- Investigation of Demand Trends and their Impacts on Stationary and Dynamic Aggregated Load Behavior. Internationaler ETG-Kongress, 2019 mehr…
- Berücksichtigung der regionalen und zeitlichen Abhängigkeit des Lastverhaltens zur gekoppelten Simulation von Übertragungs- und Verteilnetz. Tagung Zukünftige Stromnetze, 2019 mehr…
- 'Impacts of Reduced Rotational Inertia on Frequency Stability in the European Transmission System. CIGRE Symposium 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Simulation Framework for Analysis of the European Transmission System under a Wide Range of Operating Conditions. 14. Symposium Energieinnovation, 2016„Energie für unser Europa“ mehr…
- Development of a Dynamic Model of the European Transmission System using Publicly Available Data. IEEE International Energy Conference Energycon 2016, 2016 mehr…
- A modelling approach for dynamic short-circuit analysis of the German power system considering all voltage levels. International ETG Congress 2015, 2015 mehr…
- Analyse von Spannungstrichtern in Folge von Kurzschlüssen im deutschen Übertragungsnetz. Power and Energy Student Summit (PESS), 2015 mehr…
- Effect of Reduced Rotating Inertia on Expansion of Voltage Dips Caused by Three-Phase Faults in the German Power Transmission Network. 23rd International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED), 2015, Paper 1121 mehr…
- Generating a PSS™NETOMAC model of the German Transmission Grid from Google Earth and visualizing load flow results. 2014 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENGERGYCON), Cavtat, C, IEEE, 2014 mehr…