M.Sc. Jiahui (Garfield) Qin
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Technische Universität München
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Department of Energy and Process Engineering
Professur für Systembiotechnologie
Boltzmannstr. 15
85748 Garching
Tel: | + |
Fax: | + |
Raum: | 2402 |
Email: | garfield.qin(at)tum.de |
Studium | 2014-2019 | Biotechnology (Marine Biopharmaceutics) Bachelor, Shanghai Ocean University (SHOU) |
Forschungspraktikum | 2017 | College of Food Science and Technology, SHOU |
Werkstudent | 2020 | Wayen Biotechnologies (Shanghai), Inc. |
Studium | 2020-2023 | Chemical Biotechnology (Master), TUM |
Masterarbeit | 2023 | Professur für Systembiotechnologie, TUM: „A Modular Approach for Comparison and Evaluation of Metabolic Models with Bioreactor Simulations“ |
Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft | 2023-2024 | Professur für Systembiotechnologie, TUM |
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin | Seit 2024 | Professur für Systembiotechnologie, TUM: CorGi4ME: A coarse-grainedM modelling approach for applications in Metabolic Engineering |