Dr.-Ing. Peter Tzscheutschler

Dr.-Ing. Peter Tzscheutschler
Akademischer Oberrat

Technische Universität München
Professur für Elektrische Energieversorgungsnetze
Arcisstr. 21
80333 München

Tel.: +
Fax: +
Gebäude: N2 (Theresienstr. 90)
Raum: N3202

E-Mail: ptzscheu@tum.de



  • Okwuibe, Godwin C.; Brenner, Thomas; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Hamacher, Thomas: Survey and Analysis of Local Energy Markets Based on Distributed Ledger Technologies. IEEE Access 11, 2023, 23771-23791 mehr…
  • Okwuibe, Godwin C.; Gazafroudi, Amin Shokri; Mengelkamp, Esther; Hambridge, Sarah; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Hamacher, Thomas: Advanced Clustering Approach for Peer-to-Peer Local Energy Markets Considering Prosumers’ Preference Vectors. IEEE Access 11, 2023, 33607-33627 mehr…
  • You, Zhengjie; de-Borja-Torrejon, Manuel; Danzer, Paulo; Nouman, Ahmad; Hemmerle, Claudia; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Goebel, Christoph: Cost-effective CO2 abatement in residential heating: A district-level analysis of heat pump deployment. Energy and Buildings 300, 2023, 113644 mehr…
  • Zinsmeister, Daniel; Licklederer, Thomas; Adldinger, Stefan; Christange, Franz; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Hamacher, Thomas; Perić, Vedran S.: A prosumer-based sector-coupled district heating and cooling laboratory architecture. Smart Energy, 2023, 100095 mehr…
  • Zinsmeister, Daniel; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Perić, Vedran S.; Goebel, Christoph: Stratified thermal energy storage model with constant layer volume for predictive control — Formulation, comparison, and empirical validation. Renewable Energy 219, 2023, 119511 mehr…


  • Ceglia, Francesca; Marrasso, Elisa; Roselli, Carlo; Sasso, Maurizio; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Exergetic and exergoeconomic analysis of an experimental ground source heat pump system coupled with a thermal storage based on Hardware in Loop. Applied Thermal Engineering 212, 2022, 118559 mehr…
  • Kumaran Nalini, B.; Tzscheutschler, P.; Wagner, U.: Impact analysis of EV coordinated flexibility services on active distribution networks. CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems, Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2022 mehr…
  • Kumaran Nalini, Babu; You, Zhengjie; Zade, Michel; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Wagner, Ulrich: OpenTUMFlex: A flexibility quantification and pricing mechanism for prosumer participation in local flexibility markets. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 143, 2022, 108382 mehr…
  • Okwuibe, Godwin C.; Bhalodia, Jeel; Gazafroudi, Amin Shokri; Brenner, Thomas; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Hamacher, Thomas: Intelligent Bidding Strategies for Prosumers in Local Energy Markets Based on Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Access 10, 2022, 113275-113293 mehr…
  • Okwuibe, Godwin C.; Gazafroudi, Amin Shokri; Hambridge, Sarah; Dietrich, Christopher; Trbovich, Ana; Shafie-khah, Miadreza; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Hamacher, Thomas: Evaluation of Hierarchical, Multi-Agent, Community-Based, Local Energy Markets Based on Key Performance Indicators. Energies 15 (10), 2022, 3575 mehr…
  • Zade, Michel; Feroce, Marcello; Guridi, Arturo; Lumpp, Sebastian Dirk; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Evaluating the added value of blockchains to local energy markets—Comparing the performance of blockchain‐based and centralised implementations. IET Smart Grid, 2022 mehr…
  • Zade, Michel; Lumpp, Sebastian Dirk; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Wagner, Ulrich: Satisfying user preferences in community-based local energy markets — Auction-based clearing approaches. Applied Energy 306, 2022, 118004 mehr…


  • Babu Kumaran Nalini; Michel Zade; Zhengjie You; Peter Tzscheutschler; Ulrich Wagner: Does Oversizing Improve Prosumer Profitability in a Flexibility Market? - A Sensitivity Analysis using PV-battery System. 13th International Conference on Applied Energy - 2021, Energy Proceedings, 2021 mehr…
  • Gazafroudi, Amin Shokri; Okwuibe, Godwin C.; Hambridge, Sarah; Dietrich, Christopher; Trbovich, Ana; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Hamacher, Thomas; Shafie-khah, Miadreza: Mathematical Model for Agent-based Local Energy Exchange Engine (D3A). 2021 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), IEEE, 2021 mehr…
  • Licklederer, Thomas; Zinsmeister, Daniel; Elizarov, Ilya; Perić, Vedran; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Characteristics and Challenges in Prosumer-Dominated Thermal Networks. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2042 (1), 2021, 012039 mehr…
  • Okwuibe, Godwin C.; Wadhwa, Mukund; Brenner, Thomas; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Hamacher, Thomas: Analysis of Key Performance Indicators for Local Electricity Markets' Design Analyse des indicateurs clés de performance pour la conception des marchés locaux de l'électricité. IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2021, 1-12 mehr…
  • You, Zhengjie; Zade, Michel; Kumaran Nalini, Babu; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Flexibility Estimation of Residential Heat Pumps under Heat Demand Uncertainty. Energies 14 (18), 2021, 5709 mehr…
  • Zinsmeister, Daniel; Licklederer, Thomas; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Perić, Vedran: OSkit - Optimized Sector Coupling in Districts through Intelligent Thermal Prosumer Networks. 2021 mehr…
  • Zinsmeister, Daniel; Licklederer, Thomas; Christange, Franz; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Perić, Vedran S.: A comparison of prosumer system configurations in district heating networks. Energy Reports 7, 2021, 430-439 mehr…


  • Godwin C. Okwuibe; Michel Zade; Peter Tzscheutschler; Thomas Hamacher; Ulrich Wagner: A Blockchain-based Double-sided Auction Peer-to-peer Electricity Market Framework. 2020 IEEE Electric Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), 20209-10 Nov. 2020;Edmonton, CA mehr…
  • Godwin C. Okwuibe; Mukund Wadhwa; Thomas Brenner; Peter Tzscheutschler; Thomas Hamacher: Intelligent Bidding Strategies in Local Electricity Markets: A Simulation-based Analysis. 2020 IEEE Electric Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), 20209-10 Nov. 2020, Edmonton, CA mehr…
  • Mukund Wadhwa; Godwin C. Okwuibe; Thomas Brenner; Peter Tzscheutschler; Thomas Hamacher: Key Performance Indicator Based Design Guidelines for Local Electricity Markets. 2020 IEEE Electric Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), 20209-10 Nov. 2020, Edmonton, CA mehr…
  • Peric, Vedran S.; Hamacher, Thomas; Mohapatra, Anurag; Christiange, Franz; Zinsmeister, Daniel; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Wagner, Ulrich; Aigner, Christian; Witzmann, Rolf: CoSES Laboratory for Combined Energy Systems At TU Munich. 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), IEEE, 2020 mehr…
  • Perić, V.; Hamacher, T.; Mohapatra, A.; Christange, F.; Zinsmeister,D.; Tzscheutschler, P.; Wagner, U.; Aigner, C.; Witzmann, R: CoSES Laboratory for Combined Energy Systems At TU Munich. IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 2020 mehr…
  • Zade, Michel; You, Zhengjie; Kumaran Nalini, Babu; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Wagner, Ulrich: Quantifying the Flexibility of Electric Vehicles in Germany and California—A Case Study. Energies 13 (21), 2020, 5617 mehr…


  • El-Baz, Wessam; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Wagner, Ulrich: Evaluation of Energy Market Platforms Potential in Microgrids: Scenario Analysis Based on a Double-Sided Auction. Frontiers in Energy Research 7, 2019 mehr…
  • El-Baz, Wessam; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Wagner, Ulrich: Integration of energy markets in microgrids: A double-sided auction with device-oriented bidding strategies. Applied Energy 241, 2019, 625-639 mehr…
  • Nalini, Babu Kumaran; Eldakadosi, Mohamed; You, Zhengjie; Zade, Michel; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Wagner, Ulrich: Towards Prosumer Flexibility Markets: A Photovoltaic and Battery Storage Model. 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), IEEE, 2019 mehr…
  • You, Zhengjie; Nalini, Babu Kumaran; Zade, Michel; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Wagner, Ulrich: Flexibility quantification and pricing of household heat pump and combined heat and power unit. 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), IEEE, 2019 mehr…
  • Zade, Michel; Zeiselmair, Andreas; Bogensperger, Alexander; Brenner, Thomas; Langniß, Ole; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Blockchain-Eignung eines zellulären und partizipativen Energiesystems. 11. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung "Freiheit, Gleichheit, Demokratie: Segen oder Chaos für Energiemärkte?" 2019IEWT 2019 mehr…
  • Zade, Michel; Myklebost, Jonas; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Wagner, Ulrich: Is Bitcoin the Only Problem? A Scenario Model for the Power Demand of Blockchains. Frontiers in Energy Research 7, 2019 mehr…


  • El-Baz, Wessam; Seufzger, Michael; Lutzenberger, Sandra, Tzscheutschler, Peter; Wagner, Ulrich: Impact of probabilistic small-scale photovoltaic generation forecast on energy management systems. Solar Energy (165), 2018, 136-146 mehr…
  • El-Baz, Wessam; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Wagner, Ulrich: Day-ahead probabilistic PV generation forecast for buildings energy management systems. Solar Energy (171), 2018, 478-490 mehr…
  • El-Baz, Wessam; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Wagner, Ulrich: Experimental Study and Modeling of Ground-Source Heat Pumps with Combi-Storage in Buildings. Energies 2018 11(5), 1174, 2018 mehr…
  • El-Baz, Wessam; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Wagner, Ulrich: Hardware in the Loop Real-Time Simulation for Heating Systems: Model Validation and Dynamics Analysis. Energies 2018 11(11), 3159, 2018 mehr…
  • El-Baz, Wessam; Honold, Johannes; Hardi, Lukas; Tzscheutschler, Peter: High-resolution dataset for building energy management systems applications. Data in Brief 17, 2018, 157-161 mehr…
  • Zade, Michel; Incedag, Yasin; El-Baz, Wessam ; Tzscheutschler, Peter: HEMS-2-Flex - Flexibilitätsbereitstellung von Liegenschaften. 2018 mehr…
  • Zadé, Michel; Incedag, Yasin; El-Baz, Wessam; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Wagner, Ulrich: Prosumer Integration in Flexibility Markets: A Bid Development and Pricing Model. IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration, 2018 mehr…
  • Zinsmeister, Daniel; El-Baz, Wessam; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Hardware-in-the-Loop Applications for Intelligent Energy Management and Coupled Energy System Analysis. ESI SimulationX Conference 2018, 2018 mehr…


  • El-Baz, Wessam; Tzscheutschler, Peter;: Autonomous Coordination of Smart Buildings in Microgrids Based on a Double-Sided Auction. Proceedings of the iEEE Power and Energy Society 2017 General Meeting, 2017 mehr…
  • Scheubel, Christopher; Zipperle, Thomas; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Modeling of industrial-scale hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) – The profitability of decentralized supply for industry. Renewable Energy 108, 2017, 52-63 mehr…


  • El-Baz, Wessam; Kandler,Christian; Wimmer, Patrick; Windeknecht, Mark; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Practical Experiences with Smart Homes Modeling and Simulation. ESI SimulationX User Forum 2016, 2016 mehr…
  • Tzscheutschler, Peter; El-Baz, Wessam; Heilek ,Christian ; Lipp, Josef; Windeknecht, Mark: Optimierung von Mikro-KWK-Systemen. , Hrsg.: Technische Universität München: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, 2016, mehr…


  • El-Baz, Wessam; Sänger, Florian; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Hardware in the loop (HIL) for micro CHP systems. The 4th International Conference on Microgeneration and Related Technologies 2015, 2015 mehr…
  • El-Baz, Wessam; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Short-term smart learning electrical load prediction algorithm for home energy management systems. Applied Energy 147, 2015, 10-19 mehr…
  • Peter Tzscheutschler, Dietrich Schmidt, Evgueniy Entchev, Søren Østergaard Jensen: Balancing Demand and Supply within Future Systems. EBC News; Issue 61, June 2015, ISSN 1023-5795 61, 2015 mehr…
  • Sänger, Florian; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Development of a Demand Side Management System: Evaluation of a Multi Zone Building Model with Realistic Heating System. The 4th International Conference on Microgeneration and Related Technologies 2015, 2015 mehr…
  • Windeknecht, Mark; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Increasing electricity self-consumption of micro CHP-Systems with electrically driven heater. The 4th International Conference on Microgeneration and Related Technologies 2015, 2015 mehr…
  • Windeknecht, Mark; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Optimization of the heat output of high temperature fuel cell micro-CHP in single family homes. Energy Procedia, 2015 mehr…


  • Darcovich, Ken; Entchev, Evgueniy; Beausoleil-Morrison, Ian; Kelly, Nick; Tzscheutschler, Peter; et.al.: An International Survey of Electrical and DHW Load Profiles for Use in Simulating the Performance of Residential Micro-Cogeneration Systems. IEA-EBC, 2014, mehr…
  • Darcovich, Ken; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Entchev, Evgueniy; Beausoleil-Morrison, Ian; Kelly, Nick; et.al.: Current Updates on the Development and Implementation of Micro-Cogeneration System Models for Building Simulation Programs. IEA-EBC, 2014, mehr…
  • El-Baz, Wessam; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Co-simulation of a smart home model based on a micro electricity market. BauSIM 2014, 2014 mehr…
  • Entchev, Evgueniy; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Darcovich, Ken; Sasso, Maurizio; Hawkes, Adam; et.al.: Integration of Microgeneration and Related Technologies in Buildings - Final Report of Annex 54. , Hrsg.: Entchev, Evgueniy; Tzscheutschler, Peter: IEA-EBC, 2014, mehr…
  • Hawkes, Adam; Brandoni, Caterina; Tzscheutschler, Peter; et.al.: Impact of Support Mechanisms on Microgeneration Performance in OECD Countries. IEA-EBC, 2014, mehr…
  • Hawkes, Adam; Brandoni, Caterina; Tzscheutschler, Peter; et.al.: A Comparative Review of Microgeneration Policy Instruments in OECD Countries. IEA-EBC, IEA-EBC, 2014, mehr…
  • Tzscheutschler, Peter; El-Baz, Wessam: Smart Home Model Based on Interactive DSM Devices within a Micro Electricity Market. BauSIM 2014, 2014 mehr…
  • Windeknecht, Mark; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Simulation der Abwärmenutzung eines hochtemperatur Brennstoffzellen-Systems in einem Einfamilienhaus. BauSIM 2014, 2014 mehr…


  • El Baz, Wessam; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Increasing Data Resolution through Harmonics Additions and its Effect on Micro-CHP Economics. , 2013 mehr…
  • Heilek, Christian; Kühne, Maximilian; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Energiewirtschaftliche Bewertung der Wärmepumpe in der Gebäudeheizung – Studie im Auftrag des Bundesverbandes Wärmepumpe e.V. (BWP). Bundesverband Wärmepumpe e.V. (BWP), 2013, mehr…
  • Lipp, Josef; Sänger, Florian; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Mikro-KWK im Gewerbe – Abschlussbericht Teilprojekt F BayFORETA. Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst, 2013, mehr…
  • Marz, Waldemar; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Henle, Markus: Vergleich der Vermarktung von Demand-Response- und Kraftwerksleistung auf dem Minutenreservemarkt. Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen (et) 63. Jg. Heft 3, 2013, S. 16 - 19 mehr…
  • Tzscheutschler P., Entchev E.: Micro-Generations in Buildings. IEA/EBC Newsletter June 2013, ISSN 1754-0585, 2013 mehr…
  • Tzscheutschler, Peter: Experiences from Field Testing of Stirling Micro-CHP Systems. CLIMA 2013: 11th REHVA World Congress & 8th International Conference IAQVEC, 17 – 19 June, Praque, Czech Republic, 2013 mehr…
  • Tzscheutschler, Peter: Potential of Micro-CHP in small Business Sector in Germany. 3rd International Conference on Microgeneration and Related Technologies; 15 – 17 April 2013, Naples, Italy, 2013 mehr…


  • Entchev, Evgueniy; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Micro-Generation and Related Energy Technologies in Buildings. How Small Scale Technologies Can Contribute to Sustainable Building Energy Supplies. ECBCS News Issue 54, 2012 mehr…
  • Grahovac, Milica; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Hamacher, Thomas: Vacuum Compression Chillers and Photovoltaic Panels: A Generic Planning Tool Providing the Optimal Dimensions which Minimize Costs or Emissions. BauSIM 2012, 2012Berlin mehr…
  • Ziesing, Hans-Joachim; Rhode, Clemens; Kleeberger, Heinrich; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Geiger, Bernd; Frondel, Manuel; Ritter, Nolan: Anwendungsbilanzen für die Endenergiesektoren in Deutschland in den Jahren 2010 und 2011. 2012, mehr…


  • Grahovac, Milica; Liedl, Petra; Frisch, Jérôme; Tzscheutschler, Peter: On-Off Boiler, Thermal Storage and Solar Collector: Energy Balance Based Model and its Optimization. Proceedings of Building Simulation 2011: 12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, Sydney, 14-16 November 2011, 2011 mehr…
  • Kleeberger, Heinrich; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Geiger, Bernd: Anwendungsbilanzen für die Endenergiesektoren in Deutschland im Jahr 2008. Kap. 3: Anwendungsbilanz Gewerbe, Handel, Dienstleistungen (GHD). BMWi, Berlin, 2011, mehr…
  • Lipp, Josef; Jungwirth, Johannes; Sänger, Florian; Wehmhörner, Urs; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Mikro-BHKW im Ein- und Zweifamilienhaus. Jahresbericht 2010. Energie Südbayern GmbH, 2011, mehr…
  • Tzscheutschler, Peter; Grahovac, Milica; Liedl, Petra; Frisch, Jerome: Location Opportunities x Smart Facade Design x Advanced Technical System = Energy Saving³. 5th IGSEE Forum 2011: Communicating Science to Society. Raitenhaslach, Burghausen 8th - 10th June 2011, 2011 mehr…
  • Tzscheutschler, Peter; Heilek, Christian: Stromerzeugung aus Windenergie in Deutschland. In: Martin Faulstich und Klaus (Hrsg ). Menrad (Hg.): Erneuerbare Energien – Nachwachsende Rohstoffe in Forschung und Praxis Band 2. Attenkofer, 2011 mehr…
  • Tzscheutschler, Peter; Sasso, Maurizio; Roselli, Carlo: Efficiency of Micro CHP Systems under Transient Operation. MICRoGEN 'II 2nd International Conference in Microgeneration and Related Technologies in Buildings. Glasgow 4-6 April 2011, 2011 mehr…


  • Aboumahboub T., Schaber K. Tzscheutschler P. Hamacher T.: Optimal Configuration of a Renewable-based Electricity Supply Sector. WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, Jg. Volume 5, H. Issue 2 April, S. 120–129, 2010 mehr…
  • Aboumahboub, Tino; Schaber, Katrin; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Hamacher, Thomas: Investigating Optimal Configuration of a Prospective Renewable-based Electricity Supply Sector, Recent Advances Energy & Environment. Proceedings of the 5th IASME/WSEAS International Conference of Energy & Environment (EE'10), 2010 mehr…
  • Aboumahboub, Tino; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Hamacher, Thomas: Optimizing World-wide Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources in the Power Sector. ICREPQ'10 International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Quality, Granada 2010 Papers, 2010 mehr…
  • Aboumahboub, Tino; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Kühne, Maximilian; Wagner, Ulrich: Impacts of Large-scale Integration of Wind Power on the Design and GHG Emissions of the Global Power System. Selected Topics in Energy, Environment, Sustainable Development and Landscaping, 2010 mehr…
  • Frisch, J.; van Treeck, C; Grahovac, M.; Liedl, P.; Mundani, R.-P.; Pfaffinger, M.; Tzscheutschler, P. et al.:: Simulation lokaler Strahlungstemperaturasymmetrien in Innenräumen. Beiträge zur BauSIM2010, 2010 mehr…
  • Grahovac, Milica; Liedl, Petra; Frisch, J.; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Reliability of single office simulation in early building load estimation. Konferenzbeiträge WSED World Sustainable Energy Days, Wels/Austria, 2010 mehr…
  • Grahovac, Milica; Liedl, Petra; Frisch, Jerome; Tzscheutschler, Peter: Simplified Solar Collector Model: Hourly Simulation of Solar Boundary Condition for multi-energy Optimization. Proceedings of the 41st International Congress on Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning (HVCA&R), 2010 mehr…
  • Kleeberger, Heinrich; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Geiger, Bernd: Erstellen der Anwendungsbilanz 2008 für den Sektor Gewerbe, Handel, Dienstleistunen (GHD). Arbeitsgemeinschaft Energiebilanzen e.V., 2010, mehr…
  • Kühne, Maximilian; Kuhn, Philipp; Tzscheutschler, Peter et al.: Analyse der Notwendigkeit Ausbaus Pumpspeicherwerken und anderen Stromspeichern Integration der erneuerbaren Energien. Abschlussbericht. dena Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH Berlin, 2010, mehr…
  • Kühne, Maximilian; Kuhn, Philipp; Tzscheutschler, Peter et al.: Analyse der Notwendigkeit des Ausbaus von Pumpspeicherwerken und anderen Stromspeichern zur Integration der erneuerbaren Energien. Abschlussbericht. Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena), Berlin., 2010, mehr…
  • Roselli C., Sasso M. Sibilio S. Tzscheutschler P.: Experimental Analysis of small Scale Cogenerators based on Natural Gas fired Reciprocating Combustion Engine. Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis (ESDA 2010) , 2010 mehr…


  • Tzscheutschler, P.; Nickel, M.; Wernicke, I.; Buttermann, H. G.: Energieverbrauch in Deutschland. Stand 2007: Daten, Fakten, Kommentare. BWK 61/6, 2009 mehr…
  • Wagner, U.; Held, A.; Heilek, Ch.: Tzscheutschler, P.: Energiewirtschaftliche Bewertung der Elektrowärmepumpe in der Gebäudeheizung. ET Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen 59/10, 2009 mehr…


  • Arndt, Uli; Mauch, Wolfgang; Mühlbacher, Helmuth; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Geiger, Bernd et al.: Performance of Residential Cogeneration Systems in Germany. A Report of Subtask C of FC+COGEN-SIM The Simulation of Building-Integrated Fuel Cell and Other Cogeneration Systems. Annex 42 of the International Energy Agency Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems Programme – IEA/ECBCS Annex 42 Report, p. 1-67, April 2008. IEA/ECBCS, 2008 mehr…
  • Beausoleil-Morrison I., Dorer V., Kelly N., Knight I., Tzscheutschler P., et.al.: An experimental an Simulation-Based Investigation of the Performance of Small-Scale Fuel cell and Combustion-Based Cogeneration Devices Serving Residential Buildings. Final Report of Annex 42 of the International Energy Agency's Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems Programme. IEA/ECBCS, 2008 mehr…
  • Pfaffinger, M.; Liedl, P.; van Treeck, C.; Tzscheutschler, P.; Grahovac, M.; Rank, E.; Hausladen, G.; Wagner, U.: Zusammenspiel zwischen Gebäude, Nutzern, Klima und Energieeffizienz. BauSim 2008, 2008Kassel mehr…
  • Tzscheutschler P., Nickel M., Wernicke I., Buttermann H.-G.: Energieverbrauch in Deutschland - Stand 2006: Daten, Fakten, Kommentare. BWK 60/3, 2008 mehr…
  • Tzscheutschler, P.; Mühlbacher, H.: Results of Experimental Measurements of Residential Cogeneration Systems. 1st Internatinal Conference & Workshop on Micor-Cogeneration Technologies & Applications, 2008Ottawa, April 29 - May 1 mehr…