear Engineering Department. Penn State University. December (1996).
MSc Thesis in Nuclear Engineering
“An Investigation of the Thermal-Hydraulic Response of a Steam Generator under Reflooding Conditions using WCOBRA-TRAC & TRAC-PF1", M.Sc. Thesis, Nuclear Engineering Department. Penn State University. December (1993).
Professional Engineer Degree Thesis in Industrial Engineering
“Risk Evaluation of the Low Pressure Emergency Cooling System in a BWR-6”, Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Department. Polytechnic University of Valencia. July (1989).
Geleitete Thesen
Development and validation of a new Solver based on the Interfacial Area Transport Equation for the Numerical Simulation of Sub-cooled Boiling with OpenFOAM CFD Code for Nuclear Safety Applications, A. Alali (2014).
Development and validation of Bubble Break-up and Coalescence Constitutive Models for the One-group Interfacial Area Transport Equation, F. Pellacani (2013).
Further Development of Multiphysics and Multiscale Methodologies for Coupled Nuclear reactor Simulations, A.M. Gómez-Torres (2011).
Nutzung von Sensitvitätsinformationen für die adaptive Simulation bei thermo-hydraulische Systemcodes, A. Kerner (2010).
There are currently several theses under development. Four of them are already completed and will be defended in 2014.
3rd. Prize for Teaching for the Best Hauptstudium (Master) Level Course: ´Introduction to Nuclear Energy´. Prize awarded by the Students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (2012).
3rd. Prize for Teaching for the Best Hauptstudium (Master) Level Course: ´Introduction to Nuclear Technology´. Prize awarded by the Students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (2010).
1st. Prize for Teaching for the Best Hauptstudium (Master) Level Course: ´Fundamentals of Thermal-hydraulics for Nuclear Systems´. Prize awarded by the Students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (2009).
Premio Extraordinario Fin de Carrera (Extraordinary Prize for the completion of the Engineering Studies). Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain).
Member of Alpha Nu Sigma (AN∑ Student Honor Society of the American Nuclear Society, Penn State Chapter (USA).Member of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society (ΦKΦ Penn State Chapter (USA).